Show HOME TRADE POINTERS the dollar you send to a mall mail order house bouse never comes back to you again mall alai order bargains are usually dear ones onea the mall mail order catalogue cati logue Is a heartless deceiver arld and la Is so intended to be merchants should fight the mail order evil with its own weapons printers ink they cant get out expensive catalogues cataloguer catal but they can do better by using space in local publications which takes less money and la Is more effective the chicago mall mail order houser house that had a judgment of over assessed against it tor for dishonest dealings Is probably a fair pattern for the rest the parcels post law Is earnestly championed by the mall mail order houses the mall mail order house never gives your boy a job never paid dues into your lodge never subscribed money for or your church never did your community any good the mall mail order house bouse preys upon the prosperity ot of thousands of towns it t Is a veritable bloodsucking blood sucking vampire the mall order house bouse convicted of swindling its customers should be a warning to buyers gold bricks are numerous in tie the mall mail order business those who buy of home dealers who get their printing done at home help home interests look for or bargains in the advertising columns of your home papers not in mall mail order catalogues cataloguer catal homeowners home owners depress the value of their own investments when they deal with mall mail order houses the more a man buys ot of mall mail order houses the worse he be Is off at the end of the year |