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Show JORDAN HIGH WILL BE MEETING POINT Parent-Teacher - Organira-tlon Organira-tlon to Hold Convention The Parent-Teacher association of the Jordan High school will hold Its annual convention at the school tomorrow to-morrow and Frtdar. Krery parent has been urged to forego household and business duties for thbse two days and attend trs convention. J. M. Holt, presllent of the sssoclation, will preside. pre-side. The program will be as follows: Thursday, :30 ar m. Music, Kmery f. Epperson; address. "Kdncatlon for Citizenship." Hon. Nephl U Morris; reading, Miss Alpha Crapot "What Jordan Jor-dan Hhs Accomiilished and TVhat Is Yet to He Accomplished," Superintendent Superintend-ent I). Jensen; general discussion; community sinking, conducted by Mr. Fjeleted. (Jordan High scboot cafeteria cafe-teria wil lserve luncheon at the usual rates.) 1:15 p. m. Music Draper J:-nlor J:-nlor Hleh school girls' choms; address, "The Citizen's Duty to the School," President J. M. Holt: music. Draper Junior High school girls' chorus; address, ad-dress, "Control of Contagion and the Ethics of Quarantine," Dr. A. C. Cal-llstcr. Cal-llstcr. county physician; general discussion; dis-cussion; educational films. Friday, ;30 a. m. Music, Jordan High school orchestra: address. "Our Problems In Hchool," Principal E. W. Robinson: reading. Miss Luree Bste-mnn; Bste-mnn; general discussion, led by Hyrum stocking, member board of education ; "I'tah's for All Year Round Ac-I lirlties," Hamuel Morgan; general dls. cusslnn. 1:1s p. m. Music, High school male chorus: addresr. "Parent-Teacher "Parent-Teacher Organizations," Mrs. H.. I. Tanner, president Plate Parent-Teacher association: vocal solo, Mr. Fjelsted; election of offcers; one-act play, Joidan High school. |