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Show ANACONDA CEASES ZINC OPERATIONS BITTK. Mont., Feb. J Zinc operation of th Anaconda Ccpper Mining company were suspended last night, according to an announcement by the company here today. . Seven hundred men. 400 of them at Ore at Kails and 300 In ita smelter here, were affected. af-fected. Accumulation of large stocks of tine waa ths reason assigned fur ths shutdown. shut-down. OMAHA IJTKftTOCK. OMAHA. Neb.. Feb. I. Hoga Receipts, 20.000; active; mnetly 104yl4o higher; bulk, medium and light butchers. .00 6 - ; top, 40.30; bulk, strong weight and packing pack-ing gradea. SX.CSfclOO. Cat tie Receipts, 4800; beef steer and she atck generally steady: top steers. 11.14; bulls w"akr veal - calTea, -- 3&4IOc lower: top. 10.:i: stocker and feeders, dull, fully :6c lower. Hheep Receipts. 0004; lambs, 19014c higher; bulk. a oe-2&; top. 10.40; yar-linga yar-linga and heep steady : yearlings, 3.iQ; wethers, ft 00; ewes, 4.I0: feeders strong; feeding lamba averaging 71 pounds, 4S.69. KW TORK AND LONDON METATA. NKW YORK, Feb. 2. Copper Dull; electrolytic, apot and first quarter, 12 fj) 13c. . Iron Unchanged. Tin Kaey spot and nearby, 132.4049 32-40: futures. I33.v0a1.fc0. . Antimony Spot. $0Of4.43. Lead lull; spot, 14.71. Zinc Easy; Kast St. Louie spot, 91 00 A 111. LONDON. Feb. 2. Standard copper. & lfts; electrolytic. I7; tin, 1142 14a; lead, 22 II; xinc. 24. CHICAGO POTATO M. CHIOAOO. Feb. rPotloe Higher; northern whit aarker, 11.0001.16 cat; bulk, 11. 2001.21 cwt. NKW HUTH FILED. T. W, and L. O. Naylor vi, the loter-mountain loter-mountain Mugar company for 4&I3.13, In pa y ment of tractor aold. |