Show 7 A L SYNOPSIS frederick blardy a fashionable boston plo clety nian man foat I 1 ils ilia wealth was jilted by a g karl I 1 ra and sent by i it friend to take charge of an american america 1 trading company store in russia on his journey through japan lie met stapleton neville sup up IDo sedly an H Knell they agreed to ko go together to of suspicious fl i c 1 us C circumstances HWY were several almis n i r molested 1 l by the japanese hardy vi was as ar arrested r bated and found upon lila his person were papers showing sh otting maps of 0 jap borts torts hardy was guiltless on a train he me met t als alcomo 0 e sano i i daughter ahter of 0 a jap merchant erchant in in nevilles shoes alioe I lap jap found VI pictures C tures of 0 forts proving him to be at a assian KiiB spy hardy parted departed tit tor for itus ilus 1 bla I a on a ste steamer atner which was wrecked shortly afterward lie was rescued by a russian Ilus steamer tiner on bladl lie was weli well treated tie he started for siberia meeting princess on the train hardy boarded a vessel for or amur hardy showed the princess his expertness as a shot the steamer was stranded the princess ang and lier her maid were attacked hy by chinese hardy saved saed their llo lives the princess thanked hardy for ills his heroism manchurians Manchu rians fired upon the cratt craft hardy plow plew their chief burning arrows were hurl hurled hurld d upon tile tho s decks an attempt wm made to board the tha vessel the attacking chinese were repulsed horn Iton molt iAnoff dered at hard ll ardys s foil foi the priti vess stanka a messenger sent for help was nailed to a row croma on the shore to 10 put an end to the tha awful torture blardy hard lilina himself if put stanka out of ills his itil misery sery taking hl own life in his hands forest tires fires menaced tile the vessel hanly volunteered to in go 0 for help nefus d I 1 p permission ho he 1 lumped ped overboard and an started to swim with the princess distress message ito ho manoff was angry at hardy for foi his brave efforts to rescue the prin princtiss cuss ilo ha wooed he her r in his own savage way ile he said mald hardy ardy had maile maile love to a japanese girl I 1 help ie 1 came caine and the princess arlin aas was rescued rescue blardy journeyed on a raft arriving at lit his lie took charge of the trading companas lomp comp anys business busl hardy reele 3 a letter from a social nocial leader in boston and another from alsime hardy took lessons in russian of a jew thus canner connecting himself in a way with that race hardy rev revolved elved a tetter letter from the princess thanking him for his bravery fl hardy ardys s teacher was wag in danger of death ile he employed wail ganir as a servant hardy hards went to where he was invited to call tipon tit princess ho started foi the palaie I 1 home of princess Roman ovna blardy roused unaccountable jealousy of lils ills norean boy w by bi announcing that lie was going to vall till on the princess CHAPTER continued hardy meanwhile slipping into a long uester the tur fur collar of which lie he turned up about his ears left the hotel and stepped to tile the edge ot of the sidewalk A dashed up tin lin med mediately lately the princess ivna na sat said he be in russian the princess roman ovna in the street the jumped town down with alacrity extraordinary for a russian the Prin princess coss Rom Roman anoyna ovna he in quiren looking shrewdly at hardy yes said hardy in the street get in said the russian and I 1 will drive you there immediately I 1 know where it is there was something strange in the mans manner so strange in fact that it set the american wondering he acted as though lie ho had been sent bent for his faro fare or ind had been expecting him hut but hardy did not long dwell on this idea for he was caf after all on his way to the princess ile he would soon be ln in her presence again and the thought so agitated him blin so set his heart to beating that all other mat were driven from his mind As these thoughts though ti were running through hardys mind it ft occurred to him from time to time that it took a long time to reach leach the palace of the princess lie he knew about where it was located though lie had bad not visited the spot it should have taken him 15 minutes to drive there from the hotel ile he consulted his watch and found that lie he had been halt half an hour on the road load Ca cabeen cabmen bruen lie muttered are the same the world over the fellow li Is driving me about for a while in order to increase the size of the bill lie he was on the point of opening the door and shouting to the when the latter drew up before a large square house on a quiet poorly lighted street hardy throw threw open the door and jumped out CHAPTER CHAPTER in the nihilists nihilisms lists den so nere nare wp we are tit at last he said wait for tile me the house as ile he glanced up at it lid did not impress him as a palace but lie ha reflected that some borne of the older and more exclusive exclusa ve of the muscovite nobility lived in antiquated arid and unpretentious rest dences the ran up tip the steps by his side and rang lang the bell an md woman opened the door ali ah she said to the cabman so you havo have brought him da da replied the jehu and trudged down the steps it was evident to hardy hard that jig ho was expected at the house of the princess prin ceas that even tile servants had been told to keep on the lookout for him hardy lind been shown into a small reception roohi where a coal fire was baa burning in the grate A couple of easy chairs and a leather covered lounge some what worn formed the only furniture rather meager it seemed to him for the palace of ho removed his coat and sat dowd before tile tho fire A As a the old ol dRoman woman had bad been expecting him it was as safe safa to assume that she ehe had gone to inform Roman ovna nn of his arrival ile he arose and with fingers that trembled slightly arranged his white tie in a mirror over the he mantle asha As hi was thus engaged he could hear two ion probably abl in the haj hai j jim aist the dour it Is 3 tho most wonderful Monder fut explosive A 1 il it 0 j we welcome you among the enemies tine mies of russia over evel invented said one enough to fill the inside of a childs ball is quite sufficient to wreck the azars czars palace j curse him interjected the other amen it can therefore be thrown to a great distance and wherever it strikes it explodes there Is no missing fire several members of the order witnessed a trial of it in the ural uial mount mountains dins in a lonely spot and the results were most satisfactory A small quantity hurled at the base of a cliff tore the whole face of the mountain loose one of the brethren accidentally ci dropped a sphere of it and he simply disappeared vanished frolli tile the face of the earth one of its ills arms was found two miles from the place lying beside a mountain road that would be good medicine for tit the czar chuckled a third voice yes and for tyrants in general with this new and mysterious explosive the order has an agency by which it can become a terror to the ruling classes clashes by which it can demoralize society and make way for the new order of things the divine brotherhood of man in six months from now there will not be a man living lit in russia who will dare set himself up tit above his fellow creatures crea turea or take ills his seat on the tyrant throne of russia tonight to night we shall select the brother who will throw the first sphere hut but is 18 it not fortunate asked the second speaker that a member of the enemies of russia should have made this important discovery the brother felix 11 is here a slender der dark man with eyeglasses the cabman that we sent seat brought him and lie he Is now in the reception room ali ah but lie has tile tho air ofa deep student let us go in and make him welcome hardy still fumbling with his tie caught sight of his own face in the mirror minor and was startled by its expression it was the face of a nan man caught in a trap and who has only a moment to escape before he Is discovered lie ile was in it a nihilists nihilisms lists den and had overheard a plot to kill the czar it if it should be discovered that lie ho was an impostor lie had little doubt as to what his fate would be ile he seized his coat coal and hat and started toward tile tho door three men entered two well dressed and the other evidently a laborer of some sort brother hulln huila said the tall man in imperfect french we welcome you on among the enemies of russia we know all about your marvI marvelous elous discovery and we ive consider you the greatest inventor of the ago age hardy shook hands with them all with much cordiality 1 I was lie he said also in french hoping to make a little address to the brethren to night very well said tho the tall man but dont be long for there are niana man of the order here who are anxious to meet you hardy stopped stepped toward the door with a light heart but just an aa tic ho reached for tile th knob the bell rang and ono one of tha nihilists nihilisms lists opened the door and hd ad bitted the cabman with a slender dark man who wore eyeglasses eye glasses 1 I am felix hulln announced the new arrival in perfect french and that man pointing to hardy Is an impostor CHAPTER for the good of the order the american jn in immaculate evening dress his crush hat beneath ills his elbow and hla his fur lined coat thrown over his arm stood at bay with ills his back bach against the wall silently eyeing the nihilists nihilisms lists the blood rushed back to ills his heart and his cheek paled a trifle but the glance that lie he fixed on those wondering caces faces in which hate and fear were beginning to dawn showed no flinching the cabman in tall boots of patent leather and shining silk hat stood at the door with his broad back against it his whip in his hand ile he was a thickset thick set broad shouldered with little red eyes a red face and a profuse red beard ills his glance shifted uneasily from hulln hillin to hardy dy by ills his side aide stood tile the little frenchman who sank hla his head between its his shoulders like a turtle and stretching etching sti an accusing left arm toward hardy shrieked 1 I am felix hulln I 1 say mon dieu the great inventor the great benefactor of the human race behold here Is the proof if I 1 dash this little sphere on the floor door poof br b r r r the whole house will fall apart like a castle of cards the root will leap into the air in one little second by gar we shall all be in eternity gen ti clemen ellien ire are you convinced sooner than have my word doubted I 1 shall give you tile th proofs ten thousand devils I 1 am felix hulln I 1 say no man shall doubt mel me ile he plunged his right liand hand into ills his pocket and drew forth a sphere sp liere about the size alz of a baseball which he held in the hollow of hla his palm 1 I am dr hulln ho he added behold tho the pill which I 1 have prepared for tyrants and spies about 20 of oe the brethren bret luen had stolen into tile the hall and were pressing forward toward hardy stolen indeed for these men all moved silently as though accustomed to secret and dangerous meetings dut but at the dreaded word spy a murmur arose A spy A spy kill him tear him to pieces esl out but the man who had welcomed hardy in french stepped in front of them and raised his hand sit sh brethren lie he commanded are you all mad would you have the police down on us the spy py la is in our power it if indeed he Is a sp and wo we shall know how bow to deal with him how to seal ills his lips As for you brother folk felix do not drop your alil in the s name put it in your pocket popl tot preserve it for tyrants and tile tha toes of mankind there we shall breathe freer now avau to tho the cabman what Is the history of this man how flow did you happen to bring him here 1 11 I went to the Slav lansky bazar to get a slender blender dark man with eyeglasses br be explained who should give me m tile the password for the night the princess Roman ovila this man came out hailed tile 1110 and gave me the password I 1 bring jilin him here and then ten ull Mites later along comes this other slender dark foreigner with eyeglasses eye glasses who it seems seema Is able to find his own way about that Is the truth brother I 1 call the virgin birgh to witness and tile the ploua soul crossed himself very well said aid a tall man mail stoop shouldered with thin hook hose anti anil keen furtive eyes very well alny lay I 1 ask my friend turning to hardy whether you tire are a member of the brotherhood and if not why are you here the explanation Is very simple replied tardy hardy in french in which language langu agu ago the question had bad been directed rec ted 1 I am an american merchant residing in I 1 have an acquaintance with the princess ro there Is but one way he must die inan man ovna oyna on whom I 1 was about to call I 1 told the ca cabman brutin to drive me to her residence and lie he brought me here I 1 know nothing of your ani amiable lable brotherhood nor do I 1 wish to learn anything here lie he took out hla his watch and consulted it coolly As we have no possible business together I 1 will now bid you good night and proceed on my way if I 1 do not hasten f r shall be too late for my call dut but wily why does he not speak rus siana asked ivan lie ile spoke to roe me in good russian do you understand russian russians 9 asked Bl elinski 1 I speak it imperfectly replied tardy hardy 1 I have been in the country only a short time you speak it well enough to under stand bland exclaimed Di elinski or you would not have made so shrewd an effort to get away I 1 am not sure now that you are not a spy at any rate it will be a long time before you will see sec the princess Roman ovna hardy noticed that the last two words were spoken with tin nn emphasis of hate which reminded him of the christian voices at spitting out Alos elike the jw the jew truly this holy russia la Is a breeding ground for many violent hates they all moved silently down to ahe extreme end of the hall and pasted through a door into a large square furnished with chairs chaira and divans and a round table upon which were a number of books and magazines crossing this they entered the council chamber a long narrow apart mant with benches running around it and a long table in the center with chairs placed for about 20 people the iha enemies of russia seated themselves selves on the benches and at the table who was evidently the chairman took his hie place at the head of thil th table felix hulln after taking the terrible sphere from hla his pocket n id laying it irefully on the table tabla on a tiny couch formed of ills bla crumpled I 1 handkerchief removed his coat and huns hung it upon a nall nail lie he then took hla his seat by invitation at right brethren said the latter rising of the society of the enemies of russia lie he spoke very distinctly but not loud the most absolute sl lenco lence prevailed first we must decide what to do with this man who has introduced himself into our midst and has learned the secrets of tile the order though I 1 do not personally boileve him to bo be a spy though I 1 am confident he was brought here by ac clo lont yet lie he Is not of us and he Is a friend of tile the haughty and wealth pany pampered ered aristocrat whose name forms forma tile the password of the evening lie he was on hta his way to her residence when lie ho was brought here during this time hardy remal remained nod standing with ills his opera hat beneath ills hla elbow and ills his ulster thrown over hla his aan a n ills eyes were fixed on the little ball in ili handkerchief which shining in the gas gan light held 4 T MM I 1 ills his saze gaze with it a strange like tile the baleful eye of a snake what Is his nationality asked one of tile the brethren tie ile says |