Show Rookie Hurler Subdues Angels Rego Holds League Leaders to Seven Scattered Hits Indians Beat Stars COAST LEAGUE Standing or of the Team Yum Won Lost Pet Pct Los Angeles 13 13 4 01 Mission 10 10 7 9 8 OAkland 9 8 San 9 a I 6 11 g rn d. d 6 It 11 ll Seattle 6 6 11 Thursday Results OaklAnd 17 11 Los Aniel 1 Francisco 5 Sacramento 4 Missions ns S. S Portland 5 Seattle Suttle 8 Hollywood 7 7 Friday Frida Game Gamu Oakland at Los Antles Sacramento It at San SaD Francisco Minions at Portland hollywood at Seattle Bea By United In Jim Rego schoolboy southpaw from Cram its own back yard the Oakland L club appears to have pIcked up the most promising rookie pitcher of this thi years year's race In the Pacific Coast league Second Victory Rego claimed public attention again I Iby by the outstanding manner in iii which I he set back the Los Angeles Angels S Sin in Thursdays Thursday's contest The kid hurler not long out of the Roosevelt Roose high higi I school in Oakland gave the 1933 1931 champions only seven scattered hits hils to win a balI baU game It was his S second lea league ue victory In hIs debut he blanked Hollywood In between I his wins he lost a decision to Seattle The Oaks came back strong behind I Re Rego's os o's pitching and clubbed four Anel An An- Angel gel el for tor 15 hits It was tin the 1 first victor victory for the Oakland club S over the league leaders The Mission l Reds supplanted Sacramento Sac Sac- in second place by taking a G 5 contest from rom Portland Home runby runs run by Hafey and Dahlgren Dahigren gave ave the Bedan Reds Bed an early lead Portland rallied for two runs in the ninth but fell feU on one S short of a tie tic Seattle Wins One Seattle won its first game under Walter Reuthers Reuther's management by tall tak ing an 87 8 battle from Hollywood The Indians won out in the ninth alter aftel scoring two runs in n the eighth to tie tic th the score I won his hLo first of the rca rca- son for the San Francisco Seals with witha a 54 5 verdict over Sacramento Frank Gira rookie infielder drove in the winning run in the seventh alter after Os Os- tenberg's homer with two on base had tied the score for the senators in the preceding inning |