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Show DECLARES FAMINE BANE OFARMENIA Dr. E. T. Allen Talk, at Commercial Club Lunch Of all the ravages which have eerved to reduce the people of Armenia more than one-third in total population, famine has been the worst, said Dr. E. T. Allen, for fourteen years connected con-nected with the Presbyterian college at Urumina, Armenia, at the membership member-ship luncheon of the Bait Lake Commercial Com-mercial club today. Dr. Allen recited the terrible slaughters which the Turks I conducted among the Christian people of Armenia, of bow 15,000 refugees flocked into the compound of the college, col-lege, seeking protection from the Turks; and how they were saved when the army of 10,OVO men were appalled by the American flag that the six Americans connected with the college raised over the gate of the compound after the refugees were huddled inside its walls. He related the supreme struggle strug-gle made to keep these people alive with the scanty supply of food and how finally more than 4o00 of them died from disease, which broke out in the settlement. John D. Spencer, secretary of the t'tsh committee, ot -the Near East relief, re-lief, acted as chairman of the meeting. He stated that 1120,000 had been raised by the creation of the fast day in the I D. S. church in Colorado, . Arlsona, Idaho and Utah. This amount will probably be divided among tbe European Eu-ropean relief and the Near Kast relief. Mr. Spencer said. He made an appeal to swell the Near Kast fund as much aa possible before the close of the campaign, cam-paign, February 19, after which time the headquarters will be maintained at 120 Kast Klrst South street under the direction of Mrs. Elizabeth M. Cohen. Dr. Allen will speak at Moose hall, 222 South West Temple street, at 1 O'clock tomorrow night, Thursday night is the regular time for the session ses-sion of lodge No. 259, Loyal Order of Moose, The members will assemble at 1 o'clock. Instead of 1:10, and the first half hour will be given to Dr. Allen, after which the regular lodge meeting will be conducted. |