Show aldrich who control cd tar tai iff legislation in congress until lie wa 6 to have worth of per perl year produced orllis on his mexican plantations admitted to theo the united states itliong without cost says saya that th it lie is is not interested in k tariff acif on rubber r mr mi aldrich is it financier define thel tern terin i we wish to say to our patrons s that tiia cola colanino of af ma times III an ailway i open to thein for iny tiling ar bra a legitimate 11 character hirly barly sa to an ins siver cr any statement mafe made in ill lie file times whilo while we try to find farida a good basis for ill all statements CI I 1 t hia deyet it may ba that our informant has haq been misled and we e are arc only pleased to hear the right side it 11 we it an ali editor who is afraid to 0 o speak af a wrong that exists in a hy or who gruts ills his eresso ey esso as not to s see ce such wrong or who aters baters t fo 0 the whims of tiny anny person or class clasa at the expense of the people as i whole or who is ia too sleepy to seo sea anything of the kind for fear that lie ho may inay lose a dollars worth of patronage is a coward and unfit lo 10 sit ait at tale editors desk ilov how broad is the mind of senator fley cleyburn burn of ll idaho allo at tile lio close of bf a 1 recent speech or of liia tit the band struck tip dp arnon 0 oilier meir members ibers of bf A medley fl Dixie li xii senator br larty burti stopped stopp cd tile band and demand td eliat 10 go itch irin sic be played at 1 1 I indic meeting ting this is t 1 0 o f tyle of men to send to tile tho legh 7 silo ato halls halls or of course he no will help VY to make livva laws in keeping t with ith liis broad mind lie ile may die kith tilt of the liver hr or afie gall nit never with t anthe anlie of the brain the weekly press beaver comes tr hand liand full of boost for foi beaver ct wo we can call not refrain from froin ting tho the people of beaver aver particularly the press editor on oil the appear dilce ance of his sheet there tire arc people who can recognize bild appreciate alie thet efforts of im an editor to todo do good to tho community y and protect tile them 1111 in their rights against the ravages of grafters drafters gr who would live upon tho the blood sucked froll their fellow man all we to do not believe that tile the people of bf beaver as a community feel that the ilie man who is so careful about hurting allY hOdYs feelings is ai always the best friend to tho interest of the people |