Show You Q a V Coming to Round Up Party Sund MONEY TO LOAN 34 AUTOMOBILES l. l IL T J. 4 t 0 UI UI i 1 A. A 1 N 1 l S. S f J. J B. B co 1 so MAIN MAm ST BT V WAS WASt AS 1030 t AUTO D lL LOANS ANS t PRIVATE A IE SALES 4 t l QUICK AND AD CONFIDENTIAl y NO LO Low RATES BUDGET SYSTEm INC MOTOR AVE WAS MONEY TO LOAN t PERSONAL LOANS I A COMPLETE LOAN SERVICE ON LOANS UP LIP TO AUTO MAKER CO-MAKER FURNITURE t. t Our chanes RTe are the lo est available for this s loan and fIgured on unpaid balances r DId ContInental flank Dank I L 1 So Phone Was Wu 2007 t STATE SUPERVISION O 1 l 3 FURl CO j AUTO AUrO LOANS Friendly b company offers more mor corn com r piete service under r p confidentiaL h of state c Cost r is ln as fg low dept tiu as Quick Quick- b- b tamable In the for this full loan I 1 to 20 months to pay par ComeI Come I Phone wrIte i IIA SOCIETY Curt Clift Cor Main to A 3rd So fJ VI WAS ASo 1211 YOU ARE V TO BORROW I I 50 TO 1000 ANY PLEDGE OP OF VALUE Auto Personal Property Mortgage I 1 Per Cent Discount count Per Month Repay monthlY withIn year RELATIONSHIP CONFIDENTIAL CONSIDERATE Fn ANCE ANCEr r I THRiFT COo CO 80 50 STATE State Bank lon I f QUICK SMAll LOANS 5 A NEW COMPANY I. I A mutual WITh profit NEW n METHODS A and your Jour promIse to pa pay only I CREDiT ASS fi WALKER BANK t AriD ANDU ur urI ON YOUR PERSONAL NOTE NO EN N. N I DORSERS G 6 MOS TO TOt REPAY t IMMEDIATE SERVICE Belne BeIne local Salt Lake a company Wt can adjust our service to mee your Jour per I l requirements FINANCIAL DISCOUnT co EZRA THOMPSON JH f s I UP people on per per- i note No tort Most liberal plan In note SA Salt t Lake One hour lr service 1 SALT LAtrE DiSCOUnT co 2 B 2ND 80 SEASON fC CASH i EASiest place In town to get tet IS 15 or 50 In a 11 hurr hurn No securIty Quick courteous confidentiaL LOCAL CRENT R CO I Ut Sav Tr Ir Bd 23 S. S Main I SiGH AND TAKE ON YOUR PERSOnAL nOTE 00 llO 10 cOO A job ob and your Jour promise to pU pay our cur only requirement QuIck courte courte- ous confIdential service CASH CREDIT co 05 SCOTT SCOTY S c no 10 or more to Vi prop people Ie on theIr own note No co or mort- mort gage aue Easy payments See us first EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES' LOAN SOC 10 West Vest 1st So lUl ck JP Loins TO EMPLOYED M MEN N AND WOMEN NO A FRIENDLY CON SERVICE DISCOUNT BIde 3rd So and Main A respectable place where ladles end and CAn borrow money moner on aD diamond and watches at legal rates TIlE THE DIAMOND anol anolI I so MAIN machines arc being In- In by police or of England TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES TRIBUNE and reader ao and advertisers ad- ad are urged t tO exercise caution in automobile or bus tr trane rt ro with fl other individuals l Eel Eel- should te be carefully find definite assurance of responsibIlIty red JI A STAGES TR THE STANDARD OP AMERIcAS AMERIcA'S BUS BUG SERVICE PART OP A GREAT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM DETROIT 2430 Denver SR fl M Los Ane Anc 1 1800 R 00 Omaha Portland 1300 Ken Kan 16 16 95 1300 New York IdAho Falls 3 90 Chicago 2150 Seattle 1500 SA SAVINO VINO ON ROUND TRIPS TWO rV STRIPS DAllY DAILY AlL 4 DIRECtiONS WASO v ASo DEPOT TiCKET OfFICE 77 W So Temple Temple Square Hotel CITY TICKET OFfICE KENYON HOTEL 80 60 MAIN W WASATCH ASA t 1 MOSO IR So IDAHO FALLS El nEVo CORINNE AD T J E MALAD POCATELLO HEBER BElIER DUCHESNE VERNAL CULLEN HOTEL WAS 1061 NORTHWESTERN Sf STAGES AGES BOISE 5 4 TWIN V FALT 4 1 BURLEY ir U 3 CUllEN HOTEL W W. 0 i 1064 M Tickets fi N. N all floes tOUr tours cruises Co 24 W V 2 A W TRUCKS FOR SALE 33 INTERNATIONAL Tro INTERNATIONAL H ton lu-ton ton foot 10 steel express bod body INTERNATIONAL 1 I INTERNATIONAL 2 INTERNATIONAL model A duals INTERNATIONAL 2 ton duals SF INTERNATIONAL mod cod A I. wb FORD 1931 model stake stata bodY VEST SOUTH WAS 1617 1929 1029 FORD 11 ton truck dump body 51 77 SO 30 MAIN ST. ST Auto Parts 36 SA VINOS on used parts cu truck bf on trailers I to 10 tons cash for old eRrs ears trucks Pelt Felt e. e 45 S. S State coW prices on parts putH cash for cars Tour s1 Auto Co 1 5 State le Hr Auto Repairing 37 MOTOR n loUo brake relined Guar Day or night servIce Don Hampton E. E H Hy Starter Teeth teeth removIng Guar Williamson Mack Welding So State tt- tt W AUTO SERVICE 39 PEP PEP put into your engine drive ec I pleasure Tune up or recondition Kay s Garage W. W 2nd South Was A AUTOMOBILES Wanted 41 W WANTED FOR CASEL CASH LATE MODEL CARS OR WILL BUY YOUR EQUITY Mc MCBRIDES MCBRIDE'S RIDES RIDE'S SO A AND m MAIN WAS 61 O SEll US YOUR CAR CARWILL WILL PAY CASH NO DELAY NORVILLE MOTOR S 5 MAIN NEED SPOT CARS CASH CASHWe We sell ell your Jour car Small JORGENSEN 1 5 EAST 1ST so WILL buy used r. c 1930 or later 2 or 4 door sedan n. will pay OO to SO 2800 East South POAL OAL WOOD 42 V I FOR SALE Bf H Vc COAL EALCO CO West So HY Hv Red NIt coal Spring r Canyon Ut Carbon Co distrIct Lump stove ston S1 7 cobble nut pea COAL CO Was a 1 nu f lJ p pea nut cobble CARBON COUNTY'S BEST COAL Coal ConI Co tOy KINDLING I 7 SACKS BACKS n. n DEL COAL BY SACK TON BECKS HY 10 1 Ii 3 of pea coal 3 nut 1120 3 stove fly S COAL t ton ln stove tort ton nuts nut at tOy HY 10 KINDLING 1 1 coal sack or t 12 or ton Lues South Main pIPE Machinery Iron 43 LARO I e. e Inch I-Inch pipe other Sll S. S MONSEY MONSE mON IRON CO So 3rd We t. t Wasatch J CO-J 40 boiler hp 60 boiler 0 I locomotive 0 type o ft e 6 1 black pipe f mine y rails its W like new Reasonable prices J. J J. J Coan Co W. W South Temple Tempi W Was s. s 2405 Butchers Butchers' Supplies 44 YOUR MEAT COUNTER shoula bO more than a reach reach-In box It should have customer U appeaL See the new McCrav models on n nag ag display y Sit at l West Vest 2nd South A Want Ad is no its experiment value has been t tested ted and proved MISCELLANEOUS 45 ai tet FOR SALE BAR AI AND D CAi CAFE E FIXTURES DEER BEER novelty boxes back bars ban count ers cash registers complete line of bar glassware Majestic restaurant ranges steam tables counters and tools stools cot cot- fee urns urn dishes silverware r tc WESTERN FURNITURE COMPANY South State COMPAN Wu USED LUER JUliER It f. f good u used ed some le good used flooring and doors door good oad used brick Bargain prices UTAH SUPPLY CO Corner Corr S. S and W. W WIs 33 WESTINGHOUSE GHOUSE RANGE Full Ful Automatic 3 last cooking plates platt full ful size Ille Zone oven Clean cool cooking for only fully Installed In our kichen or Ju Just t 64 It If no ins is 1 required TERIS 5 down down small Wr- Wr monthly payments on balance Imal UTAH POWER LIGHT COMPANY LOIT COtAY South Main Was lOANS TIlE TE ANCHOR LUMBER CO photographs your home prepares p your U estimates a and extends n to r you all ut the service e possible s gl that t a corps of e experienced d can perform lf rr in obtaining gil ib home loan Anchor Lumber Co 2250 20 South Main Malo Uy 4 CO Yours Your for Cor good rod lumber BARGAINS BARGAINS other makes Los Ls Gables Gibles Garage Garue rear S. S 3rd East Eat NEW NEVI 1934 Priced as a low Jow as a A few 1933 floor foor samples at reduced pris RadIo Studios F. F 1 OUTBOARD It I will wi pay you JOU t to je see EMIL JOHNSON JOHNSON- before Delor buying or boats motors 1114 11 SO 80 STATE IY q 3 MEAT counters storage Martin MET boxe Marln Kraals Kral 0 Co U. U 2 W. W W. W ll SALE HALE 75 SOUTH WEST WET TEM TEt I APRIL APRI I A. A A M. M MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS 45 III FOR SALE POULTRY WIRE ViRE Carload of Inch I-Inch mesh now being reclaimed at 1077 1011 So Slain Main for sale at I price McFarland Lumber Lumber Lum- Lum ber Hd Co 2220 So 50 State CASO REGISTERS adding add add- ing Ins machInes sold gold rented repaired State at t Love Was Wa 2164 Est Et 46 years DUCO CUCO Lacquer paint spray equIpment and compre compressors or sold lold rented repaired A. A C ker So State Was 3 TANKS Iron and all al sizes and and t hew dec le motors pipe a and fittings fit fit- tings i crusher and r rY dU t E E. E South USED refrigerators 3 and up new reins reins- 20 20 and UP 55 W W. Temple Wo 1234 IDAHO potatoes for planting or eating also grain So W. W Tern S. S L. L Was j 35 or E. E Bosworth Preston Idaho HOOVER nOE vacuum I A-I condition 15 5 club cash ApplY E 3rd South USED EQUIPMENT BARGAINS ICE CREAM CREAM freezer aorta oda fountain root beer barrels barrels separators cake and bread mixers mixer bakers bakers' ovens oyens loaf lod m molders etc candy makine candy Quip W. W v. v H H. H BITZ BINTZ CO V. V 2nd ICE REFRIGERATORS as good ns as new 3 to 10 SO 16 H. H Broadway SINGER SIGER treadle sew fe mach first class clas cond Guar Mr Julan Was perfect condItion 7 feet lon long 2 teet wIde 6 feet high 16 N N. 2nd West Was THE RIO GRANDE LUMBER LUMBE CO can help you ou with wih your our home loan needs Repairs remodeling and new roofs rot 18 So West Wet Was Wa UNIVERSAL COAL RANGE Blue porcelain on legs leEs absolutely like nev 40 10 cost 50 fly Hy W. 2438 HI Highland dr dec used HOME 2122 S. S 11 1 E. E BEER DEE equIp store fixtures meat mea counters I Walk In coolers 32 Richards Wa 5 oak cigar I showcase also 6 ft 6 dark 5 birch kc cigar showcase h oc si for r sale Cali i Was R. GENERAL GENERA electric foot 8 display case corn com piete at Was Wa BEER SER and bar Soda fountaIns atm tables Easy terms Morer Morr lartman Co Co 55 P. P O. O Place BEER BEE equip store fixtures me meat t cou counters r. r coolers 32 RIchards Was MISCELLANEOUS 46 WANTED CLOCK CLOCK WANTED L Large e size cuckoo clock wanted Phone Phon WA USED USE RADIOS RADIO washers washer electric tons tor bouCht and sold Bold E. E Broadway Was Wu WILL pay cash a I for some used furl furniture t ure WL and J good o coal n I II range n Ha r GUARANTEE CAS I PRICE FOR PURE FRN RUGS RANGES RANGE WAS CASIO for tor your mortgages R. R H. H or auto CAH contracts contract Drown Brown East Fut 3rd South Old Gold Wanted 47 CASH CASIO PAID FOR OLD GOLD GOL Jewelry dental PAI crowns bridges etc etc W. W st M. JEWELER LICENSED GOLD BUYER 64 S. S MAIN ST. ST WASATCH BUER 1821 OLD GOLD PER CENT CASH PAm GOLD PRODUCTS CO 12 W. W V 2ND SO CASH CaSH for old gold lold dental crowns Davidson DavIdon 30 E 18 B. B W. W 96 Clothing Wanted 48 prIce for used mens men's VL 53 5 H. H 2nd So Was WI CASH paid for mens men's clothing shoes hoes all al CAH kInds pad of lu V Wn Junk Wanted 49 BEER bot ot qt ZOc lOc IDe ru tact men mens ha hats qt s. s Moe MO 48 E. E 2 B. B liv 1 W Z-W Z YOUR OLD and ranges are worth moneY moncy WI Ve on tl ca cash h WI Vas LETS LET'S SWAP 50 MILLER LOAN buys trades loans on suits un watches old aid 47 W tV 2nd So AUTO repairing for washing machine furni- furni tune ture tools tool or what have hn you B at Was R FOR SALE 51 E 3 mL Suite In Jacquard velour Suie Other LIVING RM mi priced tram from 23 to B Large of 01 used ICE e ast from 3 to 1500 2 UPRIGHT PIANOS let class condition ii US 45 and USED BEDS from 0 to 10 6 95 USED SPRINGS front from 2 to USED USE MATTRESSES MATHEE from S 2 to to TERM IF II DESIRED DESIE GRANITE FURNITURE COo 1050 E East st south PC 8 oak dining set c. c 2950 50 CHINA CLOSET solid loUd oak oak c. c 1250 DRESSER ivory larse mirror 4 O DRESER Large Laue rocker genuine lea 1250 LEATHER DAVEt DAVENPORT PORT makes make makeK bed 1295 A Jg K g I Iv liv 3 3 pc 1 MOhAIR IIA i s Set t. t TRADE RADE IU IN your old on new at the WESTERN FURNITURE N i COMPANY COMPAN Basement i So State NEW hl high grade turn traCed for Used Re Re- h fur Furn Fm Co E. E W. W WE BUY sell new and ue used f furniture SUGARHOUSE STORE STORE 1084 1064 East So HY Ho 4 of rood good used furniture f cheap W. W let bt North Was Wu 73 M. M. 8 DINING room set sel heater And cheap Was WD W. Purley St It FURNITURE WANTED 52 3 tor SPOT CASH W Prices l for turn L all ogI GIVEN kinds M n no nug rugs ug l stoves f CALL CAL WAS GUARANTEED hIGHEST CASh CASU PRICE 1 PIECE PICE OR so 50 lOMB AP FREE FEE CALL RIGHT NOW YOU KNOW I we pay Ills but best for used furI fur fur- I HOLLAND FURNITURE CO CO So 50 State Stae Was Wu WAATCH FURNITURE CO pays pan more for wed used furniture 3 7 So 50 State Wa Vas 8 6 NEED NE 6 5 of turn fur will wi bu buy all or part U if reasonable H By J. al I WILL civo you ou cash for tor some of your yourt g t i is I my price WE need ned your our furniture Highest prices paid pad for lor furniture City Furniture Was a. 2028 21 So Wen Temple CASH for turn fur rugs rul ranges etc Die 4 4 Yurn Eur Co S. S W. W Temple ec WAS 77 FURNITURE WANTED 52 CASH FOR RANO RANGES FURNITURE RUGS CAH WASi and SEW M MACHINES W. W PRIVATE party wants used turn furn rues heaters ranges etc et Pa Pay more W. W 6 1 We need need furniture dont don't give yours yourl away awn We PU pay casts cash llY lY WANT QUICK HOUSEFUL FURNITURE PAY CASH GOOD PRICE PRICE W. W J YOUR price is our price we e need TOUr fur fur- at lt once Call Was Wa Radio Parts Service 54 EXPERT 90 day guar Che ChI 31 olus Dart Weter Vestern Electrical College I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 55 I FOR SALE RENT pIanos 2 i too mo I 1 yr a 0 rent on purchase purchase pur- pur chase prIce Utah MusIc Co E. E 3 So WILL ILL pay cash lesh for your our used piano Utah Uth Music Music Co 16 E. E Broadway BJ BEESLEY LEY MUSIC CO will wI pay c cash h for band nd or piAnos WA Was MUSICAL INSTRUCTION 56 studio Jazz and commercial commer- commer cial pIano banjo saxophone drum Ics les- Sons Templeton GUITAR BANJO IN 12 L LESSONS SONS Read and play Din In 12 lessons fly BY H. R STORE AND OFFICE 57 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE BUY and kInds store nd BU fi- fi lel al tures ture Merchants Salvage Co So 5 Vest Temple Was TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE 58 I SERVICE stationery office Utah Uth Typewriter Ex Er 20 E. E 1 So W W. L. L L C New SMITH and and used d cr Corona r Typewriters rw rentals i Inc i 40 We t 2nd South W M. M M D. D HOGGAN ER exp on all 01 makes t W. W CEO CEO service typewriters ribbons W. W 2993 Store Office EquIpment OYCE desks and S I. I L Desk Lx r. r 65 W Was fies Plants Trees 60 I Tree Trimming Surgery out GIAT frame fame grown troW rose ros pink orange velvet red one on or 1000 2 cents each 1623 Pa Park rl sl at CHOICE year two yeB perennials Sc sip uP Pansies English daisies forget nots me forst 3 dos dol Vest bet Ith South Plant PERENNIALS now lOc ec cc 1 do Gardens So S. S Wt West t. t PANSIES and other plants 2 50 S. S HOO 1400 So w. w Lawn Garden Fixtures u ROSE fuses ruches arches gates aRes seats scats Ic ll display Naner 2277 2211 lii 1 dr H SOIL AND FERTILIZER 62 zer ek or 3 sacks S. S Occidental seed Co W. W So FERTILIZER well wel rotted and ond screened also mt soil sol ncr pr load Ily IY W. W BLACK soil S1 O load fertilizer send gravel delivered teas rens Hy pOULTRY Baby Chicks 65 YOUR POCKETBOOK SUFFERS lIEN V YOU GET STALE STAE CHICKS Buy only HATCHED FRESH FEn chicks for best results service urlce to all al poInts in the west Phone write or wIre for price list and literature All Al leading varieties 6 8 and pullets and turkey Distributors for the best In brooders brooder feeders and other poultry supplies RAI RAMSHAW Vi HA HATCHERIES Compliance No 46 PHONE MURRAY So State Salt Lake Ci City Utah WHITE WE LEGHORN vigorous vl vig- orous tested blood stock picked hand and selected guaranteed When more can be done to produce a 11 bet better r pullet we will do It I. I Stanley 13 D. D Neff Net Son Poultry Form Farm and Brodeu Sandy Utah Tel Midvale R l. BABY BAY chIcks from best ess grade arade Certificate No Get free catalog P WAlton Co C. C Salt sla Lake City WILL cash for hens rn ci st st. Midvale BABY BAY chicks s. s turKeys tUrey ducks best beL strains Poultry supplies Send for prices supple Hale Hallei Sons Co Co S. S L. L 0 ut W. W WANTED Live WAE poultry Will Wi call for and nay DAY too tOD Drier E. E L. L L Madsen Mura O. O PETS DOGS DOaS CANA CANARIES IES 68 WANTED to u tor n d boy purebred male Boston Doston terrier reason reason- reason reason-I obIt able Must be bl house hous trained JOy 1288 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 69 G cow and for sale gIves ea very rich milk mik 1590 So l st E. E fly By R. Horses Boarded HORES boarded on est belch Phone Phon I fly Hy R. R B BUSINESS SERVICE Arranged |