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Show Willie Newman, a lad of Ogden, Is suffering from a fractured skull and may die, fas the result oi C. T. STONEV. Publisher a runaway accident ) Three hundred dollars in salary nt Rain, extending Coro La Junta to TOOELE Prompt checks were distributed Saturday in UTAH TOLD III BRIEF Trinidad, Colo., aching LITTLE the Ely mining district. CARTERS cloudburst in e ..Lvy night LIVER PILLS eem A The excitement is still running high Why worry when the swimming la washed out GREAT WHITE CITY OF of BRUS8EL8 feet of Santa lyuPrfreds ftiL Purely vegettood? over the gold strike a short distance Fe railway"" track between the two able act turdy WORLDS FAIR PRACTICALLY out from Weiser, Ida. Claims are bebut gently on GATH-EREcities. LOSS ESTIDESTROYED; Flying is t,adly In need of a safety THE IMPORTANT EVENTS staked rapidly. ing liver. the A horse slipping toto a conduit at FROM ALL POINTS OF attachment. MATED AT $100,000,000. Latest reports from Jarbidge claim Stop Cincinnat , Ohio, THE GLOBE. dinnef enjmgered the gas, the new camp has the richest that electric light and lO 'tion systems Dont make a man hot by telling dutretr find in the crater that has ever been until it was hoisted f 4f its prediccure indi- tilm to keep cool. in the United States. uncovered - improve tbo complexion brighten ament with a derrick. the TwoKnown to be Dead and Many Pen A dispatch from Ely states that Notable Happening Prepared for the Soi.n fill. Smell Deee, Small Prico eye. The bet-ite- r of West governor few are the Virginia says Among things that sons Injured in the Great ConPerusal of the Busy Man SumEly Calumet has opened up a deposit that the state militia may be used ii broken may be mentioned heat Genuine mtbmi Signature of eleven feet of copper ore, which of the Latest Home and mary araves. flagration. necessary to prevent the showing oi carries values of 25 per cent. the Jeffries-JohnsoForeign Note. fight pictures. Owing to unsatisfactory mine con One-thirA German scientist has found 61, of the babies born in ditlons, the directors of the Daly West Iowa this year, it is claimed, have 400.000 germs in a raisin. Boll your Brussels. Fire swept the great Bel- company will ease up on ore producBetter a nagless wife than a horseraisins. died from cholera Infantum, infantile The tion for the time being, placing es- less carriage. William Mason, a transfer man of paralysis, poor milk, and impropei gian exposition Sunday night. new flames were fanned by a high wind pecial emphasis on developing Man has constructed the flying ma- Salt I.ake City, attempted suicide by care. Or. Pierce Pleasant Pellets first pot np 40 yeara soon and the destroyed Belgian, Eng- territory. chine, but he has not succeeded In shooting, Tuesday, on account of disTo appease the popular ago They regulate and Invigorate stomach, lira d bowels. and lish and French is sections. believMiami It the tiny grannies. at Copper in Development love. It Taming appointment for individual drinking cups, eastern ed the whole exposition will be de- company property has reached a point A Salt Lake man, laboring with a railroads have installed nickel-plateA Treasure. men who refused to dizzy jag, got into the wrong house vendors beside the coolers on the pas- stroyed. Two are known to be dead so far ahead of mill construction that Your new maid looks very disand scores were injured. about 150 men have been laid off from Take chances on the lives of aviators by mistake and left bis coat and vest senger coaches, which contain parafThe White City of the World's Fair, underground work, and for the next creet. made a good guess. and $45.00 in money, which was dis- fin paper cups to be used for drink, Indeed, she is. She even knockB as the Belgians have called their 1910 six months at least a slower pace at covered by the property owner in the ing purposes. all the drawers before opening at is mass There of flames and a me the maintained. mine will Instead of trying our popular songs morning. Mayor W. J. Gaynor, New Yorks exposition, them. Pele Mele. smouldering ruins. A spark falling will however, be retained on the prop-ertn the dog we should first have them After fasting twenty-eigh- t days in chief executive,' was shot and prob into inflammable material telein men. about the 1,000 an efTort to overcome minor digestive ably fatally wounded by Jules James sung to the cow and note results. And They Wondered. The reported strike in the Canyon troubles, Miss Ruby Dale, a music Gallagher, on board the Kaiser Wil- graph building burst up into flames, Nicholas Longworth, who Judge driven a which, wind, by swept high The emperor of China is to wear a teacher, lies at the point of death. helm der Grosse, Tuesday, as he was mining district near American Fork used to sit on Ohios supreme bench, in all directions. seems to be authentic. The miners looked unnaturally grave, military coat of European cut and She is unable to take any nourish- about to sail for Europe. His assail rapidly and a Soon the Belgian English and have developed a tuck his shirt Into his trousers. China ment. vein of rich neighbor, in recognition of his facial ant was captured as he was attemptsections were French Is up and coming destroyed. The silver chloride ore carrying big values An army paymasters safe contain- ing to escape through the crewd. named a pet owl Judge firemen and detachments of soldiers in lead. The vein is widening with depression, It was the very next Thirteen people were killed and ing $6,500 was stolen from the maLongworth. called to the scene found themselves each shift, and the stockholders are That boy aviator who cut circles neuver camp at Pole mountain, twenty-f- twelve wounded in a head-oday that an excited maid broke up his collision baffled by the In the sky will not have to wait more ive gale, which carried the expecting the property to develop intc wife's garden party. miles west of Cheyenne, Wyo., between trains near Ignacio, Cal., Oh, madam, embers to all parts of the a than a week or two before finding Tuesday night, and carried burning said she. Madam! Judge Longworth due to big milling proposition.. mistake of conductor. away. The loss is estimated at himself the hero of a thriller. There is no trace of the robbers, alThe Pacific Mining company, Amer- has laid an egg." Osse Schreck, of the American as- grounds. $100,000,000. ican Fork, are figuring on building though an extra heavy guard was on sociation, to ustify his title as the A New York woman has recently duty. Officers are scouring the hills greatest eater in the baseball Try Thw, Thta Summer. WOMAN IS MURDERED. crusher and set of igs to separate the world, been hunting through that city for for the robbers. The very next time youre hot, tired lead-zinWhen Captain W. disposed of fifty-nin- e from silica. have the ears of. sweet They an honest lawyer. When last heard T. Wilder arrived or thirsty, step up to a soda fountain California Ranch Woman Murdered an unlimited supply of the the of first the and corn, to then, the turnlg waiter, from she was reported to be hoping week Coca-ColIt will with the money for the troops ordered two bowls of soup and a and Robbed Body Was Found zinc ore, that gives big values in both and get a glass of on. cool relieve off, you your bodily and the safe contained $80,000. dinner. lead and silver, but the zinc in It runs Buried in Sand by the Son. mental fatigue and quench your thirst E. Nathan, a real estate dealer of A second writ of error In the case That New York woman who sent Lancaster, Cal. In a shallow grave the cost of smelting up so that It delightfully. At soda fountains or New committed suicide by against Fritz Augustus Heinze, who sunk in the sand of her front would not be profitable to ship as it York, 1600 worth of jewels to the iceman by yard, Is. carbonated in bottles 5c everywhere. was indicted for misapplication mistake did not wrap up the chunk of shooting at Cheyenne, Wyoming. of a pet dog uncovered Sunday the body Delicious, refreshing and wholesome. A riot among militiamen occurred the funds of the Mercantile National Ice he left under the Impression that The ore shipments from American Send to the of Mrs. Frieda Schultz Castine, a Coca-Col- a Co., Atlanta, at Gray's station, Ga following the bank of New York City, of wfftch he It was a diamond. are Fork are district getting quite Ga., for their free booklet The Truth wealthy ranch owner. of E. S. was Ethridge-Mortowas and Morris killing docketed "by the president, The Yankee lease and About Coca-ColEvery indication points to murder numerous. Tells what Coca-Col- a feud. A St. Louis professor has discovered United States in the supreme- - cour with robbery as the motive, and tele- Jones, Miller lease are each loading a is and why it is so delicious, reCo-oto that noise shortens life, and this disthe Tuesday. returns of the preAccording grams have been 6ent to all seaports car of ore at American Fork and And covery we recommend to the whis- liminary elections it is thought that The little device utilized by women and border cities between Galveston switch. This is the second car for freshing send 2c stamp for the Coca-Col- a Baseto hold up their lace collars, a piece and San Francisco to arrest the wom- the Yankee in the past ten days. The ball Record tling milkman and the neighbor who Texas will go for prohibition. Book for 1910 contains rises at 4:00 a. m. to mow his lawn. The European-America- n Otto Schultz, who miners at this property have a good the famous poem Casey At The Bat, bank, New of celluloid about two inches long and an's brother-in-law- , York, closed Its doors Saturday. a quarter of an inch wide, worth 5 left here Saturday, after telling Sta- showing of ore, and are taking out records, schedules for both leagues It may be true that a cow gives Losses incurred loans cents the half dozen, cost the United tion Agent Stoughton of the Southern about four tons to the shift poor through and other valuable baseball informaflown her milk better when there is caused Its failure. States Laundry company at Portland, Pacific that he was bound for GerOne tion compiled by authorities. states the do that authority music in the air, as an expert says, Ore., a fire loss Wednesday of $90,000, many. Colin mestic consumption of copper is but that is no reason why the milk- owner Stewart, builder and former and imperiled 200 laundry workers. of the Hotel Maryland, founder Mrs. Castine was last seen Friday, about 60,000,000 pounds per month Keeping It Dry. man should whistle while making his of the Annandale Golf club and conAn old woman of a wealthy New when she came here from her ranch the foreign consumption being 53.000,-00WASHINGTON. early morning calls. sidered one of the wealthiest men of pounds, and both are increasing Jersey family was going visiting. The Postmaster Gener al Hitchcock has four miles east, to receive a remitin Pasadena, Cal., shot and killed him made a of tance San from and neither have been coachman, who had not been in this relatives toVPresi-den$6,000 continually A financial news item reports a "sut preliminary report self Thursday. brought up to the point where they country long, had just been equipped Taft regarding plans fofthe Francisco. perfluity of money in London." But Cleveland of The investigations of officers from belong in justice to conditons. Of the with a new uniform and a new silk associates Carl early institution of postal even under such conditions and with the the sheriffs office in Los Angeles, who domestic consumption. 15 per cent is hat. Before they had gone far it beEtherlngton, summer heat prevailing the average league banks In different parts of tb arrived here Sunday afternoon, tend taken by the brass manufacturers, the gan to sprinkle, and the old woman Englishman probably will not admit detective who was lynched at Newark, try. It will be tried first In the s told the coachman to fasten down the declared thot Hartwell Etherlngton, cities. to show the woman was murdered as balance going to the wire interests. that he has money to burn. side curtains of the wagonette. his father, would lead a hand of mounshe drove into her yard and that she That the Cardiff property up the A. H. Brooks of the United He drove up to a hitching post beA Florida woman who is the mot- taineers from Kentucky that would inwas hole shallow thrown into the yet south fork of Big Cottonwood, Utah, side the road geological survey sailed on 'the and, dismounting, hung vade the Ohio city to seek revenge alive. 4 has a showing of splendid Alameda "T4uciay a.k t her of 13 children has received a importship his new hat on the post, and begun to ' ' for dWh. hi sorfs renir bpoon from the state As a doz-- ' surau examination An autopsy and by that ance, are dez and Seward, where he shipments being fasten the curtains. en spoons constitute a set. It will readCompulsory employers liability is see the work geon disclosed the presence of sand made at the rate of about 120 tons done ll being The old woman noticed his bare seen be she can that furnish ily her contemplated in a revision of the Illiin the lungs and the bronchial tubes, per month, the ore ranging in value in the Alaska coal fi( head and asked him where his hat table sooner by saving trading stamps nois laws covering workmens acci- parties arawn victims there the from to $50 dying by $75 per ton just as broken was. Brooks has of the su dents proposed by the Illinois employ- the Alaska charge down for the market, is the good news gasps. district and has "Oi took it off me head, mum, so as A California girl, fined $25 for rac- ers liability commission, as shown In parties at work there now. Otto Shultz, the womans brother1 brought to Salt Lake City by William is wouldn't get wet, the coachman ing her automobile against a steam its tentative report issued Friday. who came .here recently to take H. Child, the well known broker, who The ooinage of a replied.pj locomotive, told the magistrate that Chicago will entertain 500,000 visi- the U. S. charge of the ranch, was also missing, has just rounded out a visit to that government is urgef the fun was worth the price. That Is tors this week during the thirty-firs- t and on being apprised of the search, section of mineral Utah. York New who deciar Doll House Library. banker, the trouble with the speed maniacs. conclave and of the the use of such a coin Mr. Stoughton recalled the fact that encampment The eastern press is indulging in A search for a childs short story, would The fun is more Important to them Schultz had purchased a ticket for more copper speculation ow than for The Griffin and the Minor saving of $39,000,000 yearly t than the safety of the public highway Knights Templars. Canon, Los DOMESTIC, Angeles, and had said that he many weeks, and the conclusions from in a volume all by itself revealed to a sumers. and the fine that may be thrown in. on was back to his Children in play at Mason City, La., way Germany, first to last are very optimistic, more persistent city shopper the The only way to stop It Is to impose FOREIGN. where both the Schultz and Castine so than for a year past. The fact oi and money that are expended thought a penalty that Is weightier to them poured water down the throat of a on the The shipbuilding Interests at Kiel families are said to be well connected. than the excitement of railroad speed the curtailment of production being furnishing of dolls houses. child, who died within Book notified the Wednesday of managers an hour. n an open road. achieved has cleared the atmosphere stores had not the story in a single FIRE HAVOC. CREATES the Germania, the Howalds and the Twelve men are dead and a score plendidly, and John D. Ryan, president volume, but In a department store Kolbe ship yards, all in or near that Americans are winning in fields are suffering from painful injuries as of the Amalgamated Copper com- one young woman interviewed had reOld Town of Tooele Threatened With to lock out their workmen on where Intellectual ability counts, as the result of the collision on the city, is quoted as saying that the cently been transferred from the toy pany. Destruction Flames, by Sweeping well as in more materialistic lines. Northwestern Pacific railroad at Ig- Saturday next, unless by that time worlds supply of the metal is not to department and was able to contribute the strikers in the yards of the Saturday Night. The Royal Academy of Science of nacio station, California. exceed 200,000 tons. This, he believes, a helpful hint. Old Utah. Tooele was is no more Tooele, Steamship company at I think, she said, you can find it Prussia has conferred on a young man With her throat cut from ear to of a surplus than should saved from total destruction by fire w ho formerly was a student be carried, for he points out that in one of the dolls houses downat Colum- ear, the body of Mrs. oJseph Wolfe, Hamburg yield and return to work. Serious floods continue throughout Saturday night by the effective work should bia university, New York, the Leib- of Denison, Texas, was found there be labor difficulties in stairs. by her Thousands of houses are sub- of the fire departments of both the the nitz gold medal, a very notable dis- daughter Japan. had by that time become full copper dressed upon a lying mining world the supply a Curiosity merged and many lives have been new and old towns. In spite of the would not sauce to literature, so the shopper tinction, and awarded only to those bed In her home. demand. the equal lost. The interuption to railway ser- fact that the water supply at one time showing high scholarship. The winThe Ninety-nin- e Loaded down with roasted ducks, Copper company, hurried downstairs to inspect the doll ner is the first American to whom vice is unprecedented. is failed, or the system became defechouses. Three of the most expensive There in Good the chickens, geese and pigs and every much Springs district, houses the prize has been given. tive, the firemen succeeded in master- operating contained libraries consisting suffering in Toklo. in Nevada, made its first imaginable oriental delicacy, 250 Chishipment of a score of diminutive books The Madriz soldiers have again ing a stubborn firae which at one of copper ore this and nese of Chicago gathered at Rose week. been invading the property of Ameri- time seemed certain to sweep the each book contained a childs story Everybody will rejoice that the for Hill a At and did to cemetery honor of the their cans, impressing laborers and shareholders of complete. meeting reason of the excellent work est fires which threatened destruction One of them was The appro- city. By to the big trees of Sequoia National departed relatives. performed by the firemen, the loss the Victoria mining company held at Griffin and the Minor Canon. to priating provisions, the according An official limit of five million bac- state department advices from Con- was kept down to $35,000. The peo- Provo on Saturday the capitalization park in Californa, have been brought was increased from 250.000 shares of under control and that the danger is teria per cubic centimeter of ice sular Agent W. H. DeSavingny, at ple here feel themselves greatly to fire cream the of the par value of $1 to 700.000 shares is the new the department of Matagal standard purpast for the present. The big trees The Catholics of Spain are laying new town, which rendered invaluable Df the same par value. are unique, and once burned could ity" set by the Illinois state food comassistance. mission. The No. 1 shaft of the Consolidated never be replaced. They are plans for an aggressive campaign among the An WORLD PROTECT PUBLIC MEN. Pioehe Mines company will be sunk by the most interesting of the natural government forces. opened envelope of a registered against contract to the 1 200 foot level. SuSix hundred rifles were seized at Bilcuiiosities of the Uiited States, and it letter, containing two bank certificates for $5,000 each, was found in bao, Spain, by the authorities, on a Secret Service Wen Again Discuss perintendent William Lloyd has been Is to be hoped may be preserved for This Vital Question. hundreds of years in addition to the Madison, Wis., Wednesday, and inves- tug chariered to go to San Sebastian. receiving bids for the work. New York. The assiult of Mayor John D. Rockefeller was summoned tigation showed that the letter had long life they have already enjoyed. The postoffice at Delamar, Nev., Theres solid satisfaccontained a third certificate for a to appear at the village court of Eu- Gaynor has renewed with added force was discontinued tire 1st of the month. in of how the question tion and delightful reThe little submarine boat Salmon, similar amount, which is missing. clid, Ohio, on the charge of exceeding the interest Since the closing down of the rublic men may be bs: protected built for the United States navy, Jos. A. Proctor, the lumberman who the speed limit with his automobile. freshment in a glass of mines Ere town has i'rrm the murderous attacks of cranks seems to have shown beyond a doubt left Peoria, 111., The of Honduras government states ike Gulteau. Czniogs z, Prendergast dwindled to almost nothing. July 21, with unsetthat she is seaworthy. She made a tled accounts approximating $100,000, that a force of sixty armed revolu- and Galleeher. No men in A report from Now York the counyesterday trip from Quincy, Mass., to Bermuda, was arrested late Wednesday after- tionists which was routed on August try are better to discuss this declared that $4,500,000 in gold had qualified over a course where rough weather and noon at Chillicothe, Mo. Proctors 4 by government troops is the only vital question than Chief Wilkie of the been obtained for importation. This i? heavy waves are frequently encoun- relatives have arranged to settle all armed revolutionists' body in that I'nited States sercet service, who by far the largest amount that has i tered, and went through a rather try- claims, and there will be no criminal country. looks after tile president when in th's been secured for the United States An earthquake ing experience. But she stood the test proceedings. shock in Hayti ection. and former chief of the Unihis year. and has demonstrated that craft of Private Lester Hansen of the prison Thursday lasted 57 seconds, and was ted Stated States serce service, v, ho That Utah has one of the richest this kind may be operated effectively raid: guard at Alcatraz island, California, the heaviest shock felt in years. counties In the state in Wayne county me have shown on the surface cf the water as well as who Past exeprienoes An insurrectionary movement has saved four comrades from drokti-inthe lives of on" pub-lic- e and that it will develop into a big oil below. Her exploit adds another to started in the Basque provinces ot that to safeguardwhether was awarded a ceitificate Served with Sugar and of or county as well as a great mineral sec national officials, the list of American submarines and The Guipenzcoa. govmerit by Major General Leonard Biseayalava ;on is the opinion of S. W. we have to be eternally on the state, a little Lemon. is ernment Mulbery dispatching troops to the watch for the Wood. As long unexpected. A woman scene of trouble. The Wall Street Journal says that lawyer, who had exhaustas there are officials it wiT be outside of Horatio Newton, a newspaper cared every other resource during the the United Metals Selling Baron Aura, of Japan, says it is necessary to public Postum contains the guard them. rier of the Salt Lake Telegram was trial of a case, ended up by company none of the larger agencies the most foolish of fables to think crying killed by a switch on natural food elements of the Salt WOMAN That is an argument that no male atNEAR IDEAL. had more than a nominal amount of engine that Japan may seek war with the AMERICAN field United States. torney ever has been able to answer Lake route. there are and a August copper grains and is really only The Christian Endeavor societies from a noted Ger- Indian Prince Enthusiastic in His few million pounds for September destudents food a drink that relieves Twenty Gold continues to pour out of Alas are greatly exercised over the quesraise of Americans Fair Sex. man university have arrived in New livery not in the hands of the largest ka in a steady stream, with a fair tion whether Alice Roosevelt-Long-wortfatigue and quenches the The American woman agency. New York. York to investigate the marvelous smokes or not. thirst. prospect that the year's yield will beat production and commerce of this is the nearest approach on earth to The steamship Olympia arrived all records. The recent addition tc Georgia has passed a law making country. ideal womanhood. She belongs to Tuesday from Nome, news bringing the world's supply of the precious it Illegal to bet on elections. The Japanese military commission, that type of woman who reads and Pure, Wholesome, Delicious confirming the reports that the Idita-rometal is without precedent. And the A force of 400 men under General which for several months has been understands Ibsen and who at the field is gold overcrowded greatly United States gets a big part of the Lee Christmas, an American follower studying military conditions in Eu- same time can manage a household and that a number of persons are Theres a Reason output and hence is "well fixed" not- of General In Spanish Hon- rope, has arranged with the company and care for a family." without proper supplies of food and Bonilla, the controlling withstanding the large exports lately duras, repulsed 200 aeroplane So says the Maharajah Mourbanjib clothing. government troops patents in GermanyWright POSTUM CEREAL CO., Ltd , to buy a number under General Diaz. Hanj, the ruler of the territory Battle Creek, Mich of Wright machines. in India. THE TOOELE TIMES ...... MINES AND MINING d HEWS OF A WEEK Constipation Vanishes Forever Relief--Pamaae- J D i n d INTER-MOUNTAI- Sugar-coate- d n c lead-silve- a. e n thirst-quenchin- Anti-Saloo- n , N in-la- - four-year-ol- d ted Summer Comfort Iced Postum g, h d Bari-paob- a |