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Show To harmonise with Merry Widow hats, Schieperelli has created cre-ated en early fall coat inspired by 1900 styles (above, left). Of black broadcloth, it has thick torsade of black velvet and black faille replacing fur collar end trimming. Uncrushable black velvet vel-vet with gold and silver embroidery outlining the molded hips end tigiagging down the horiiontally shirred sleeves makes Maggy Rouff's stunning evening gown (above, right). Vertical shirring is used at the waistline. Wool tulle in rich purple it Gaston's suggestion for fall evening dress (at right). It has all the fullness concentrated in the front. The back gadgets form e slight train. Ithis man is yours I i Telegram Fiction by Rob Frlsn CHAPTER TWE.VTY-NINE Myrtle crushed out the cigaret she had Just lighted. It tasted bitter and tha amoke aeemed to sear her lungs. Hsr handa aa aha rubbed them together to-gether were moist. Hugh's head waa bent over the plana that were spread out on his desk. Hers should have been, too, because the plana were those of an architect of her suggestion and she had had to quarrel with Hugh over the architect. But she wasn't Interested Inter-ested In the rebuilding and redecora-tion redecora-tion of Huxley's former offices any longer. She couldn't even look at the architect's drawing of what the new officea were to be with two walls tarn out to give more apace. She couldn't get Interested In the chart of colors the decorator had pasted to the drawing. The private door. I Ihlnk," Hugh was murmuring, "should not go out Into the corridor. It should go into ths street' He made a check on the drawing, and after the check a question mark. "And the " "Hugh, will you atop! Will you!" "What's tha matter?" He looked up scowling. "I don't want to discuss those liana. I don't want to see them again. I'm through with them for the time being! I'm going to start on a long vacation tomorrow." "You're going to what?" Ha laid down his pencil. "I said I was going away on a long vacation tomorrow. I need It I've got to have It." "Only the other day, Myrtle, you told me you weren't going to take a vacation. I begged you to." "That was the other day. This la tortav. tonight." "Jitters?" Wants to Get Away "You may call It what you want but I've got to get away. I haven't slept a wink since Yorka got away from Jail." From habit she took another cigaret cig-aret from her package, but when it waa between her lipa and aha had snapped open a lighter, ahs snatched It out of her mouth and threw it on the desk. The tip was atained with red. "I'm surprised," Hugh remarked. picking up the cigaret and tossing it in ths wastebasket under his desk You shouldn t lose control or yourself your-self that way." "Who wouldn't lose control? Who could keep any control around here?" "Easy, Myrtle! Easy . . ." "Well, what does It mean, then?" "What docs what mean?" He lift-ed lift-ed the plans, rolled them up carefully, care-fully, and put them to one side. "You know what I mean. Why should Yorke break Jail? That's what I mean. That's why I can't go to sleep nights, that'a why I can't rest days. Why ahould he? And where. If he did bribe hia way out, as Whelan thinks he must have did he get tha money for the bribe? Don't you ask yourself those questions, ques-tions, Hugh? Or haven't you got any curiosity In you?" Little beads ol perspiration came on her forehead She patted them with her handkerchief. hand-kerchief. "I said to go easy. Don't get yourself your-self In a atew about nothing. I nevei knew you to act like this before." "Stew about nothing!" she exclaimed. ex-claimed. "Nothing! It's nothing, 1 suppose, that Yorka Is out of jail I don't know why In ths beginnins, you decided to pin all this on him I advised against It. if you remember. remem-ber. I begged and begged and told you to leave things as they were but no, you had to go ahead, and now you've got us both in a mess. If you had done things my way. 1 would be sleeping nights, and we'd both be in the clear." "Everything's all right Myrtle. There's no reason to worry Just because be-cause Yorka is out of JaiL Lot's ol reasons why he might have thought It smarter te be out of Jail than in Maybe he waa mixed up in something some-thing big at ona time. Maybe he's afraid that something big will be tagged on him. We don't know. Only Y or ire knows." "Yea," aha whispered. "Only Yorke knows. That'a where the rub comes In. Sitting here and not knowing anything, and dynamite all around us. Did you ever think that Yorke might be one of Whelan i men?" "We've gone into all that before. ACoaUaiiee M yellowing PsaeJ |