Show I I LONG RANGE PLAN NEEDED PING na ba k over oyer Salt Lake history almost I as far as one cares to go no part of our ch jc planning seems to have been beens s as disjoint disjoint- eclas that of providing the thc city with it water One administration after another has out a costly uncoordinated development de without a definite objective in ie view The Tue result re- re sult could only be what it is It is is not worth that it has cost ost and it is wholly dependent the fortuitous accumulation of snow limited in both on a watershed altogether too iii size ize and location Now in view of the thc mild d winter inter through which we Ila c just ve are arc a water f famine Already in April sources are being dl awn upon which h uld stand intact until midsummer I No o single city administration ma may be blamed for this condition What we face now is not peculiar to fo Salt Lake Countless other American cities have llave mismanaged their water w pr blem in the thc sam way On the thc other hand cities started ago started out upon some man many years cars ago long range plans which have hav given assurance from the thc start that as their needs increased th the water would be bc available to meet them Conditions which obtain today todar should sh uld establish the fact in every cry minded civic individual here that thus belatedly we ve must make ke up our mind to launch a rational plan plant t th at t will insure the cit city in the future against the e peril it now faces I City officials and the water committee corn com possess full knowledge of ava available ble 1 re- re q They know what be clone to av avert rt imminent The They also know from painstaking study of past and future p what it will take to make maIm up a seeing program fo to b bc foU followed wed step tep by step logically to consummate te it frOnC obstacle to the drawing or of a h jed ed construct constructive ye and economical program h to judge from the proceedings at t tev ev every ry meeting when all concerned get et together er is endless bickering and contention Such Sucha a thing as bringing opinion and admissions or of orf f et to a common focal point has appeared up s time to be hopeless Of course unless this can be e done Salt Lake can have hac no hope of escape from its present peril and no hope o keeping tIle the cost of ultimately acquiring th the water it needs within reasonable bounds I Early in the winter the thc signs were plain that w we might be dangerously short of snow iri ill the mountains As time passed every doubt d More than a month ago it could live have b been en definitely set down that we were face to face with an unprecedented condition What has been lone about the matter amounts a to nothing NoW officials and their advisers appear to be stirred up It is to tob tobe b be hoped that they are sufficiently stirred to start work on a definite Jan iian to minimize as as may be the he immediate threat of LamIn Lam Lam- in In and to undertake undertake- n. n well organized plan looking to future ne e d dS We Ve cannot annot hope for expansion and development ill in the Salt Lake r gio gion unless we manifest intelligent regard the cm conservation ot or this prime essential e excuse that our water shortage only c comes mes after an unusual winter will be re- re g ded as' as unusually vapid apia |