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Show A QUALITY "A ELECTRIC If A 'APPLIANCES A Chrome caement ) C x 'J Toaster t)eCaVeJ M j? Chrome mil Sis ) n fj 3 Waffle Iron....)Wi9J ?J ,5 Chrome l-Cup ne H A Percolators VlaOtJ f A "Super" ?9 7C il Electric Irons.. .VeCf9 f gScott Hardware;; ' ' 168 SO. MAIN M TOYLAND 174 So. Main 5 To Check Constipation CeUtlbCanse! If constipation ba rati down ) you feel heavy, tired and dopey, it's tune you did something about it And something more than Just taking a physiel Ton should set at the of the trouble. If you eat too aupse-reflned food most people eat, the chances are th difficulty la simple son don't yet eaovefc "bulk." And "bulk" doesn't mean heavy food. It's a chad of food that IsnHeeo-sumed IsnHeeo-sumed In th body, but leaves oft "bulky" mass In th Intestines. If this common form of eoo-(tlpation eoo-(tlpation 1 your trouble, eat Kellogg' All-Bran for breakfast very day and drink plenty of water. All-Bran lent a medicine Us a evwacar, toasted, nutrition! nutri-tion! cereal. And H will help yon not only to pet regular but to tee, refular, day after day. Mad by Helloes in BaUlaCraak. Cold CHRISTMAS I S GIFTS !t3 Send them out of town economically economi-cally right from your home, etore or omce by lailway Express. Careful Care-ful handling. We cell sad deliver id ail cmef sod principal sown without extra charge. Just pboa swayHxptessorweateraUoioa. Railway express A-aMCV IK. Urn Ah ittpnmfpr aater-aeaae YoU" find (j A countless uses fJ J or 'his adhesive , ( Y COURSE, the most popular uu foe Johnson V (fljf '111 V V & Johnson Adhesive Plaster is for firtt-aid, ' f 'S4 yjj,"' . uch ss holding a bandage in place; ' ' I But have you considered the one-hundred-and: ,-eN-t ' ar"'' " A one wy it can be used around the house? It mends, " LITE 'S i 1 patches, tapes, seals almost everything. It's really f j f viAittviA I one of the handiest household products; X, , f-l' ' Jr Today Johnson & Johnson Adhesive Plaster if V x ' V I cheaper than ever before. You actually get JUm I yfi 'V I I yurds of one -half inch tape for only a dime. Not ji' long ago one yard cost you that much; ""l '? fm? t' Remember, only the price has changed 1 1 1 this ( : 1 , t j is the same Johnson & Johnson high-quality Adt I Xvvfi hesive Plaster that so many doctors use; V S " f"" Efficient manufacture has brought down the costs k of ALL Red Cross products : 1 1 ao that now more . V 1 , I and more people can and do buy them; RJ Cross Adhesive Platter, popular tlx ii, v ... "".P jL Xf x e - ' ' I BEFORE CHRISTMAS COAT SALE AT AFTER-CHRISTMAS PRICES! VALUES v29 Guaranteed Savings! Luxuriously furred coats ... for only $29.95. Expensive Ex-pensive double-twill materials . . sumptuous plastron fronts . . magnificent collars . . separate fur cnub-bies. cnub-bies. Outstanding values at $29.95. These Rich Furs: Natural Grey Squirrell Skunlcl Red Fox I Pieced Persianl Skunk Dyed Opossum USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN! HUGHES 50 EAST BROADWAY f ACII (IG CHEST - COLDS Newt) Mam Tfcaa "Jarrt fake" T Reaieve DISTRESS1 To rprfrkly relieve cheat cold misery and muscular aches and paine due to colds k takes MORE thaa "just s salve" you seed a warming, soothing "oounfer-arratanClike "oounfer-arratanClike rood old reliable M uatarol uaad by suitae tor ever SO years. MiastaToaaapeoetratee the outer layers of the skia sad helps break up local congest con-gest ma and pain, t strengths: Regular. Children's (mild) sad Extra Strong, 40. sttsr Than A Mustard Ptttstsrl |