Show WOMEN MEET IN SALT LAKE Utah Utah's s Democratic tic Council Session to Draw From Neighbor States Hundreds of Democratic women from all s sections fons of Utah as well as as numerous vi visitors fors from Idaho Colerado Colorado Cole Colo- rado W Wyoming oming and Nev da were preparing Friday to attend the meeting meet meet- ing of the st t council of Democratic Demo Demb cratic women omen in the Newhouse hotel ho- ho hotel tel Saturday Among the pro prominent visitors will willbe be bc Mrs T. T S. S of f Ro Rock RockSprings k Springs state chairWoman for Wyo oming Mrs Mr C. C Ben Ross wire wife of the governor of Idaho Mrs Frank E. E Johnesse Democratic Democrat state chairwoman chairwoman chair chair- woman for Idaho and Mrs R. R A. A H Hattabaugh of of Boise Idaho The opening session will convene at 10 a a. a m. m on the call caB of Mrs James JamesH H H. Wolfe state chairwoman for Utah and Mrs Burton W. W Musser national nation nation- al committeewoman Speakers at this first session will willbe willbe be Hugh B. B Brown Democratic state chairman Mrs J 1 R. R Rawlins of Draper Dra Dra- per Mrs W. W H. H Callahan who heads Utah county Democratic women and Mrs W. W S. S McQuilkin Mrs Frank I Penrose will preside Know Your New Dear Deal Know Your New Deal will be bethe bethe the theme of the afternoon session opening at 2 p. p m. m Among the speakers speak speak- ers era will be Mrs Musser Mrs Wolfe Mrs Reva Beck Basone Mrs Delbert Delbert Del Del- bert M. M Draper and Mrs L. L H. H Brockbank The visitors will be entertained at attea attea tea in the home of Mrs Musser 1333 Harvard avenue from p. p m. m until 6 p. p m m. Feature of the day will be the banquet and mock convention in the Newhouse hotel at p. p m. m Mrs Scott P. P Stewart will direct the con con- Or of women throughout Utah for the fall political campaign and Introduction of the reporter plan to keep Democratic tic women abreast of administration activities will vill be the chief developments development at atthe atthe the convention Mrs Wolfe said Fr Fri Fri- da day Would Name Reporters Under the reporter plan each county chairwoman appoints 22 women women wo wo- men to report on the various activities activities ties of government each woman st studyIng dying a different work Mrs irs Wolfe explaIned These 22 women will present reports reports re- re ports nt at the regular meetings a f their 0 ions The mock convention nt at which a United States senator md and supreme su su- preme pr-eme court justice will be nominated nominate ed cd has been planned to acquaint the women with actual convention procedure procedure pro pro- as well as provide entertainment entertain entertain- ment it was explained |