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Show GARDEN IS SCENE OF FRIDAY RITES : J By ANNE ELOISE SWEENEY The picturesque garden at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. G. B. Terrell on Walker's lane in Cottonwood was the scene of one of the loveliest late summer weddings Friday morning at 11 o'clock when their eldest daughter. Miss Mary Elizabeth Terrell, became the bride of Thomas Benton Hunter III of Salt Lake City, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Benton Hunter of San Francisco, thus uniting two of the most prominent families of the city. Members of the two families and number of close friends of the popular young couple gathered before be-fore the appointed hour In the garden, gar-den, where Mrs. Florence Hoffer played an appropriate program of nuptial music at the organ. The wedding party entered the garden to the strains of ths Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin. Mendelssohn's wedding march was the recessional. Miss Elsie Terrell, a sister of the bride, was her maid of honor. She wore a smart gown of soft poudre blue chiffon, made redingote style and ankle length. Her costume was completed by a becoming picture pic-ture hat of pale blue horsehair and an arm bouquet of shell pink gladioli. glad-ioli. IwoJittlecousins ofthebrlde, Anne and Brent Walker Shaw, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Shaw, were flower girls. They were dressed alike In dainty gowns of French organdy, one in yellow and one In peach. They both carried car-ried baskets of flower petals. The bride entered the garden on the arm of her father. Dr. Terrell, who gave her in marriage. She was radiant in her mother's wedding wed-ding gown, of handsome imported Mechlin lace made with elbow length sleeves and a sweeping train. She wore a finger-tip veil of bride's illusion, held in place by a dainty wreath of lilies of the valley. val-ley. She carried an arm bouquet of lilies of the valley. The bride joined the bridegroom before Dr. Herbert W. Reherd, president pres-ident of Westminster college, who . read the marriage ceremony. Hale Hunter of San Francisco was best man for his brother. A number of out-of-town guests were present at the wedding. They were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Benton Ben-ton Hunter of San Francisco, parents par-ents of the bridegroom; Mr. and Mrs. Rupert K. Stockwell of Shanghai, Shang-hai, China, uncle and aunt of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Simpson Jr.. and their two sons, Andrew Simpson III and George Simpson of San Francisco. The bride's mother, Mrs. Terrell, and her aunts, Mrs. Stockwell and Mrs. George Raymond Walker, were attractively gowned in flowered flow-ered chiffon gowns in pastel shsdes, with which they wore picture huts and gardenia corsages. Mrs. Hunter, Hun-ter, mother of the bridegroom, wore : a navy blue gown of marquisette with a white jacket and a large ; leghorn hat She also wore a gardenia gar-denia corsage. A wedding breakfast at ths Terrell Ter-rell home followed the msrriage ceremony. The table was artisti- ' cally decorated in white with an . elaborate wedding cake forming the centerpiece. Immediately after the breakfast. Mr. Hunter and his bride left for a wedding trip to southern Utah and the parks. For traveling the bride chose a chic suit of fawn - colored wool with which she wore British tan accessories. Upon their return they will re-tide re-tide in Salt Lake City. |