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Show V 'THE LOCAL HOUND IIP. Social and Business Kentica. ANNOUNCEMENT An article by Roosevelt a few days in Sugar City Idaho, in each of issue 'will appear the Times. whiiher Mrs. LaE:yert Orme had Through ojr connection with the proceeded them. Western Newspaper Union, arrangeHave you heard of thp new road ments have been made with the outlook proposed building from Ely to Tooork for publishing 'company ol Mew ele? Huy a lot in Plat C before a series of articles by Col. Roosevelt, j you are to late. The series begin this week and we Charles Pocock and son 'recently rewish to particularly call our readers attention to them. These articles will turned from a visit to Axtel; Sanpete .continue ft.r several weeks and with county. He was favorably impressed hut few exceptions will not in with everything but the price of land. Utah The State Defendant XX t You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after servi-- e of thi3 summons upon you, if served with in the County in which this action is brought, otherwise, within thirty days . , di after service, and defend the above entitled action brougnt against you to obtain a decree of divorce, and in case of your failure so to do, judgement -- V I will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, a appear .) copy of which is filed with the clerk of t the Metropolitan Daily papers. blubIts amuseing to hear some big said court. vwuWe are anxious at all times to secure Wm. S. Marks, Atty. for Plaintiff. ber stand around and dictate to a lire A the very best for our readers, and will Post office address, Tooele, Utah. dept, what they should and what they mot stop at additional expense to make Date of first publication, July 30 1910 shouldnt do while they are fighting the the Times the peoples paper. flames. Dry Goods, Furnishings, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, China ware Glassware, Crockeries, Paint, Giles, Glass, Etc. Utah. Tooele, v- - j j i &:; -- -- II. II. Hancock is still with I X L in the Lake. dif, M, , , HONEY LOANED T -- :: v--r. D- v- g v-- r; ;' - v-rgv- r; -; w yi , m ; i beats abb eaeezoES ON REAL ESTATE BWMMWWMWPnWWWCTil ilIJLMU-,Wkg- TEE K05T LONG 1 WANTED I The Jackson Loan & j CE3TK IBBMagaBWgWM Cf THE BEST FCB TIE LEAST EASY PAYHENTS 1HE RELIABLE REPRESENATIVES During the $40,000 fire in Tooele Hello girls did some splendid the Miss Katie Gillispie was in the work for the distressed, in notifyLake Saturday. ing the town and Smelter. Much Mr. Whitehouse Of Lincoln went to gratitude is due them for the assist Axtel to look over the situation. ance they rendered. v Alfred Nelson and Elmer Elking-to- n If it takes two city marshalls five are visiting Yellowstone Park. minutes to shoot a dog to death, when 'The K. P.s conferred the rank of it is tied to a tree, how long will intake ' Knight on three candidates Wed- the Salt Lake police department to nesday evening, drive the Socialists from Liberty Park. Good tent, been used about 3 Miss Me Gee, a nurse from Lalt months, for sale, apply at the Lake city has taken charge of the Times office. little baby of Supt. and Mrs Burke, George Hamriiond was a pleasan t is very sick with summer which visitor at the Times office Tues- Trust Co STY, UTAH TOOELE 0 , r i Jackson Hiss. Salt Lake City, Utah Efficient Service zni Courteous Treatment 3S8araSff3SS3SS38y35Ss Prcmpl Delivery fa finy Part cf tiis City J. W. Tate Mercantile Co Everything in General Merchandise. Small Profits and Quick Rslaras Phone 33 VMWWAVWWWWV complaint. x r. V0WLES A EVANS day. An article by Roosevelt in this edition of Times. the appears ,G. t t wvremrrraES&z the Dining room set consisting of buffet extension table and six chairs in misThe Odd Fellows initiated one sion, for sale cheap for cash. new member Monday night. Enquire at Times office. Frank Frailey went to I he Lake Mrs Annie St. Jeor, who underwent an operation at the Tooele Gener 'on business Tuesday. Watch for the vBig Smoke and al hospital two weeks ago; returned to her home in Clover last Wednesbuy a lot in Flat C day. . :4 I Tooele, Utah. JWVXtvWVWWKWWWV PACIFIC COMMERCIAL Would it not be a good 'thing for Neils Thompson, formerly' of Too the Tooele Valunteer Fire Depart-.me- ele but now a Salt Lake Real EsNo 1 to practice a little? tate dealer, spent a few days on Mrs Ida Me Laughlan was operat the old stamping ground, recently. busited on at Tooele General Hospital He is looking well and says ness is alright. ast Sunday morning. nt is Oar Motto COMPANY GENERAL STORE George Kqftello Prop. East Street, Tooele, Utah. A. fH THE J Caldwell Hotel I j 'Mrs. Nicely P.L Lewyn prop. furnished reams and table beard. The Tooele Ea-t- , Side Livery Dont send your job work to the Special Merchants lunch from 12 to .Lake. Wc will meet Lake prices, hack meets the Midnight train at I Tooele , South the Tooele station, fernishing trans and guarantee all of our work. The old Folks Committee u for those who wouldnt To Mr and Mrs Oscar Kucks portation Born: now the preparation of J hand rather walk tne three miies at that Bush Barber Shop a girl, Aug. 14th; To Mr and Mrs Asa Folks reunion, to be held on of night. time Also & Bootblack Bath Fowler, a girl: Aug. 13th. All are do2nd, in honor of the Annivers A LOST: ladys emerald pearl of the entrance of the first piriqoi C, L. Ktsisrsoa prop. ling fine. in Tooele, probably between into the Tooele pin, .Mr. Robert Gartside, cousin of valley. All ovr Ma: Doremuses corner and the New Tooele, Utah. fthe Orme boys of Tooele, and a resi sixty years of age will lie guests of The finder will please honor. Townsite. Judging from the manner 'dent of St Louis, with Mrs. Garlside to Miss Katie Gillispie who in which the last old Folks report Bay is visiting relatives in Tooele. LOS ANGELES will reward for trouble. was handled, we may feel assured and return Any one desiring to purchase a that an excellent time will be had, Tinwcrk in any Lina and Davis Drs. Logan reportthe bicycle call at the Times office, and our old people will again he Tickets on sale daily. Good returning' Hritil4 Oct, 31. .and learn how.to save money on following births since our issue of made to feel that they are not enGiven attention to 13 th. tse Prompt one. laid shelf. the upon tirely Mrs. F. T. Tate. Twins. to The new district school bouse Wants cf car Patrons Mrs. Walter Gerard, Boy. The Utah State Fireman-- ' s Tourn is being furnished with new single LOS ANGELES Mrs. George England, Girl. ament to he held at Sandy on the 1 1 v r Behrma desks, we understand, thruout. A ry Mrs. Wm. E. Nix, Girl 2oth inst, promises to be a big afand return much needed improvement. Main street Phone 183 Mrs. Levoy Ilall, Girl. fair. Firemen from all over the North Tickets Dn sale August SOth, September 7th, Septstate will be in attendance, and Lots are moving fast in .PlatC ember 24-3there will be contests and sports ga am everything points o a lively LINCOLN NOTES. lore. How Slightly higher lates returning via San Francisco For Sale season. many departments dr T ortlad. from Tooele will be there? We Plat of ground 4x20 Rods, Shade has just 'rePullman with 2 through trains daily should he .pleased to see them all trees, Fifteen Bearing Fruit Trees turned from Salt Lake, where she Reblin-in- g Free and The friends of Miss Agnes Hhgcrs there, and .to know that they take Two Room Cars Tourists and Sleepers, Dining house with city water. has been spending a. week with reland Tues. home her of last met at Chair Cdrs. right end the hose to the hydrant Enquire at Times office. atives and friends. .gave her a, pleasant surprise. The and convince the S L Tribune that Shortest and bcSt roiite 'to Goldfield nnd Tcno-pa- h, We understand some people were evening was spent in games and the boys who reached the Drouhav Notice To Creditors. other amusements and a dainty fire first were not guilty of the ofat the Droubay fire to help could selves to whatever they In the third District court, get lunch was served at 10:30. All pres- fense accredited to them. For tickets dnd' information see yoitr local agertt ent seemed to enjoy themselves. Tooele their fingers on. County, State of Utah: Last Thursday the guardians of or address. Tn the matter of the estate, of Joe Miss Otella Shields of Tooele is the District school opens Sept. 12th. with city peace got a move on themJ. 'll. Manderfield. A.C, P. A. Yitteadeceased. another year high school added, giving .in Lincoln visiting friends and rel- selves, mounted two prancing Salt Lake City, Utah Creditors will present claims, with steeds and foiged their way to Hat 'the studencs two high school years at atives. vouchers to the undersigned at his home. Miss BeLl Smith of S L City is in C where the found three old milk of business at Merrur, Utah, on R. E. Pickle has been at the me- Lincoln visiting friends, she is the cows feeding quietly on the parch- place or before the 1st. day 'of December, ed stubble, and with all the skill tropolis about three weeks, having guest of Miss Mary Sagers while 'of cowboys of nine hundred years 1010. his eyes treated by a specialist here. ago, they made these three chalk j Joe Monetd Administrator of estate He is , however, very hopeful that Miss Helen Sims returned to S L and water producers' prisoners, j of Joe Vinea deceased. be alright. his eyes will. City last Wed. after a brief stay whether they landed them in jail IWm. S. Marks Atty. for Administrator E. .1. Mallctd has been spending with her parents here. Date of first publication July 23, 191C ok not, we have not yet learned; several days in the Lake in the ir j is that they were i but certain it Messrs Melvin Shields and Henry trest of the Bingham Midway Mintaken from the, tender trees of has is took a run to Garfield Tueshe understood Co. It Grogg ing Plat C. The affairs of Tooele were been putting the Company's stock day. left to take cafe of thcirclvec on the market. We are very pleaded to state that while the officers took care of each Mr R C. Shields has partially re- other and had a horseback tide. Lot for sale on East Street. BARBER SHOP covered from a severe sit k spell 3 shares of irriga1 ion water. Frank H. Newell, Prop that has lasted ince the old folks Enquire of Josie Coleman. day at Tooele. For some time past Its Athletic Nature. flgeney B3BEL LAUNDRY That man whom you mot poing Alfred Gieen of 'the Volunteer he lias been compelled to use now of rheumatism into the dentist's just is a g.eat Salt'Lakes best Fire Department No. 1 wishes to crutches on account athlete. to he are we . that but can glad say C thank the boys of the Plat Ah! that accounts for it. town New Tooe!e without ? the wha1. 'Accounts for Eire Department for their excellent get along quite nicely His laving such a jumping of them. use ibelp during the recent disastrous 1 Utah. Main, -.- in CAUfFORNIA Excursion Summer t J31 CX1 C31 G3 0. GffiST THE NEWELL . TUB |