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Show Trio 'Dresses Up' Fete Scene g jrvaeMerwot yffr'mfmg " ewsss-jaawv . mien I Q "A t . ..... Z " .; ,T ' 'i I XX ; h AT WOKK ON CARNIVAL DECORATIONS Bill Lavender, left; Mary Minardi, Doris Scbober P.-T.A. Units Map Final Plans For Fund Raising Carnival To raise money enough to begin the construction of a swimming pool for west side children is the aim of the Jordan carnival to be held Friday and Saturday evenings at 5 p. m. at Sorenson park. 9 Th carnival is sponsorea oy me Parent-Teacher association of Jordan Jor-dan high school and Edison school. Mrs. Paul Minardi, president of the P.-T. A. of the Jordan achool, and Mrs. Nettle Anderson, president of th Edison school P.-T. A., are in charge of arrangement. A box lunch will b served first, followed by the opening of concession con-cession booths for fortun telling, candy, hot dogs, needlework and games. There will be dancing on the park tenni court with a real "wing" band. "Th proceeds of our carnival will go toward building a swimming pool for our children," said Mrs. Minardi. "W need one badly over her to keep our children off th streets." |