Show BILL FOR HOGE BOND BOTHERS OFFICIALS Treasury Situation Bobs Up Again The Utah treasury situation arose again Frida Friday to plague state officials when a 2500 bill was presented for forthe forthe the premium on a bond ob ob- tamed for Enos Hoge appointee whose right to become treasurer still Is undecIded by the state slate supreme court The bill was presented by Leonard A. A Brennan representing the American Amen Ameri- can Surety company and nine other concerns to E. E R. R Miles state purchasing pur pur- chasing agent The latter said the account account ac- ac count probably would be submitted to the board ot of examiners Saturday The state no now laces faces a cost of oc 2500 incurred because it obtained bond for lor Mr Hog Hoge appointed under a new newstate state slate law without waiting for h his qualification by the court The right of Mr Rage Hoge and A. A E. E Chr Christensen acting treasurer to hold holdo o office Ice is attacked in quo warranto proceedings by Charles A. A Stain treasurer elect who failed to qualify by obtaining bond |