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Show MILLIONS FOR LIBEL ! - IARE claimed of I y HENRYfORD ! Attack on Jewish Theatrical Anager in Dearborn In- "dependent the Cause CHICAGO, Feb. J. With on u!t for I'aZut.QOO already filed her, kttorneya for Morrta Qtnt, theatrical pi-oducnr. toil to-il aV prepared to'flle additional vulta In Itorlt and other cltiea agalna't Henry KaaU, eha.ilnrllbe. , riMl naaa""hliT'ault on an tdltoriaT In -h Dearborn Independent. Ford'a welily paper. The article, which la headed "How thjj Jew a Capitalised Pro teat Against Jasvs, attarka Oeat " Tha article aanerted that tha Amerl- 1 cTrstaa;e waa "under the Influence and cnlMrol of a group of former bootblacks, neVaboya, ticket speculators, prlsa ring atul Bowery charactere After aaylaa; "Mr. Oeat stalks before be-fore his fellow Jews the moat suc-csful suc-csful producer of the yeaa," the auoted article declared that Mr. Geat waa not a great producer, but a "great panderer to a public whose taste he hem been no mesa factor In debas-inlf debas-inlf Ceat. it said, sold newspapers In Boston and In 190s was am ember "of x notorious gang of ticket speculators who were the bane of the public. Thre Is nothing In Oest's career o. indlcate that he would evar eon-u-Usule anything to the theatre's beat ntereata, the article said, and also de. :lred that "the atory o Morris Geat ..the last one In the world to use aa.a 'auccees story of the type of tnt-inurrant tnt-inurrant boy who became a great the-utrtcaL the-utrtcaL producer." |