Show ARIO PROFITS ill ALASKA SOME TO MAKE BAKE OUR MIDDLE MENS MOUTHS WATER department of agrical fical faure first took up the question of oe jarmin farming in in alaska there thelo lias has been a great ecat deal of interest int clest manifested in all that subject and it must mast be con some scepticism however tile the department is now in a position to give out some devinat dc finate 0 in information regarding this subject in the itlie Annu annual alre reports ports of tile the alaska agriculture experiment stations for 1009 1909 which is for sale by the superintendent Super of documents government printing office would you care to run a truck farm with w rth strawberries selling at 1 l quart asks the deportment in a bulletin announcing the publication of the report cucumbers selling from 1 to ia 5 a dozen celery 50 cadi cach 0 tomatoes ii 50 0 to 1 a pound and other products at proportionate prices or ifould you prefer general farming twillia with a ft few nv pigs and chic chickens as t a sideline with w etli hay selling at 60 0 to a ton hogs 30 a pound young pi pigs gs 75 a pound and eg eggs 2 a pric prices es are received ed in alaska alaka under favorable mar ket conditions there are ake several successful farm aers at fairbanks the climate showta show sa wide variation the coast bowns owns are mild build for that leith ICA m doa eab 10 9 will c only i reached cached 5 be lowin january with a delay mean for the month of 14 1 15 |