Show Announcing The Formal Opening of the Campus Boot Shop Operated by A. A T. T Thorup SATURDAY APRIL 21 l L Roses to the Ladies I We invite you to visit our new shop where familiar faces will be pleased to fit you with New Up to Styles for All Ages Joy Tread Shoes for Tender Feet Styles for Street or Dress Dreu CampUs Sports for School S Dr Millers Miller's Health Shoes for Children VISIT OUR SH SHOE E DEN Yo t will be thrilled d with the array of new styles at Campus Boot Shop No 1 East Under Broadway Former y th C College Boot oot op iop V V vest Newest Methods Newest Styles S and Perfect Technique tho Permanent Waves Created d at BETTY KAYS KAY'S 52 2 3 and 5 it Bett Betty Kay Y B Beauty Parlor lor I j So o. o Main WAS I YOUR GROCER GROCER HAS THIS SUNNY WAY TO BETTER HEALTH Check Common Constipation with a Delicious Cereal 1 Food JUls hLis n a lot t to d willi now Eov you feel and how you ou look For in stance you need plenty of with your our meals to avoid the risk of common constipation This frequently caute headaches loss of appetite d an-d en energy en c ergy gy Yet in most it can W overcome pleasantly and b beating by eating n a delicious cereal cerel V 1 Kelloggs Kellogg's BRAN ALt bulk fulk in convenient and conceit conceit- form tests show the tho bulk in BRAN ALL is safe and effective In fact it is much like that found in leafy vegetables Within the body the fiber of ALL ALa BRAN absorbs moisture and forms form n a soft o t ma mass s. s Gently this clears out t the intestinal wastes In addition BRAN ALL provid 4 i min B and iron V Isn't this sunny way ay better than taking patent medicines medicines so so often harmful Two tablespoonfuls of BRAN ALL daily are me usually dent Chronic C cases ses with each m meal aJ V If seriously ill see your doctor BRAN ALL UnItes makes no claim to be a cure 5 Enjoy BRAN ALL itS a cereal or cook into appetizing recipes Be r sure you get Kelloggs Kellogg's It contains ranch much moro more needed bulk than part bran products In Inthe the red green package e. e Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek V I j VT 1 J I 98 OUT OI OF VO WOMEN REPORT J 1 j V L t I MaternIty Middle Age J 4 10 J I ds ft A woman At Deeds three tryl E. E g khim's Vegetable Compound ie co coyour your daughter when she Take ie or T t before ter l V co 0 tide you over Ch gc of Li Take it whenever you ou are Mrs M. M D. D Stevens or of 33 Mar Mar- ar and nd rundown Staret garet Street Binghamton New i York says I tool took bottles of Ve VC Corn Com ComMy My mother YC e me the I Lydia E. E Pinkham's Vegetable hU I i when was and table Compound pound to help inc at ae pregnancy 1 found ha have e taken it ie with three children teen ceen I took cook it beCore my DY daughter It made easier births was born and I sh shall 1 give it to co bet bel J bad shaking shiling the Atthe Change I medi Your et Line ClDe helped me Mrs Ms Bm New York j Lyd En P i kh ms ha-ms m s. s table C 1 I I j 1 i |