Show FRATERNITY PRIZE AWARDED TO THREE Trio Named as Advancing Cause of Jewry NEW YORK April 20 The P The American who most did for Jewry in 1933 is three men men-a Presbyterian minister a Catholic priest prIest and and a rabbi The three the Rev Everett R. R Clinchy of 0 New York City Father J J. J Elliott Ross of Charlottesville Va and Rabbi Morris l S S. S Lazaron of Baltimore Baltimore Bal Bal- Md will vill receive the medal cast in triplicate the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity announced today The medal usually goes to one man adjudged winner of t the e title The three men won it by virtue of 0 a pilgrImage pu- pu grin grImage trip on which they advocated advocated understanding among Catholics Jews and Protestants in America I They vIsited 38 cities TheIr efforts proved an antidote to Semitism anti In America the committee said in announcing the theaward theaward award The award is gIven annually by Zeta Beta Tau national Jewish college col- col lege fraternity The Rev Everett R. R Clinchy Pa Fa ther J. J Elliott Ross and Rabbi Morris S. S Lazaron vIsited Salt Lake City last November The recent organization of the Salt Lake Conference of Re Re- Groups was an outgrowth of their work here |