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Show dOOD CHICKEN. ALL-PURPO- Possess Qualities and Mature Quickly for Market Plymouth Rock Excels. Should Egg-Layin- g (By W. M. KEIXY.) The first thing to consider when se IvcUr.g a breed is the purpose we , de-sfir- them for. There are some breeds of poultry that are adapted to but one purpose sind that is laying eggs, among them' being what poultrymen call the Mediterranean breeds, such as the Leg horns, Minorcas, Hamburgs and others. These are very good breeds but what a beginner is after is a hen that will set and hatch some nice young chickens and take care of them in the best sha,;g. He wf.l also want a breed that will be ideal for market, one that will mature eary, have a nice clean color, be good layers, lay good-sizeeggs, active enough' to be good rustlers after , d FACTS AECUT DAIRY EF1LED3 Holsteins, Jerseys Ayrshires, Gucrnsjys All Fcssess Excellent Characteristics, 3TATI811GS OF mm STEAfii HOT ONE. A HI" There is no best breed for all calities, and even in any particular lolo- cality it is oftentimes difficult to say which is the best breed In general it may be said that for dairy purposes any of the dairy breeds are superior to the beef or dual purpose breeds This is true in any or all localities It cannot be said, nowever, with the same degree of positiveness which of the dairy bree Is is the best By dairy breeds are meant Holstein, Ayrshire. Guernsey and Jersey. Each of these breeds has certain characteristics which make it adaptable to certain conditions. The Jersey is the smallest and least adaptable for beef of any of the dairy breeds. The calves are small at birth, and do not grow fast, which makes them undesirable for veal. The Jersey gives, perhaps, the richest milk of the dairy breeds. The Jersey is the earliest maturing of any. Some heifers have been known to calve befoie UliiTED HiiGilOOOK AFTER I1IT0 EMIGRATION STATES ARIZONA PLUM s j look-migratio- pre-d-fo- ; n, . ' iv' F' They sail the high and low seas of commerce. They pay millions a year for advertising. Their profit is millions. Spike their guns with generous advertising in this your home paper. st j A tv; When one studies the of immigration for the past liscal vear one does not wonder that the South has united in a great propaganda movement to attract at- - tion. The Postmaster (ieneral is tention to her resources and oppor-juhome from Europe where he The figures show that went for a rest and recreation, and Utilities. the South attracted an almost neg-- j the fact that he went away without ligihle percentage of the total im. biding the president goodbye though she lias millions 'ed suspicious to some people. They of unoccupied acres and the need thought also that since the For the period dent did not feel quite so much in labor is great. from July 1909 to Aprii 1910, both need of the service of the man who inclusive, the number of persons managed Republican National earn coming from abroad to Alabama paign Since then still another thing was 971 , Arkansas 329 Florida d9s7 has happened. The president has sent Senator Murray Crane of Mass achusetts on a trip to see how things are lining up thruout the country. Formerly the pilot of nessee 445, Virginia 1171, West ' the steam roller in politics did this The latter states sort of scouting. That may be Virginia 7199. mines and manufactures notlier sign that Hitchcock is no naturally attracted more immi-- J longer the high authority on pol grants, but it was Missouri with itics he used to be in the Cabi- 10,020 and Texas with 15,652 I mini net. However there may be another grants added to their population which really saved the south in explanation of all this. It may New York is merely mean that the Postmaster this comparison. General is preparing to wander credited with 217,772 and Penns vania with 133,872 immigrants, down to Arizona and establish a Massachusetts received 00,52S New residence in the Jersey 43,035, Connecticut 20,937. state so that the grateful people and little Rhode Island even added' there may send him to the lT. S; to her population 9102 persons Senate. Mr. Hitchcock is said to from abroad. In the great corn have helped considerably to get the belt Illinois got 71,709 while Irnli- - statehood bill passed. lie has often ana, only received 8187 and Iowa gone to New Mexico and Arizona 5700. California, on the contrary, on hunting and vacation trips, and w here opportunity is young, count-- it is understood that he would be ed 17,052 to her credit, Colorado willing to be chose Senator from 3905, Arizona 2413 and even Alas- one of the prospective states. ka 305. The total immigration for the period stated was 803,001, and for the year 1,041,570 whKh Way to Choose. latter figure has been exceed? A friend has let out a secret regarding the way in which some young but thrice in the history of stati-iic- - Use the mail orders own weapon r Tom Thats a fine auto of yours. Ill borrow it one of these days. By ADVERTISING i the way, what kind of an auto do you think it would be best for me to use? Dick One of your own. 31 J by W. luopj riUi, t.j j SALT LAKE PRICES j 'S ; Vv ' tv, True Type of Barred Rocks. w 1 For all kinds of grasshoppers and worms, be good ters and mothers, easily tamed and handled and a breed that will bear Famous Holstein Cow. confinement well. -! There are many excellent breeds of reaching the age of fourteen months. are for noted the Jerseys persistence this class found among what are known as the American breeds. The with which they yield milk. Cases are Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, on record where cows have given milk the Wyandottes, and other breeds be- for years with only one calf. One cow gave milk for five years without long to this class. Jerseys will The Rrahmas, Cochins, Langshangs freshening but once. and others of "the large breeds of make a greater amount of butter fat Asiatic class are not as good layers as out of the same amount of food than the smaller breeds, they are more in- will any other breed. The Guernseys are very similar to clined to be broody and as a rule are tne Jerseys in size, form and general not as good rustlers as the American breeds and for that reason I would characteristics They are larger, a 1 not advise one to select ones founda- little coarser and a little more beefy. The milk is so not but yellower, quite tion stock from that kind of breeding. When we look the field ail over rich. To offset this, however, they will give more milk, which makes the total there is no breed that stands at the head Of the utility amount of butter fat practically the same for the two breeds They are class like the Plymouth Rocks and 1 not so persistent in their milking qualdo not believe that a person would go but are somewhat better breedwrong if he selected stock from soma ities, ers than the Jerseys. good flock of that breed. The Ayrshires are about the same The Plymouth Rocks lay good-sizeu.r.en judge novels. size as the Guernseys, namely 1,000 to eggs that are of a nice shape and 1,100 country. In a bus two girls were talking of mature for cows. They pounds color. Of the various breeds of Rocks what they iced. have been developed in Scotland, would choose as the White Rocks, t "Oh, I c uoose a novel easily It is easier to breed them true to where the land is rough and the pastures scanty. Consequently we find Athletic gh," said one. "I go to the curIts Nature. color, they dress very clean and white that and look at the last man whom you i.fcv-icto ing lib-aare the and the hardiest That they killed when for market. lera. If I find the rain sottly and best rustlers of any of the breeds. the dentists j. -- t now is a The Ruff Uoclt3 and the Barred y dropping over one or two lonely They also carry more natural flesh athlete. sre excellent fowls and are than the Jerseys and Cuernseys. which es, 1 don't have it; but it the "Ah! that accounts for It.1 in many respects as the makes them more suitable for "Accounts for what?" ning sun is glimmering over bridal beef, White Rocks, but one will find it much and also for ues of white satin, 1 know it s ail His having such ft jumping tcc? crossing with beef breeds. Easier to breed birds of a solid color ht. more but thinner milk ache. Ayrshires give and keep them true to type and mark- than the Jerseys and Guernseys. Their ings than to breed the colored breeds. milk is adapted for retail trade and For a chicken that will grow fast cheesemaking. &nd mature early I know of no breed The Holsteins are the largest of any superior to the White Rocks. They of the dairy breeds. The calves are have a plump body and are attractive large at birth and make good veal. In the market and when full grown The color is black to pure white, varyhave the weight that makes them ing from almost pure black to pure home to the cost money that it bring white. The Holsteins give by far the grow them. most milk, and it Is the thinnest milk The cockerels that are to be sold fn of any breed, whether beef or dairy. the fall make quite an important item whose likeParthenia for us to consider and the White ness is shownIlengerveld, above, won the grand Rocks cannot be excelled in this point. championship at the National Dairy When the hens are too old to keep show, Milwaukee, 1909. She is an for egg producing purposes it Is quite Iowa cow. fin important item to have them weigh Six to eight pounds. There is an increasing demand for dressed fowls and if you have egg cusEITHER ONE. tomers you should be able to make arrangements to supply them with The Salt Lake Tribune and Telegram have started the greatest dressed poultry whenever ordered and circulation the f hr top price voting contest ever undertaken in Utah and adjoining get your surplus Stock. states. Forty-fiv- e valuable prizes, value over $10,000, will be awarded to the live workers who secure the largest no. of votes to the TriPEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT. bune and Evening Telegram before aug'ust 31st. set- Job WorR Consult the j TXIMIES soon-to-becom- d Work Guaranteed at tbe in TIMES TOOELE GENERAL HOSPITAL Corner Broadway and Utah Avenue. ry $10,000 .winwrfwo JOB WORKI New Building-Ne- Appliances J. Or. A Will be Awarded by Phipps, The Salt Lake Tribune & Telegram to Hustling Subscription Workers $3,500 Wintoa Tearing Car, $1,650 Overland $1,000 Double Trip to Europe. $S0O Wheelcell Pianola Piano. 8 Free Trips to Pacific Coast. 8 $100 Diamond Rings. 8 $180 Business Scholarships. 8 850 Watches. 8 s25 Camera Outfits. 850 Nomination Prize. Chief Justice Taney, driving through the Tennessee mountains once broke one of the shafts of his buggy. A small colored boy came riding by on a mule. The justice hailed him. Here, my boy, he said, can you help me fix my buggy?" "Sure, boss, answered the boy, and cutting a hiokoiy withe, he soon fixed the shaft so that it was quite serviceable. Weil, wed, raid the learned judge, now, why couldn't I have done that?" "I dunno, boss, replied his first aid, unlcsa rime loiks knows more than others. duccess. MATTER OF BUSINESS. What that piece me, said the stranger, as that Kitty is sieging? , "Excuse Mr. Dewtoll It's either an aria from he stepped inside. "Is this Mr. Mark"Parsifal or she has seen a mouse and hams office? "No, replied the mat at the desk is scared. Jlis office is on the floor above. "Thank you, said the stranger as n , "rtS I .1 ''i y AS Di -- r Ll. i ii. IaO IiOl ; d rvv.' ji ll .is at n!f I . r a Lu v ! o. a pa r or tires from anyont s .i?'d L..m oai unheard ot tutor J mb 10 tp -t t,arn) e;u.pn:e;t c t: -- .u L, a flu .nailed free. 1 tt wl usual (" - 'f ll uKiiiij Not Luck! Not Chance! Everybody Mrs. Dewtoll Is he went out, leaving the door open. "Hey. there, yelled the other "Come back and close that door Havent you any doors in ybur house? vs, answered the stranger, win had a;ain stepped inside and closet the depr, "but they all have sin lugs o: ihem. Allow me to show you my pat fcnt, double back-actiodoor spring It closes the door without a bang, aim is warranted to last 99 years if ii doesnt you get your money back. Tin price Is only 25 cents. Yes, seeing its you Ill let you have five for om dollar. Thank you; Bir. Good morn Ing i 13 Charitable. hy are you so sad, my poor man? asked the housewife, pausing 4 moment from her liou.se cleaning. "Ah, mum, sighed the tired tramp, I cant help being sad when I think of dis cold, cold werid. I asked de woman down do for a nights lodging, and she says I could sleep in her bin .of anthracite. You wouldn't be so cruel, would you, mum?" "No, indeed, my poor man. If you will shake these two rugs I'll let yon sleep in my bituminous bin. That Is soft coal, you know. ' W on the Same Basis! a Square Deal for all! Everybody is eligible, everyone has friends who will help. Follow he instructions that will be mailed upon application to the Tribune Office, get your friends and neighbors to subscribe for the best, the most reliable anl the one Salt Lake newspaper that rightly belongs and fits most aptly in every home. The people who start early and hustle hard are those who will secure the cream of the big prizes. Cut out this cupon and mail it today ti THE SALT LAKE Salt Lake CRy, Utah. TESBl.'.E fcnd TELEGRAM: Dale LEO 8,l!t Lake ( ity, Utah Gentlemen: Kirchv 'm'd me full particulars in regard to your $inyu" Prir-- G nvi- r Omtest. Rigmel R. R. No Ft'S tut lice t .c' '.you aMmplcbi1 lor $4 .ij ' n Cert ! .5') l ' hill- 1 SGKCSETK&Omaa FwSCTCG j AILS, Tacks or Gins wilt not let fch-fiir out. Sixty thousand pairs .sc'.d lat year. O .cr two hundred thousand pairno.Tt ii:: u.e. ' EifcSG&iSPTgljSfs Made in all fvctv i and tauding.veiydnr able arid imed swi'hV , n special quality of rubber, which neve? I t oreu '.and which closes up small pu.iclue w?:hot:t aliens- tppr tneai: totscape. We haveFurdrecsyi Ultf fromsa - f- j tGerute I utonly ou d i8oprrpvr. uot a cent urtil vi' ntlow a nUq r discount e if - it v- - A, ! EL '.o living. LeA .rt. - j. . . . t .1 ; - co.oa. y, l r3' .y, - . ' ' o srfi "c y i 'Li rv h II cu t.i.-I i . ,il iMr .on. . i 'ed. ' '!. 1 V w m rubber trend C. C. I qg teprese .t uj J a pcrp,.u)riil: ru?i no :i n . ' :r;ct!y ,3 Vow foi t jt r j.' , l v ' .5 . : An-'- rr t'n-- ir-i . V -t fhe II 'S! r othry t'.r.l Jt'BL, CAUi utj.it v us aa order ac the t ' a r.y it rA tot sar.dpy'ory on uar, na o i V e a lv. If .: order r. ; 'Vfi holier, k.q. In .in r.kp.r.n.I J v i tact w,U ber.o v ell r Ae want M to ?;s a t 2p''ro!. t c n ill 'AIk-jakC rt I i lr sue5 V C o a the. a ; safe ns : r. F..i ; V oi.r c .i. "1 y 5u.l V vr ?1 v rer.s-- .id f " :l ' N.'.ll .ill rr? r' - V f i ii ir f e . "o g; V.'- : a ' |