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Show Press that his trip was In abeyanee owing ow-ing to the state department's refusal to Issue a visa for himself and his wire. Me doubted that the match would begin on March 1. NO DgVCLOMENTS. ' WASHINGTON. Feb. f. Denial of per-mission per-mission to Dr. Emmanuel Leaker of Berlin, Ber-lin, world's chess champion, to visit the United States en route to Havana to meet Jose Capabalanoa, the Cuban champion, cham-pion, has not been followed by sny new developments, it was declared today at the state department. Renewed reprcsen-tatlone reprcsen-tatlone by Leaker's friends In the United States, recently reported as contemplated, have not been received at the department. depart-ment. The department denied Leaker's application ap-plication for passport vise under the ruling rul-ing prohibiting entrance to the United States ' Of German nationals unless it were shown that there was justification. The German chess player's appUcstton, It was said, did not show any such Justification, Justifi-cation, and his contention that the only opportunities to make the voyage suitable to him were on steamers touching at I American porta, it was Intimated, could under no circumstances be considered as Justifying the waiving of the restrictions. U. S. REFUSES VISE ON PASSPORT FORLASKER Chest Match Postponed Until Un-til Permit Shall Have Been Obtained BCULIiy Feb. 2. The American Amer-ican state department has not given Dr. Emmanuel Lasker, the world chess champion, a vise for his proposed trip to New York and Cuba to meet Jow Cnpablanca, Cuban chess master. Dr. tusker's first application for permission to enter the United States was refused at Washington. The application set forth that his Intention was "to visit chess clubs tn the United Unit-ed 8tates." It failed to specify that the primary purpose was to meet Capabal-anca Capabal-anca in a championship match at Havana. DELAY LIKELY. Dr. XsOsker Informed the Associated 1 |