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Show ADVEBTI6XMENT FOB BIOS Notice la hereby gtvet. that Cedar Cny Corporation will receive bide for furuieh-Ing furuieh-Ing all labor, material, tranaportatton and acrvtca for the conatrucuoo of a water-worka water-worka axtaaatoB located at Cedar City, Utab; each bid to be ta accordance with plana, a pacification and other contract doc uraenta now oa file with the City Recorder at Cedar City, Utah, where tbey may be examined and copiea obtained upon de-poeit de-poeit of 15 00 per act. which deposit will be refunded upon the return of aurh copiea In good condition wltbui flva da6 after the hid are opened. Bidder are hereby aotlfleel thai tha City Council haa determined the an ml. mum hourly waca rate (or each traue and oecmatlon needed to .acute the con. tract. Tlie minimum hourly wage rate o determined are aet forth la Paragraph 25 of the form of acreen.ent. It ahall be mandatory upon tba foa-trartor foa-trartor to whom the contract la awarded, and upon any aubrontrartor under him, to pay not leva than tba aald apecifietj rate to all I bore re, workman, and ma chanlci employed by them la the execution of the contract. ; Notice la alee hereby given that an blddera may aubmft with their bida, a awom at a lament of their financial r aponalbllity. tachotcal ability and expert enre. flurb aworn atatement may bo required to be fumiahed before Awartf to made to any particular bidder. Each bid ahall be made out oa a form 5o be obtained at the office of the City tecorder; ahall be accompanied bv a certified cer-tified or cashier cheek or bid bond for 6 par cant of tba amount of tha bid, made payable ta the order of the City Recorder, Cedar city. Utah; ahall be Mated an, filed with the City Recorder, on or before December 13, 1939. at 1 o'clock p. m and wilt be opened and publicly read aloud at or about 2 o'clock p. m of that day la thai office of the C.ty Recorder. , The above mentioned check or bond r ahall be given aa a guarantee that tha bidder will enter Into the contract If aw.rded ta him and win be declared for. felted If tha aucccaaful bidder rrf:iea to enter Into aald contract after betng re-aueeted re-aueeted to do aa by tha City Council Tha City Council reaervea tha right to reyect any or all btd or waive any informant in-formant v to tha bid. No bidder may wtthdraw bta bid for S !. period of 90 daya after tha date aet or the opening thereof Dated Cedar Citv. Utah. Nor, 14. 1616. CKDAR PTTT CORPORATION, tgrved by HERBERT P HaIGHT City Rerordea. P W. A Docket: Utah 1205 P. Firat publication. Dec. 3. hacontf publication. Dec. 7, 1916. Laat pubUcauoiA. Dac 13. 1939. ' |