Show Co Com m eL L e t ts t's I S w ape a p C a r s 5 IN TOWN BEST BUYS 1 CARD OF THANKS a TUE llE FAMILY ot of Barnett wish to ex- ex Press their appreciation to their many friends for the and kindness shown them during the Illness and ond paIn passin pass pass- pa- pa In of their husband and father Mrs Mn Barnett Brett ther and MARKERS u Ti AND FLOWER POTS BRONZE grave rrue of eve everlasting beauty Salt Lake mar er Stamp Co 43 4 W W. Sl Broadway Broadw I. hEAD STONES grave markers e special C 1 Od JI 10 tins 1 line ot i ar pots urns and bird baths L' L W. W C. C f Morris Mori 1832 So ith East Ent Cement Burial Vaults cotE COL original I d dealers W l n r rement e burial N et t W J LOST AND FOUND 12 DARK brown leather leather overn o gist bU be tonI cont dark duk blue set kodak keys kes etc ete lost lot vic U U. U P. P Bus Call Cal liy Hy J. 1637 Rew pin lost around April DELTA TM-DELTA Apri TRI TRI-DETA 11 Vas 1864 or WIS J. Reward 1 a. pIn lost Tues ne eC Reward NO ASKED ASKE was wa PURSE glasses lost Tuesday PURE Phone Wa apt 12 Reward Tue GOLD G C with wih silver sU token on chain engraved Kennelh Christensen lost Coconut Grove Gro Lib ReV fly By W. pERSONALS 13 CON CONVALESCENT home aged invalids rest ret cure diets Call Cal Was Wa ut 1202 or fly Hy treatments treatment Eva EVI exper nurse nure So S. S 2nd E. E W. W R R VERY belt masae hot bot bath alcohol rU rb VEY tei lire Hr 10 S. Atlas AUas Bide EP EXPERT coons 23 l. l American let 1 South C Was W agent i Medical MASSAGE re- re 23 So S. S 2nd E. E Apt Apt 3 35 RUCE the safe and sane way No dieting no exercise Remedy ith guarantee Ill Ih W for appointment M MISS RENEE expert and bath epert Inc RENE Sundays SundAy 2 25 No let lAt West apt REWARD Liberal Reward Offered for or Information Lea Leading d. d to Recover of Strand of Pearls Missing SinCe January No Questions Asked Address Box 1101 Salt Sal Lake City Utah I Swim to Reduce I warmth ane Prof Thornton Thorton Was Springs W. W Se Beauty Culture 14 E NE New New- cat and aud latest methOd producing beau beau- lustrous waves avel In all al textures of hair Also other methods TURLEYS BEAUTE SHOP LOP 40 Cont Bank Bide Was WaA Dressmaking 15 i U UP 15 UP O up alterations mate make oven overs fleas Ren Ruth Morgan 1822 LI Like St St. s. s H fly W. Detectives 16 N Detect Aun detec- detec tires thes Sav Tr Was 8 Foot Specialists 17 OH 38 1 L. L P. P D L. L Dds A Ables Arch bles birs corrected Quick and lasting reler Medical 17 a OIL OR South t t. t W Vl lur men Ca MALE HELP 20 WANTED W dependable clerk for country hardware store Write Writ Box V 46 W W Good automobile mechanic 53 AEDo mechanic Wet Vest So Temple W. W L. L Wetherbee RADIO RIO man lon with wih car J not t nrc Box X X-U. Tele IF N lYO YOU OWN A CAlt AND LOOKING FOR WORK WITH A CALL CAL W W. Schools for Men 22 GOVERNMENT STOR EPE Examination at Lake Ol Oily about May 16 commence 2000 to year year- 10 11 1500 yea yea- I ly Men Ien 23 21 to 60 No experience re- re Common education We can help YOU Free ee rIte Immediately INSTRUCTION flU flU- BEAU REAU S. S St. St Louis Luis Mo ERN EARN while you OU learn leam barbering Wo lo meet your state requirements Moler Barber College Reent St. St SAL WANTED 24 SALESPEOPLE for easy eay seler every eHry hO household house house- hold needs one commission 81 S starts YOU out So 2nd East EMt pOSITIONS WANTED 25 MALE D YOU need me Young adver and produce specialIst No work rejected Box Dox X 12 FEMALE JEMALE HELP 26 I WANTED ANTED EXPERIENCED girl for presses none other J need son soil ed stud Street Star Laundry Jeferson WANTED Fancy spotter Apply State cleaners Dyers Dyers E. E let South POSITIONS WANTED 29 I FE FEMALE EX EXP beauty operator Utah If license desires perm or temp position good sod refs age ace 24 pleasant pera pr W W. R IL CURTAINS A Oc Cnn CaU and deliver delver Wk lk guaranteed ed U. U H- H W. 1447 W. W AUCTION SALES 30 f TODAY DAY I 1 p p. p rn m. ladle ladles ladles' sprine spring haLe hat house frocks childrens children's dresses hosiery underwear underwear 60 Imported grass rugs rui mens men's ladies ladies' shoes 20 ladies Indies hand bags bass shirts ties tes sox lOX wholesale millinery stock dock hat materials piece goods laces lacs rIbbons etc all al to ro gO gOunder rounder under the hammer at whatever price it will I You name the price Sale will 1 continue daily InV while fe stock k lasts It I auction YOU value lue sale ule your our money attend this W. W II WADE AUCTIONEER 27 East Eat 2nd So 8 W. W H. H AD ADAMS AUCION AUCTIONEER I. I E 1484 to 1486 18 SO STATi ny BY M. M DERRICK AUCTIONEER Hish Hilo else In Iu auction ton service ai Vaa 64 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 tRADE INS net 1 1927 1921 OS COACH 75 6 wheel Sedan 69 1033 CIL COUPE 50 1933 CIE COACH i A-i I. A-I. 1933 FORD FRD Sedan air wheels wheel 1926 STUDE Dictator Sedan 8 85 1933 CHEV Sedan dan like new 1928 1925 BUICK CHE S Sedan dan lie IO 1926 CHRYS Sedan 70 0 1931 I CHYR 6 Sport Coupe NASH NASI Light Liht 6 Sedan 22 1929 BUICK Pa 3 5 Coupe Coup 1930 Pickup 1929 FORD ORD 11 ton 1 ton Stake 1929 CHEV CHE l' l B coal body 1931 WILLYS 6 Stake new tires S ln 2 I lICo 65 SO MAW MAIN USED USE CAR DEPT 5 S. S Main W. W 2696 JA ICIA IS WE ALLOW AL L LEBS WE CAN CA SELL SEL FOR LESS LE FOORD 1929 coupe RD ORD 1930 COUPE COUPE rumble scat len FORD 1931 DE BE DELIVERY 23 FORT 1930 L LON 0 N 0 WHEELBASE FORT STAKE STAE TRUCK TRUCK diET CIE 1932 1132 COACh CACH OTHES 3 fbi DE SOTO COUPE 1930 26 CHRYSLER SOO SEDAN 15 SEAN OLDSMOBILE SEDAN SEDAN SEAN SEAN OLDS OLDSMOBILE SEDAN SPECIAL 9 93 ChEVROLET IBrE 1930 TUDOR plY 6 CHEROLE tires Ures 2 0 J A WASATCH 2914 41 EAST SO THE TE FORD CENTER ThE III CORNIER Q NI 1928 ChEVROLET Coupe COUP CHEROLE 1930 1910 CHRYSLER Sedan 1930 DE SOTO Sedan 1928 PONTIAC Coach g 1928 g FORD R kh S Sedan n 1928 ROOSEVELT Sedan 2928 ROSEVELT BUICK DUICK COUpe 15 2929 1921 DURANT Coupe 1929 g nB HUDSON gOt Coach h I IOU S 1927 11 OLDSMOBILE Sedan 15 5 1 1927 21 OLDSMOBILE Coupe 85 3 1927 Coupe Coup 3 55 1928 FORD TUDOR Sedan 15 1929 FRD DURANT S Sedan dan 15 1925 BUICK Coupe 60 r SEE OUR LATE MODEL CORDS BAKER RAKER MOTOR COMPANY AUThORIZED FORD FRD DEALER 3RD SOUtH EAST LATE 27 21 Hupp R 8 roadster first class cond So cash B 23 t at Apt 3 3 cus W. W St. M 1927 1021 NASH 4 SPECIAL SPECIA 6 SEDAN New tre tires excellent motor and body In SO 80 MAIN ST. ST 1130 STUDEBAKER DICTATOR G 6 4 lIE SE- DAN 6 wire wheeLs wheeL wIth side aIde mounts mount trunk rack Looks Lok and runs like new SO 50 StAIN MAI ST. ST 1923 4 AMBASSADOR SEDAN 8 f wire wheels and Ind trunk very HT good cost COlt now BALLARDS SO 80 SOMAIN MAIN MAI ST ST. S. S 1926 slAIN ST SEDAN SEDA H 51 80 S. S 1031 1131 DOOR 4 DE BE SEDAN DOR 4 Original and like brand new WAS BALS BAL'S 57 SO 80 MAIN ST ST. ST ST. lUO 1930 STUDEBAKER PRES PRE 8 COUPE 6 I wire wheels rumble seat finished In a 1 beau beau- bau- bau tul light tan tn 39 7 SO 80 MAIN ST 1929 PAIGE GRAHAM 8 4 SEDAN A Areal Areal real bargain In 1245 DI SO 80 StAIN MAIN ST. ST 1931 CIE De Dc Sedan In good sod condl- condl lien terms or trade tude See S cu at 18 So Main Ask Ad for Oeo Oco La 1329 FORD TUDOR SEDAN Good condi- condi tion ton Call Cal I SEAN 1928 1828 CHRYSLER 62 Coupe 1st class condi- condi tt cond- cond lion Uon Call Cal Drooks Arcade cas AUTOMOBILES For Sale 32 n BEST BUYS IN TOWN 1932 HUDSOn SEDAN here e is a car that a is in very condition con con- ehll every yc way rn The ff looks cJ like 1 new ne with lh wire Ire wheels and extra etra good tres tires has la free wheeling sun lun shades etc etca all al the latest features Priced 75 S below the market maket Asking 1 only BARR SO 80 AND AN STATE WAS PACKARD MODEL MODE CUSTOM CLUB CLUn SEDAN finished In tan Ian with wih canary yellow trIm 6 wire wheels wheeL fender Wells metal tire tre covers special cl trunk n with pigskin n suitcases suit suit- cases also F trunk u rack custom finish th with wih de appointments Orl Original rl cost Our specIal for today toda only 50 JACKSOn MOTOR co MOTOR MOOR AVE WAS SEDAN ALMOST ALOT NEW driven only miles mie e lure equIpped with 6 wire wheels IS ide mount t tr trunk rack k I etc ply 8 b proof blowout dot r f General e e tf tires B Sold new for Will take Wi 70 This wu was W. W O. O personal car CI Ceo Seo It at SO MAIN IAN 1932 BUICK BUIC Sport Coupe 6 wire wheels fender wels the appearance f wheel Just like new I Jb lIes HI ply 6 heavy duty tires dual horns spotless upholstering A real rell value alue at lt price asking Trade and tern C Call Mr Benny at t Wa as tau 1944 14 EAST I SOUTh SOUT EAT t 1931 NASH LIGHT LOIT S a S SEDAN E. E N. N lies JM original finish In dark green 5 practically new heavy duty tires tire The motor has ha been corn corn- t y reconditioned in our shop co- co cot This car is t the cg eh buy in Salt fi l Lake i I for only will trade and nyc easy terms on balance FREED'S Co 6 SO ND 2ND EAST WAS I Y THEY'RE GUARANTEED 1933 PLYMOUTH COACH clean 1932 DE SOTO De Be SEDAN 1931 NASH Light ht 8 8 SEDAN 37 L SEAN 1931 SEDAN 1930 PONTIAC SWAN 1930 FORD FR COUPE SEAN 1930 WILLYS de Sedan 1929 DR DE SOTO SEDAN SEAN 1929 DODGE DODE D D. A. A SEDAN SEAN 1929 STUDE De Be Sedan 1929 1923 STUDE D Dc Coupe 1929 ESSEX door 4 dor Sedan 1029 1129 BUICK Dc DC CIP Coupe 1928 NASH D Dc Coach COch 1928 OLDS SEDAN SEAN ID 1928 SEDAN 1925 BUICK WILYS SEDAN SEAN 13 73 1927 CHE door 4 dor 4 Sedan OS DS 1931 FORD FRD Panel Delivery LARGEST LARGET USED USE CAR n STORE STORE Ic INTERMOUNTAIN PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH-DE DISTRIBUTORS SOTO 63 60 SO 80 2ND EAST ES WAS LOT LT 82 SOUTH STATE m c l I H J I 9 H n Co 1933 CHEVROLET CHEROL S Sedan dan radio 1695 1933 CHEVROLET CHEROL Coach 1933 DODGE Sedan 1933 DE so-ro so SOO De Dc Sedan 1933 PLYMOUTh De Dc Sedan 1933 1333 PLY PLYMOUTH De Dc Luu Coach SS 1932 BUICK 7 51 Sedan 1932 BUICK De Dc Sport Coupe 32 CHEVROLET window 5 Coupe CHEROLE Widow 45 1932 CHEVROLET CHEROLE De Be 42 1932 FORD V-S V Do Di Coach Coach 1932 ROCKNE 6 63 Sedan 49 1932 DODGE pg 0 Sedan 95 1931 BUICK S Sport rt Coupe 1931 BUICK Sedan 5 1931 ChEVROLET CHEROLE Coupe 36 1931 DODGE De Dc Sport Coupe 65 1931 DODGE Coupe S 1931 I HUDSON D Dc Coach 42 1931 HUDSON De Dc Sport Coupe 1931 NASH Sedan Cupe 1931 STUDEBAKER Dc D Sedan Sedon 46 MANY HAN MORE SOo W. W J I 1 1 1 I I l 9 S 1 1930 30 CHE COACH 85 SS DOWN 1894 SUt MONTHLY 1931 FORD FRD CABRIOLET CARIOLE air wheels DOWN MONTHLY 1929 HUDSON TOWN SEDAN 2 US DOWN 2113 1211 MONTHLY 1931 BUICK SEDAN SEAN 8 57 HS 45 DOWN DO MONTHLY 1931 SEDAN 6 Swire wIre wheels wheels hUDSON HUDON SEAN 45 DOWN MONTHLY 1932 NASH STANDARD 8 Sedan 9 DOWN MONTHLY 2 25 SO 3RD EASt Wo W. 63 MEMBER N R H A JARR lAIl lII CHEVROLET CHEROLE AND PONTIAC DEALERS 1927 BUICK BUCK good sod mechanically n COUPE COUP tumble rumble seat set 11 1928 cHEST n 75 1932 CHE SPORT COUPE 4 0 COUP 1928 ESSEX Coach 85 1932 FORD V 8 COUPE CUPE 1932 HUDSON SEDAN 57 1933 PONTIAC SEAN SEDAN e. e 6 1930 PLYMOUTH 6 w. w Sedan TRUCKS 1933 CHEV CHE ton ton Bi-ton 50 1931 FORD FR PIckup 1926 FORD FRD ton I-ton 53 50 1931 CHEV ton z-ton Panel S SOUTH UTH 8 STATE STAT WAS WAS 2058 1 DEALERS DELER AND DISTRIBUTORS FOR AUBURN CARS CAR DIAMOND T TRUCKS 1926 CHEV Roadster 1 S 63 1930 Coach 1930 FORD Tudor Sedan FRD 1931 FORD FRD Coupe 1930 OLDSMOBILE Sedan 1929 DODGE D B. A A. A Sedan 29 19 1929 PACKARD De Dc Sedan 8 I 1931 NASH De Dc Coupe 38 1923 DURAt Coach 60 6 1932 PLYMOUTH Coach TRUCKS TRUCK 1933 CHEVROLET CHEROLE Lone Dual Cab And chassis overload springs ply 10 tires tres frame Ideal for or heavy haul OTHER OTHE TRUCKS IN STOCK SEE SE THEM PASS CAR DAY 60 DAY 6 GUARANTEE GUMS GUAR ANTEE ANTEE TERMS SO STATE JIE RI IlY N INOW W 1929 CHEV Sedan I 19 1323 BUICK Sedan fJ n g 1931 1831 Town Sedan FORD RD 31 1929 FORD Roadster 12 1933 InS V V-S FRD TUDOR o 1930 DODGE Coupe 1931 DODGE Coup Sedan 1930 CHEV CHE l ton ton Truck 27 21 1929 CHEV ton Truck 23 C 0 FORD DEALER U SO WAS VA 1414 1414 3 35 BARGAINS He Be sure sure-ee sure See these before buying BILLS DIU AUTO MARKET MARKE So S. S State stae AUTOMOBILES For Sale J 3 BEST BUYS IN TOWN 1 1931 COUpE BUICK Beautiful light leht tan finish r. r teall new tires Ures ha hl mohair Ing rumble seat ut fully equipped ery little and the motor Driven HI nd is II In Cut conditions This is a real rell i for ton 1 FRED Ao A. EAST tAST SO 80 WAs WA 1414 11 1931 BUICK BUIC SEDAT SEDA MODEL ODE B 7 This car cr has ha been completely In our own oln shop Every has ha been carefully cared t E for dUI New paint new tires tires-an ne excellent car throughout Demonstration ij made upon phone c calL l. l Your WI b car will gladly be accepted on t tg payment Priced to sell lel at fowl BOTTERILL'S 25 23 SO O. O 3RD EAST WAS j. j 1933 DODGE The appearance of a new brand cr cre Dc X equipped has 6 wheels e aide IJ mounts en metal tire Irel coven dual horns hors and taiL tal fights a lure large trunk beautiful interior with wih h ho holstering asking A wonderful Salue at 1 j C N. N CARRUTHERS INC 55 WET S. S WAS I 1933 CHEVROLET Sedan Sedan Has n. n received cd exceptionally IO tsa care has 50 radio IC and air tires very ver clean Deco Daco fInish ai and apo less les upholstering This is I an extra etra lP car ca And for a it 1 Is priced g only Do D. T. T SINGER ao 80 so STATE 10 WAS 1 I Ii i 1931 DODGE DE BE LURE LUX SPORT COUPE 6 4 wire Wheels rumble stat seat and trunk rack Black finish with wih red stripe strip and wh best bes buy irs In town IUS 1443 es rc BRIDES BRIDE'S INC T so AND AN StAIN MAI WAS SIM tl BETTER e USED lM CARS 1933 CHEVROLET CHEROLE Special De Dc Lu Lux- Lux Sedan Sedan radIo 1933 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1933 Ut SEDAN G 6 IU wheels wheel trunk other extras 1932 ROCKNE SEDAN SEAN us m u 1931 AUBURN SrI SP SEDAN 1931 STUDEBAKER CO COM I. I Sedan 1931 CHEROLE DE Sedan 35 1931 1231 FORD FRD TUDOR SW N ns 1931 PIERCE PIECE ARROW SEDAN SEAN IU ilp 1930 SEDAN SEAN 1930 CHEVROLET CHEROLE COUPE 25 27 u. u 1929 FORD FRD SEDAN SEAN I 1929 STUDEBAKER COM Sedan 1923 cost COM sedan 17 m 1927 1837 OLDS SEDAN SEAN its 1927 1921 BUICK 47 SEDAN 1 SEAN 1926 FORD FRD COACH 14 u 35 uWE WE PAY CASK CASH FOR LATE MODEL MODE USED USE CARS CAS STUDEBAKER MOTOR DISTRIBUTOR C SOUTH MAIN WASATCH UM NO O-If O to STAY AT HOltE GO 00 PLACES THINGS IN I A A DEPENDABLE USED USE CAR Cu rO FROM m MOTOR C CO l t 1932 GRAHAM Special C B Sedan SH 1932 NASH Coupe 41 1931 Do Lae Sedan dan 4 1930 FORD rORD TOWN Sedan 1930 GRAHAM 8 Sedan 1929 NASH Victoria 1929 19 STUDEBAKER 8 Sedan In 1929 ERSKINE 6 wire 6 lre wheel Sedan dan 11 1929 ERKINE CHEVROLET Coach hee lU 23 CHEROL 1928 GRAHAM Sedan 1921 STUDEBAKER ts Sedan ii f 1231 i 1928 PAIGE Sedan n 1928 NASH 1 Sedan faa m 1927 1921 STUDS STUDE LIte 6 Sedan Many Mony Other Burl Bun USED USE CAR LOT L I SOa SO MAIN WAS 2515 b 1929 1529 AUBURN Sedan I 1932 CHEVROLET Sedan 1931 un STUDEBAKER k Sedan n. n l 1929 FORD T Tudor g 1931 Cl Coach g h. h m mg 1931 BUICK Sedan 1931 g CHRYSLER t ns Sedan d n m 1930 HUDSON Sedan J 1932 NASH Sedan fg SS 1930 BE SOTO c Coupe Pt so CASH TERMS C e ewe 42 1932 BUICK DE BE COUPE m like BUCK COUPE new dual horns 6 wire wheels 1232 NASH rumble SEDAN seat Hit perfect 1930 FORD l 1926 g BUICK COUPE SEDAN g 1929 OLDS SEDAN ut 1932 NASH SEDAN NAH SEAN 1931 8 SWAN SEDAN HUDSON JS I 1928 1526 U g NASh OLDS f SEDAN SEDAN 73 7 1 A. A Eo E. I SOUTH STATE STAT WAS 1 AUTO C. C Convenient ol Che Chevrolet t Dele Dealer CADILLAC De Be an 1930 CADLAC AbsolutelY perfect 1933 PLYMOUTH De Be Lute Luse Sen SS 1931 CHEV CHE COUPE COUPE air I US 1931 CHEV v voi one n COACH oi eitra des m 1928 FORD Tudor at low PriCe s 1930 FRD AUBURN Cabriolet Cabriolet I 1929 PONTIAC Coupe OD 1 1930 shaPe CHRYSLER 73 S 5 sa i 1928 1923 CHEV ic Sedan Be paint i 1026 CHEV Pickup It 4 7 SOo SO 2ND E E. E fJ Authorized MORGAN Nd Ford CO h 25 27 21 FORD so 26 6 27 21 BUICK CHRYSLER Coach Cach coach Cach 1 95 p 28 8 CHE Sedan 1 15 28 BUICK dnn HI 30 30 g g g g Sedan Coup i ie m 31 ESSEX Coach Cach U 33 f PLYMOUTH OS SOUTH Sedan li MAitS WAS 1105 nY 2 2150 n. n |