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Show . f . Take Part in Christmas Program . - ' - . ' . - . r " 'A J - . s- ' . ..CI A ' ' . " ,: ? . " SUGARHOUSE ttONS CLUB MEMBERS" DON COSTUMES FOR "BURLESQUE' S. M. Horman, left, plays "the witch," and James O. Rhead "Prince Charming'' Sugarhouse Lions Show to Highlight Fete SUGARHOUSE The second annual an-nual Sugarhouse Lions club benefit bene-fit show, scheduled for 8 p. m. Friday at 2126 Eleventh East street, will highlight the annual Sugarhouse Christmas program, sponsored by the Sugarhouse chamber of commerce and the Sugarhouse Rotary, and Lions clubs. ma carols and Judging In the window win-dow display contest Two trophies will be awarded to the Sugarhouse business houses with the best window exhibit and the most original display. Judges are Mrs. N. D. Thatcher Jr., chairman; chair-man; Mrs. Leslie D. Burbidge and Mrs. Samuel J. Nlcholes, wives of the presidents of the three clubs that sponsored the program. Since the Christmaa program was delayed to give business houses here more time to complete their exhibits for the window display dis-play contest, Wendell Ashton, general gen-eral chairman, aaid: "We have decided de-cided to have the Lion club' burlesque bur-lesque as part of that program." Marvin Broberg and Kenneth Rogerson, cochairmen of the Lions club show, have arranged a program pro-gram of vocal and dance numbers to go with the show. "Chorines" who will strut their stuff during the show include Dr. Leslie D. Burbidge, Bur-bidge, club president; Mr. Roger-son, Roger-son, Ervtn L. Peterson, Calvin Wooley, A. Ray Curtis, Al Mackie and Lincoln T. Hansen. The program will include Christ- |