Show MART CONTROl BILL APPROVED Senate Committee Votes 8 11 to Report Measure Modifications Modifications Modi- Modi Lose Br Associated Press Pres WASHINGTON April The 20 revised revised re- re stock market markel control bill was approved b by the senate banking corn com today 11 to 8 culminating a year two investigation of Wall street practices and nd weeks or of conflict over provisions ot of the measure The bill was reported to the senate in a form which Ferdinand Pecora committee counsel said had plenty or of teeth to prevent repetition of the practices uncovered during the in in- inquiry into market operations The close vote by which the bill was finally approved was in line with the sharply divided committee senti senti- ment which has resulted in half hal a dozen revIsions With President Roosevelt's support carl early consideration of the bill in the senate was assured Nine Democrats and two Republicans cans voted for the measure two and six Republicans were op- op posed I No Important ant changes were made it In the billat the final session though several efforts o mOdify it were Vcr beaten J Meanwhile r bouse I u commerce J tIle section n lii in the i bill tag ing the lc legislations legislation's ns p H 5 which vas stricken out by the senate committee The declaration or of policy is designed d to meet th the question of constitution alit |