Show TRE THE LOCAL ROUND UP il and an kl HontS antion cn announcement an article by ex president roosevelt will li cak in each issue of the times through oar jr connection with the NV western estern newspaper union arrange ment shave been made wi with the outlook ol oi new Vork fur for publishing a series of articles by col roosevelt the series bein begin this week and wet we vish ish to particularly coll call our readers at to I 1 heni hem these article will continue for several wicks and with but few exceptions will I 1 not appear in the metropolitan daily papers we are anxious at all times to secure the very best for our readers leaders and will not stop at additional to make the ahe times time the peoples paper H 1 is 4 still all with 1 l tile the I 1 X L in alib lake the add odd follows initia initiated bcd one olle now monday day night llight frank frailey went to to the lake bako on business tuesday watch fot for the alig and buy a lot kit il ni plat C an art article lella by lex ex derit roosevelt appears inthis edition odthe of the times k miss katie gillispio was in all alie lake saturday Sat mr whitehouse white house of bf lincoln went to axtel molook abaer over the situation s alfred and elmer elking ton visiting yellowstone park tile the K 1 C 11 s conferred the ronk of knight ori on three candidates wednesday evening good tent been used about 3 months for dale apply dt at the ahe times office i georgc ond was a pleaman t t visitor atthe at alio times office tuesday lla would it not ile bo a good thing for the ta boele volunteer fire depart beut no I 1 to id practice a little mrs mis ida ait me laughlan was ted led on oil at general hospital ast sunday morning dont send your our job work to the lake we will meet lake price and guarantee all of our work born to mr and mrs oscar kucks a girl AU aug to mr and mrs asa fowler a girl aug all are doing fine mr amr robert gartside Gait Gart sido cousin coll si t I 1 of the alie orine boys of Tol oclo and aresi aresi dent of st louis with mrs mra gartside is in ill any one desiring to purchase hasea a bicycle ballat call at the times office and tad learn hofto saver save money noncy on oil one tile the new district school house is beill being 0 with new nc sill single 1 le desks vc understand thru out A much improvement lots ave are movi moving iii fast in Pla tC an and everything eveLy avci thing points to a lively season mrs 1 ars frs oliver shields lias has just rc turned from froin salt lake where silo has been spending ft aeck i eck withrel with acl and friends wo we understand some people were at the droubay fire to liell help flicki selves to whatever tile they y could ge set t otheir on oil district Distri dt school opens sept with another year high school added giving the students two high school years yeara at home iti K pick has is been eel at talo metropolis tro polis about three weeks leaving havin ra his bis eyes treated ly by a specialist he is however very hopeful that his eyes will boon be alright F J 1 mallett liaa has been spending cv veral cral darbin ekys in eLake th inthe in alic in in of tile bingham midway mining in co it is understood lie he las been putting I 1 I 1 the companas Comp anys stock on oil themi tile market arket lot for sale on oil east 3 sh arcs 0 F i ari ga t i 0 n wa t cr enquire of josic colonial Alfr alfred edGreen green of the Fire Department no I 1 vialle s to thank the boys of the plat T C fire department for their excellent chelp during auriti the arenout ren out disastrous fire mr ez ah xh s gc 01 orme mr sirs mrs edward or ornic in and mr air lafayette ornic have been si adew n few days ill hi S ugal city idaho whither mrs irs lafa y ette ornia onne h anid a proceeded thein havo you heard of alio now liew road proposed building from ely to too cle cie buy a lot in plat C be before fore you are to late charles and on recently returned from a visit to axtel sanpete county ile he was favorably impressed with everything but the theorice price of land its amus cing to hear bear some big blubber stand around and dictate tt tb a lire dept what they should and what they s hould nt do while they are fighting the flames dining room loom set consisting of buffet extension table and six bix chairs in in mis mission for sale cheap for cash enquire at times office mrs ahmo st jeor who underwent an operation at the thoele tooele gener al hospital two weel returned to hoi her ill in lover clover last 3 day I 1 dining the fire ill in flo the hello gitl girls i did borne bonic splendid work aik oik for foi the distressed in in notifying tile the town and smelter MIKII gratitude is due them thein for foi the ost assist ance they rendered ifft if it tales takes two city marshalls marchalls mar fl five ve min minutes utes to t shoot a dog to death when atiq t is tied to a tree how long will it take tako the salt lake police department to drive the socialists Sonn lista from liberty park eark miss mu me gee COC a nurse from aalt lake city cily lias has taken charge of tile the little baby of supt bupt andars and mrs burke aih is is acry ci SILL sick with etli annier st complaint neils thompson former lyof too loo cle cie but now no a salt lake real estate dealer spent a few days on oil tile old stal stamping yiping ground i decently lecuit ly ile he is is looking well and says business is is alright the thoele tooele east las side bide livery liaci hacki neets tile midnight arnn at the thoele tooele station hernishin furnishing ferni shing gians por tation for those who t rather walk the three miles at that timo time of night 0 LOST A lad s emerald pearl pla pin in ili thoele tooele probably Dore muses corner and the alie now townsite tile finder will 1 picnic rep ortto miss katie gillispie Gilli who will reward for trouble drs davis aud loami 0 ith e following births since our issue 0 of f alth mrs F T tato tate twigs mrs walter gerard Cic rard boy mrs 1118 george kugland 11 gill mrs win E nix ni girl mrs levoy hull hall girl gal |