Show TO INCREASE FARM CROPS CROP aarle altur lata ts interested tn in question I 1 how to malto la nc c yield more all progressive agriculturists 41 deeply interested in the question 0 ov how to increase the yield per acre it lis the cultivated sections of the united states it Is well known that the european grows larger crops per ac are grown in this country as the price of farm land is increasing and there la Is a demand for larger crops each year it Is necessary to study and learn how the output of tho the soil can be made to meet the increased demand for all farm products the average yield of wheat per acre for 1909 was england prance france 22 belgium germany united states von royal agricultural experiment station Got rottingen gottingen Gottl ngen germany says 1 I believe that the principal increase of the harvest la is to bo be ted led in part to the application of artificial fertilizers themselves and tn in part to their combination with green manures through the application of the two the yield upon the average hits haa been doubled on our common light soils in some cases the yield has even been increased two and one halt half to threefold the greatly increased yields which we are now producing in germany especially of wheat are dependent upon improved seed larger and more intelligent use of fertilizers especially of artificial fertilizers better crop rotation and more thorough tillage of these factors however the use of fer takes first rank very decidedly f increasing the crop yields n only say that the largest ot of the increase of different i the he netherlands I 1 would at to the proper use or of commer and to the use of im 1 I varieties of seed the other 3 rotation and proper tillage ag S in the second place the dior general of agriculture the ue tolland holland pre Preal ildene dent creelman ontario agri taral college says italy has been practising practicing the art of agriculture since the early days of 0 old civilization hundreds of years before the christian era began and agri culture Is still the most important in industry austry in italy as 85 per cent of the soil Is productive in this connection the published statistics showing the amount of corn mercial plant food materials used in italy are significant with a total area of less than square miles about twice the area of illinois italy used tons of commer cial fertilizers in 1907 1 the great factor has been the in of 0 fertilizers and pur chased feeding stuffs As soon as aa you can introduce on a farm some ex iraneous trane ous source of fertility you can raise the standard of production A D liall hall Roth amsted experiment sta tion Ilar england |