Show PASTURE AND THE MEADOW careful study of subject will show variety of grasses better than only one kind by 8 W ll it sometimes seems us as it one half tf of the farmers were doing everything possible to fight nature find and when we mike make a study of the var various lotis grasses and their peculiar needs wo we wonder that wo we have hae been succeeding as well as we have in growing good crops of hay bay A careful study of tho the english system of maintaining a permanent meadow and pasture would essentially old aid us in the management of our grass 9 rass lands there wo t may find from ten to twenty kinda of grass growing on ono ole sod eod and all thriving and producing hay and forage we go on our meadows when the proper times come cut the grass cure it into hay and haul baul it to the stack or barns and think no more a bout about the whole matter until the next year comes and then we go out and go through the same motions only get a smaller crop and keep this up until the yield la Is so BO small that we feel it la Is necessary to plow up the field and reseed it to clover and timothy again wo we dont go to the trouble of top dressing or fertilizing the meadow or we drain to prevent the water from drowning it out during the wet season nor do wo we plan to leave a stubble to protect it from tle hot summer sun anti animals will often walk from one end of a large pasture to another to get a nibble of some variety of grass that Is different from that in the other end of tho the pasture pastures that contain the greatest number of varieties of brassar gr grass assar are 0 invariably varl ably the ones that will support the alast stock it Is one of tho the greatest avils of our system of farming to plow up a good pasture for it requires a number of years to get a good turf established in selecting grass seed for a permanent pasture select kinds that will bloom in sud succession cession from early summer until late in the fall so that when one kind to Is not growing there will be another to occupy the soil boll and prevent weeds from growing in where the soil Is not occupied in selecting grasses tor for the meadow select varieties that flower about the same almo aai that they may be cured tot for hay avone av adne cutting th oa e that furnish the and thus diminish tho the amount of woody moody indigestible matter in the hay ibay it Is folly to try to skim off a second crop from the meadows it if the growth Is too rank in tho the fall pasture it oft off with young stock but do not pasture it close enough to injure its chances of living through the winter nature provides for winter by pro ig a rapid fall growth the old ideas Idea of getting something for nothing have been exploded for a long time and nud if we cut throe three tons of hay from our meadows we must feed them accordingly and keep the bare spots covered with grass instead of 0 woods weeds it if we supply better forage rations for our live stock they will come through the winter in better condition and will require less grain to keep then them in a thrifty condition we as a rule aro are feeding too much grain to our animals and unless wo we devote more attention to providing nutritious forage rations we must expect less hardy and vigorous animals |