Show OWES lir va ill TO lydia 13 Pink hams vegetable compound chicago III III 1 I was wag troubled w with th tailing falling and inflammation and the doctors sold said I 1 could not net e I 1 well unless I 1 I 1 fiad ad an operation I 1 knew I 1 could not lot stand tho the strain of ct one so BO I 1 w wrote rote to you sometime some timo ago about my health and you told mo what to d do 0 after taking lydia E Plu khama legeta ble compound and blood purifier I 1 am today to day awell a well woman mrs WILLIAM AHRENS akiens IV st chicago ill lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound oun made ado from native roots and herbs r s con contains ins no narcotics or harmful I 1 I 1 drugs ru and today to day holds the record for r the largest ar st number of actual cures of if female diseases ceases of any similar medicine in the country and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on iilo file in the pinkham laboratory at lynn mass from women who have h ate been cured from almost every form of female complaints inflammation ul fibroid tumors irregularities areg es periodic indigestion endig and nervous prostration every er such sur suffering fering woman 0 n owes it to herself lee to live give lydia lydle a E Pinkham rink hams 3 vegetable compound Om pound a trial if you yon would like special advice about your ease case write a confidential letter to mrs Pink hans at lyv lynn mass her advice is free and always helpful C convenient I 1 for or any meal an fn Toa sties are always ready to serve right from the box with the addition of cream or milk especially pleasing with berries or fresh fruit delicious wholesome economical food which saves a lot of cooking in hot weather the memory lingers CEREAL CO ltd battle cheek Q eek inea to othora Nl examine carefully overy bottle ot 0 CASTORIA a safe and sure buro remedy for infants and cb children Ildren and seo see that it bears the signature of I 1 in use for oyer over 30 years the kind you nave have always send postal for PA PM F broo ree package 1 of befler and snore more economical than liquid antiseptics FOIN BOB B OB ALL TOILET USES gives give one on a sweet breath I 1 clean white germ frea teeth antiseptically clean mouth and throat purifies the breath after smoking dispels all disagreeable perspiration and body odors much appreciated precia ted by dainty women A quick remedy emedy for sore ore eyes eye and catarrh A title little powder ader dl adli ish solved alved in ia a glan or of hot ot water mallo makes a delightful antiseptic soso solution lution estr extraordinary di ina cleansing clea nung germicidal and hey lieal trig lug powel r and absolutely harm haria leu less try a sample a large lox box at drug druggists gifts or by mail THE PAXTON CO dorron mia mm one gets get it by highway men tons ten of thousands thou Band by dail bad dowels no difference constipation and dead liver fiver take make tho the whole sick lick Every body knows it regulate lire cure dowel and troubles trouble by simply imply doing natures work until you set get belill lillion use ufa saver barer I 1 CASC ARItTa i loc ie e a boz box for a weeks week all Biggest seller ller in a lift corll JUI lion boxe bomes it A month a a 00 1 you can shave first birst time you try with a KNOWN THE WORLD OVER DAISY FLY KILLER M e 0 I 1 wg n ad HAROLD Is I 1 ab A xua RM readers t 0 buy a thing aaker tied in its columns AM insixi having what they ask for refusing all substitutes of imitations PARKERS HAIR BALSAM 11 tinn s aul bh hn b H lintt th ha ller R 4 k ta ner ne r i a t to baltor cry lir I 1 lr it to 16 lt youthful ouch air lolar color cuni 1 K kilp ilp clr r c s m et TO s 1 t 1 1 thompsons Thomp sons eyo eye water i 0 r y e 0 i i u kiri 1 ANI donnul mv aud ilni 1 buil L HOWARD E BURTO N 9 aa cil c 8 AND ND hp hu B bold silver ad I fail lj bold ij 1511 iver ver aci f zinc or CP i il 1 falling anve lo 10 m ird lind full list lift sen lionson on applies tin r ye s nn in u no work k elicit l havlu an ol 01 L a armonat Ar b anaw bonat nations national lank knelt W N U salt lake city no 34 1910 we give awa away absolutely y free of cost 41 the peoples people common sense medical adviser Ad viter in plain 0 english or medicine simplified by it V pierce na M D chief consulting Physic fin to the invalids invalid hotel and nd surgical institute at buffalo a book of 1003 largo large pages and over illustrations in ia atron strond paper covers to any ono one sending endina 21 one cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only or in french cloth binding for 31 stamps over copies of this thia complete te bamily family doctor book were sold acid la in cloth binding at regular price of Aft afterward erwardi one and a half million copies coplea were givan iven away as above A new up to date revised edition is now ready lor for mailing maili nii better tend send NOW before all are gone address WORLDs wom Ds dis di MEDICAL association it V pierce at dj D president buffalo N Y MR 99 TIIE THE ONE for womans comans pecullar ailments ailment good enough that its makers are arc not afraid to print on an its outside wrapper its every ingredient no Secret sNo deception TITE ONE REMEDY for women which contains no alcohol and no habit babit forming formin drugs made abado from native medicinal forest roots root of well established curative value NA the rayo lamp it is a high trade grade lamp told sold at a low price tho arr laman that oost coit inore 1 we but bat theteus there li no bear lame at any price d ot boud arabs nickel eat an ornament ciomo there to atin art 1019 of loni lamp inken add to itie balno 0 I 1 light tl I 1 di bir B ir d dealer ler brej ho it 1 not st at bours write tot fair fp u cl to the t le arthe or the continental OIL COMPANY km Booth lna syrup n t tia go M n th I 1 CI C I |