Show 13 sweep down the cobwebs they art are neither ornamental or useful why not use the space between trees tn in the orchard for fall vegetables vegetable i for home use dont get overheated and then drink a lot of cold cola water sip a little and watt wait until cooled oft lioner Hon emeal neal la Is excellent tor for vines and fruit trees and three or tour four ounces may be applied to tho the square yard we have no sympathy for uie the mac or boy who has to cut on blistering days winter was the time for that job corn Is iq a good crop in spite of 0 large crops it has been very high tor for the past two it Is likely to be as high or higher next no it year for pitching bundles of grain ur up high in the barn or on the stack nothing beats a long poled fork with short tines you can have orto one made that way for this his express purpose plow ground for late seed ing of 0 alfalfa as soon as tho the corn is 19 in and there Is 13 time lot the ground lie ile for a few weeks and theia work it down frequently to kill young weeds now mow la Is tho the best time oi of the tha year to see to it that no pools poola of water atar are allowed to form and stagnate around the prem premises fight the flies files and the mosquitoes and thus keep down typhoid and malaria the lay day of the old grain cradle as a farm tool has almost gone by and yet let a good cradle la Is a handy thing to hava take it in around a alece l alece of grain it works fl ast st rate evea today toda bomb of the modern cradles are very easy to swing awing tool too |