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Show 1 ( .. A v A I -- J 'i llUioi uuv nnd i.i v.l o greater. uttuuiiord trth i .o out slock m !?. oiiftr itr t hj p.ipc iWK of o aoU auiertHbiug luuon.ic. wooc 60M , l,W . 1 TOO yJi nft.v i irwv'ajt Yol. 2. No tri 'ii 1 SHEEP CONSERVATION ALASKA 10 GUB MET tv. ? ME OUR MIDDLE MEN'S MOUTHS -- Since the Department of Aglicul rture first took up the question of farming in Alaska there has been a great deal of interest manifested in that subject, and it must be con fessed some scepticism. However, the Department is now in a posi-tio- n to give out some definate information regarding this subject in the Annual reports of the Alaska t( Unit ,1 'a '! Dot ct I t I I 1 b Wilahidi TG r 1' ccr:tuv.h;.t I d u - 05,033.90. Your Patronage Solicited vertise .them. County repository. Pays Interest on Deposits; Voa know they're best; bo uo a few others But the goi.eral public are T-- Subject to check, and allows special rates on time deposits. We accept savings deposits of $1.00. 1 t icy informed? S S SURPLUS plish when yea dont ad- 1 wuj Vnwto PaH;i ni wWViNUf V CAPITAL ST0CII, $25,030.90. yov oi:con li them! Dont keep it a dark seciet. Old Wethers 100 lbs. 4.30, Aug Stations ers Association finally discovered ust 2nd, Sproat, Idaho 043 Lambs for 1900, which is for Sale by the that there was no good reason for 03 lbs. 0.90, 200 Fair Yearlings 90 of Documents, this Superintendant in arid 1909 it adopted lbs 4. S3, Brooks, system Wyoming 321 'Government Printing Office. resolutions fovoring the manufac- Yearling Feeders 82 lbs. 4.03, 000 Would you care to run a truck ture of flooring, ceiling, Fair Ewes 90 firs. 3.73, 300 Feeder farm with strawberries selling at drop and bevel siding, finish, par- Fwes 89 llis. 3.00 Thornton, Idaho 'SI. 23 to $2.00 a quart asks the tition and moulding. Then the 22S Good Lambs 00 lbs 0.90, 137 .Department in a bulletin announc- manufacturies of the Pacific coast Feeder Lambs 01 lbs. 0.00, 137 ing the publication of the report, began to make the Good Yearlings 88 lbs 3.00, 00 cueumbers selling from $1 to $3 a and finaiy the Foiest Service of the Good Ewes 112 lbs. 3.90, August lozen, celery $.30 each, tomatoes Department of Agriculture has tak 4th Betty, Idaho 187 Good Year$.30 to $1 a pound, and other en up the subject and has issued lings 81 llis 3.10, 000 Fair to Good at proportionate prices? Or a bulletin showing that this prac- Lambs 33 lbs. 0 83, Aug 5th J. would you prefer general farming tice saves 2.7 of material which Russel, Idaho 222 Fair to Good with a few pigs and chickens as a heretofore was wasted. This is a Fwes 90 lbs. 3.75, 155 Only Fair sideline, with hay selling at $00 to sort o" conservation Lambs, 50 lbs. 0.25, 148 Feeder practscal $100 a ton, hogs $!30 a pound, which evert one can Merinos 51 lbs 5.05, Betty, Idaho appreciate. young pigs $.73 a pound, and eggs 504 Fair Lambs 570 lbs. 0.70, 530 $2 a dozen?, These prices are reeeiv--e- d Feeder Lambs 51 lb. 0.10, 91 in Alaska, under favorable mar and that they are, therefore Hngs S3 lb 5.10. ket conditions. duitable as sucli at twenty per cent Western Range Sheep are quot-a- d There are several successful farm valorem. The importers claim- - ;able as follows; Lambs $0.0pf The climate ed that the skins were ers at Fairbanks. split leather 7.10, Feeder Lambs $3.00 at -- 0. shows a wide variation. The coast and should pay a duty of seven Yearling towns are mild for that teigon, and one half per cent as such. Yearlings Tieither Sitka nor Kodiak leaching That were split sheep skins n3 (To ai 'Ley zero in 1999 while Geneau only the admitted and said, 50 at 4.00. appiaisers reached o below in Jauuary wTith a but been have dressed and Breeding Ewes $4.13 at 4.75, Feed- they delay mean for the month of 14. finished as chamois skins, and ft e ing Ewes 82.75 at 3.50. 13. importers theory seems to be that because they are not from the skins orally recognized and sold as chamof the antelope they are not, there- ois; that among the uses of chamASTRONOMERS fore dutiable under the provision ois are the making of gloes, vests, for chamois skins in paragraph dress protectors, and the washing of carriages. WILL CONVENE 4)1. It was established by the witness es examined that there is rarelv Literally So. if ever, any geniune dressed chamJinks tells me he is living high. ilHSL'H TO STUDY So he is. In an attic room, I beois skin imported into this country the split dressed sheepskins are gm lieve. SOLAR SYSTEM oild-leng- H :;epi: , l - Agriculture Experiment th odd-length- pro-nlu- , The market for the week has been firm and active. Close is steady to strong compared with last week. Feeder trade has been greatly benefited by the lecent rains in the country. Sales for the- week are as follows: Aug. st, Sproat, Ids- - j . ho 423 Fair to Good Idaho Landis 04 lbs. $0.90, 420 Feeder Lambs 33 lbs. 0.10, 230 Fair to good Yearlings 91 lbs. 3.03, Kinney, IVjom-in- g Everyone who has ever uwd lmn ber even in a limited way, knows that it always comes in even length that is 12 ft., 14 ft., 10 ft. long, and so forth. It has never been possible to go to a lumber yard and buy a thirteen foot board, or one 11 feet long, and have to buy a 12 foot board and saw off the extra foot, which was then of no use 't you. The National Lumber Manufactur- Cei.t:: - s less. WATER c 4 I. Receipts at fhe leading mai ket show an increase of 31,400 over ; same week of year ago the receipt-- , for the we k arc 15,000! j TO ih'L-- a -I 1 FIGURES L.UC. i V, 1 JOKE J Oiry3 - . WEEKLY REPORT FORESTS t 1 TOOELE, UTAH, SATUKE r U FARMING PROFITS IN ifi rv T jk ,3 s, Li Year-suc- j and all Hinds of of this paper. 1JJJ, bj W ahi IRUIT JARS Let the hght shine through !s the columns (Aopyriajhi, ip 16 ilLHt hi (ft's j ? ff Vi kd; h, m FRUIT SEA ha 8w cts i .N.t) J Ajjr wuouiwki4 4 nuuui h STAKE PRESIDENCY WILL VISIT THE WARDS AS FOLLOWS 'C lg?gS!SSSg? iSSSFcar; Where the store is -- The board of Tnited States Gen end Appraiser.--, at New Yotk lias officialy decided that sheep skins split and dressed as chamois skins are realv the ehamois skins of com werce, being bought and sold as E. r i11 y 1 DD IT NOW Geo. II. Tate. Aug 14th 1310, 28th & Gustave Anderson Clover Vernon tfHOUSE 'Finely Furnished Roms. Eagle & IT. H. Milward. Aug 14th 1910. 28th W. W. Sagers & W. G. Shields. Stockton Aug 14th Lercur 28th : Fins Wines, Liquors & Cigars Centrally Located Near the 'treadsay, i partment. Religious Services in the Meeting House at 2 pm. Everybody is cordia-- j liy invited regardless of their religious (&T' Z2l Depot. 'Tooele, it, .... Utah ESSSStJ 1 'EANKIIJS IN ALL LINES: TOOELE COUNTY STATE BANK convictions. TDDELE, UTAH. Silas C Orme, Peter Clegg, Alvin A Welters Ward Bishopric. Tooele improvenisnl Company Bsrin'Connetlion best Trade Solicited. 1910. L D S Sunday School every Sunday at 10 oclock a m in the district school house; Kindergarten, Frimary, Intermediate, Theological and Parents De- - sz sstsaasssassssa Joseph Rizzi. lJrop. William Gordon 'Aug I4th 1910. 28th ' of all kinds of dMTERNATTDNAL 28 th & full THE. Win. Soelbcrg. Aug 14th 1910. Tooele AV 1 & Batesville Grantsville W. H. Cassily St.John 1 you a home to suit your I ideas with a small payment down and let your rent money pay balance, at a reasonable rate of interest. & T. R. T. Brown u( M 1 FRAUD I f o a 33K.OXT33.T?S I Household Hardware. I $ E. M. Atkia Lake View WHY PAY RENT 1 SKIN are ALSO HERE Here in Tooele, at isssiff sZ'SgSBssas al CHAMOIS a ,r ITe International Lnion for Cooperation in Solar Research will convene in its 4th session Aug. 29 Mt. Wils( n, California. Forty Astronomers and phjsicians from .THE Handy Tools a - intentEurope have signified ion of being present. There Will also be a large number of American astronomers there. The forty from aboard will leave Boston Aug. 20 under the direction of 'the Astron-omican Asttophisival Society of America., and will go to Chicago wia Niagara Falls to see the famous Howell obrervatoly, and from dheie they will proceed to Pasaden a, which is at the foot of the mount hold their .ain where they are-tV is stated that this sessions to licone of the most nopromises table gatherings of scientists that has been held in this country in 'the past quarter of a centtiry. From a scienrtif n standpoint it is of great significance land the public will await results with more or less anxietv. n KTt'trrjzsszr. Churcli W. A. Tooele Plumbing Services at the Methodist Church as 'follows: Preaching every Sun. at 7:30 p m. Sunday Schooi at 11 a m., and prayer meeting every Wed. at 7:30 p m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. ,rr , T P Cook Pastor J. H. Buckley YVortan Co. Sanitary Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating Phone 79, yWVyVyvyVVVWVWWW.WftW4 East TooelB |