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Show Harding Favors Big .Army, Says K&hn WASHINGTON. FVb. t Presidentelect President-elect Harding favors enactment of legislation leg-islation to provide for voluntary military mil-itary training of 160, 00 men annually. Chairman Kahn of tha house military committee, announced today on tha floor of the house In launching his fight to prevent reduction of the regular reg-ular army below 175.000 men. Chairman Kahn declared the president-elect had told hlra at Marlon, O.. ! recently that he favored an army of 175,000 men. but that ha hoped that ; some day It could be cut to 150,000 ' men. I "Reduction of the army to 1S0.OO0 , men as provided In the army appropriation appropria-tion bill may be possible a year hence. , said Mr. Kahn, "but It la not advisable to take such a step at this time. The United Htates haa not a friend among the nations of tha earth. Serious problems prob-lems confront the American people and It would be a mistake to authorize further reduction or the army until conditions become more stable." Discussing the president-elect's suggestion sug-gestion of voluntary training for 10.-000 10.-000 men a year, Mr. Kahn said he did not think It would be possible to get that many men to training camps, but ' he declared congress ahould give an . opportunity for the plan to be tried out. |