Show why worry when the swimming to la lood flying la Is sadly badly in need of a safety attachment dont make a roan man hot by telling allm to keep cool among the few things that ave better ter broken may be mentioned heat beat wives waves A german scientist has found 61 germs in a raisin boll your ra raisins tellis man has constructed the flying machine but he be has not succeeded in turning it life insurance men who refused to lake chances on the lives of aviators arnade a good guess instead of trying our popular songs va tm the dog we should first have them xung sung to the cow and note results the emperor of china la Is to wear a military coat of european cut and tuck his shirt ehart into his trousers china la a up and coming that boy aviator who cult circles in the sky will not have to wait more than a week or two before finding 11 himself the hero of a 15 cent thriller A new york woman has recently teen been hunting through that city for an honest lawyer when last heard beard from she was reported to be b hoping on that new york woman who sent 1600 worth of jewels to the ic iceman e man by mistake did not wrap up the chunk of fee ce he left under tinder the impression that it was a diamond A stlouis st louis professor has discovered that noise shortens life and this discovery we recommend to the he whistling aling milkman and the neighbor who rises at a m to mow his lawn lamin it may be true that a cow gives flown her milk better when there la Is music in tho the air as an expert says but that Is no reason why the milkman should whistle while making his bis early arly morning calls A financial news item reports a su ler nulty of money in london dut but even under such conditions and with summer nummer heat prevailing the average englishman probably will not admit that he be has money to burn A florida woman who Is the moth fy r of 13 1 children has received a sou J 11 tenar clr boon the aate state As a doz fan en spoons constitute a set act it will readily be seen that she can furnish her table sooner by saving trading stamps A california girl fined 25 tor for racing tier her automobile against a steam locomotive told the magistrate that the fun was worth the price that Is the trouble with the speed maniacs the fun Is more important to them than the safety of the public highway and the line fine that may bo be thrown in the only way to stop it la Is to impose a penalty that Is weightier to them than the excitement of railroad speed on an open road americans are arc winning in fields where intellectual ability counts a as well as in more materialistic lines the royal academy of science of prussia has conferred on a young man who aho formerly was a student at columbia university new york the leibnitz gold medal a very notable distinction and awarded only to those showing high scholarship the winner la Is the first american to whom the prize has been given everybody will rejoice that the forest fires which threatened destruction to the big trees of sequoia national park in california Call Cali forna have been brought under control and that tho the danger Is past for the present the big trees are unique and once burned could never liever be replaced they are among the most interesting of the natural curiosities of the U united gilted states and it Is to be hoped may be preserved for hundreds of years in addition to the long life they have hava already enjoyed tho the little submarine boat salmon built for tho the united states navy seems seema to have shown beyond a doubt that she is 3 seaworthy she mado do a trip from quincy mass to bermuda over a course where rough weather and heavy waves are frequently encountered and ami went through a rather trying experience but she elie stood tho the test and has demonstrated that croft craft of this kind may be operated effectively on oil the surface ef cf the water as well as below iler her exploit adds another to the list of american americ an submarines A woman lawyer who had exhausted every other resource during the trial of a case ended up by crying that ts is an argument that no male attorney ever has been able to answer gold cold continues to pour out of alas ka in a steady stream with a fair iro prospect that the years yield will beat all records the recent addition tc the worlds supply of the precious metal iti is without precedent and the united states gets a big part or of the output and hence Is well fixed notwithstanding the large exports lately |