Show WORLD PROTECT PUBLIC MEN secret ser service v ice men iven again discuss this vital question new york the assault of mayor gaynor has renewed with added force the ahe interest in the question of how bow public men may be best bast protected front from the murderous attacks of cranks like ike bulteau Gul tean lind and Cal gallegher Gallee leaher her no men in the country are better qualified fled to discuss this ual ital question than chief wilkie of the Illi ted states cercet service who looks after the president when in this section and former chief of cf the united ted stilted stated states serce bercot service w who ho sald said past have shown me that to safe safeguard safeR guard the lives of nar mi pub lice claN whether national nat lonal or t tite wo we have to be eternally on oil the I 1 witch vatch for the unexpected As ton ions as there atre public officials it will bo be necessary to guard them |