Show I Deaths I I Karl Holder Karl Rul Holder noler 78 18 of died Thursday at th the home of his daughter daucher Mrs Mr S. S J. J Granger of infirmities incident to age ae Mr Holder W was S born br In Germany January Janu- Janu any ary I 15 18 1856 6 and had been a resident of 38 years For mAny years yer he hd had enl engaged In farming but for th the put past les several Surviving years r are r had two been sons SW retired 1 and Louis Luis Bolder of f Taylorsville vl four daughters I Sirs Caroline fl Wallace 1 of ll e Sirs I I i I of Salt Lake SIrs Mrs Eva Ea Jackson of Ogden and Ind Mrs Emma Emr Erickson of Sandy 31 children hildren and four net nand LaVern Mr Mrs LaVern LaVer 37 wite of Otto Oto of South Sixth West Wet aired died In a 1 local loal ho hospital Thursday at p. p m. m of h heart disease Mrs R s 's was cb born in Joseph Utah September 10 II 1898 1696 a ot of Samuel and Laura Laura Lott LU Hunt She had hd lived In Salt Lake several years Surviving are ara her husband four sons ons Wayne Samuel Otto oto Jr and James Ras- Ras mussen of S Salt lt Lake five daughters Mrs Mr Laura Reeves Reeve Estella Darlene Dulene and Jeanette of Salt Lake and severAl brothers broter and sl sisters ter Funeral services will be conducted Sunday Sun Sun- dRY day at 3 2 P. P m. m In the Joseph L. L D. D S. S ward ard chapel with Bishop J. J Albert Parker Paler elatIng Interment will 1 br be In Joseph of- of city cemetery Friends may call cal at the Deseret mortuary 36 East Seventh South street Friday FIday and Saturday Ralph Leslie Lesle Crittenden I Ralph Leslie Crittenden Critenden 38 8 a World war or Veteran and resident of Park Pak City died In I a local pneumonIa hospital Thursday at 54 a. a m m. m of Mr Critenden was u born bor irs In May 13 13 1895 a a son ot of Mr and Ind Mrs Mu Wilam Wi- Wi tiara lam E. E Crittenden He had engaged In farming most of his hi life Surviving are his hi parents or of his hi widow Mrs rs Blanche two to step daughters Helen and Margaret Cr- Cr Leaden Park CU a brother Elliot Elot O. O Crittenden of end Ind four sisters sten Mrs Mr Oeo George o Kelly Kely of Salt Sail Lake Mrs Mr John BrIerley of Park CI City Mrs Mr Earl Eal Brooks Drooks and Mrs Mr Jeff Jef Brooks of Hoytsville Funeral r services will be conducted Sunda at 2 I p. p m. m sl in the sH s Meo L. L ut B. B eg S. S chae T Friends may il ca-il at the h home of Mrs Earl Brooks k s in af Saturday i night i and rJ Sunday prIor to services urles n Arthur Henry Howlett Arthur Henry Hewlett Howlett 68 68 of Arapahoe Arpa- Arpa Arapa- Arapa hoe ho avenue died In a a. local hospital hopital Wednesday Wed Wed- at lt 10 p. p sn m. of A nasal nual hemorrhage ILe was born in I Cal January U 6 1866 f Ci k 14 and had lived in Salt I Lake 43 years He Hewa wa wa nn an ot of the Brunswick Dalke Collender Colender company compan SurvIving are ae one daughter Mrs r. r L. L C. C Anderson of Salt Sal Lake live five sons Jons Chester Cheter and Arthur Howlett of Salt Lake I 1 R i Howlett of Idaho W. W H H. Howlett Howlet of Los L Angeles and L. L A. A Ho Howlett lett of Ilous- Ilous lous- lous ton Texas Texa and Ind two grandchildren F. F Everts Evert Frederick Federick Evens 71 11 died at the family home 2331 Grant ave e nut nul Thursday at 1 a. a m. m following An illness ill ill- 1 ness neu of 11 1 days dan Marion Ruth Bachman OGDEN Marion Marlon Ruth flails Bachman 22 ot of 2535 Quincy avenue died Thursday at l 12 I a. a illness Ines m. m In A local loal hospital following a a weeks week's Lillian Lilian L. L Merritt Merrit LEHI Lillian Larsen r Merritt 36 wI wife of If- If John hS p P. P li Merritt rl died 1 d i at r a li local hospital hopital at 53 p. p sn m. Thursday following a several days dan illness I She was wa born May 19 1897 In Sandy a daughter of Mr and Mrs Mrs Larsen I She was wa married mAried to John P. P Merritt Merrit In October Oc- Oc Q- Q tob tober r 1923 and since sice that time had made I her home hom In Lehi ht She was An active L. L D D. S. S church mem- mem ber Surviving are ae her husband husbad three small smal children JackIe Oleo and Yvonna Merritt Merit I Leht her parents Mr and Mrs Mr Israel Larsn Lan Lar- sea sn a sister and three brothers brothers Mrs Mr Florenc Florence Flor- Flor ence enc Young Salt Sal Lake Edward Larsen Larsn Mel Melvin n Clarence Larsen Lauen Sandy DavId I David 86 a resident of 55 years year died here bere Wednesday due to ailments Incident to toa a age e. e Funeral services will wi b be conducted In the L. L D. D S. S First Frt ward eh chapel Friday pe at 1 1 P. P m. m with wih interment In City Clr cemetery Thomas Lester Wilkerson Lester Lster 7 son on of Thomas Thoma C. C and Vera Vern Collard Colard son on of Columbia died Tuesday The Te child chUd was vU born bor at Castlegate April Apri 14 1 1927 1921 Henry Ewer WOODS Henry Ewer 84 84 former resident of Logan Lun died at the home of his daughter Mrs Mn Mamie Vinegar of Cross Wednesday at 1210 P. P m. m of infirm Ites Incident to age ase William Wiliam J. J Grose William OGDEN OGDEN Joseph Josph Grose BO 80 ye re- tired stockman dIed at his home 55 ty t street Wednesday night following ft a brIef brie illness Ulnes 1 Sidney Marcus Beckstead WHITNEY Sidney Idaho Marcus Beckstead Beck Beck- stead stend 63 63 well known known wel-known farmer of Whitney Whiney Beck I died at his hi home Thursday of cancer Franklin Frankln Boulton I Franklin Boulton Boulon 31 died at his home In Bountiful Thursday or of Brights Bright's disease following a m- m ne ness He was WA a I son Ion of Alfred Alred and Esther Ether Maylan Malan Boulton Doulon born here November 2 23 1902 John Bins Bil ohn John RIVERTON-John Bills Bis old year son on ot of Kenneth William and Norma Nelson Nelon Bills dIed at the family home here Thursday at n p. p m m. m of pneumonia pneumonia The child hid had been ill 1 for the last lut month Mary Jane Funeral PROVO services serIce for Mary May Jane c 52 supervIsor of of t the e elementary of f tie Brigham f university I training school and ond assistant part time supervisor of the Provo city schools who died Wednesday d will be conducted d itt 1230 X p. p m n thes cg D. D S. S Fifth ward chapel Chil Friends may call cal at the funeral home Saturday c afternoon and evenIng and anda at a the family residence East lut Fourth North prior to the services Burial will wl be In the Provo City cemetery Estrada OGDEN Estrada 50 10 wu was found dead bY In the yard urd of his home rear of Twenty fifth street at 7 1 P. P m. m Thursday Coroner A. A Hyum De- De nap and City P Physician I IA Valter B. B Whalen Vh examined mt Cige the betty and reported o ie that Ae death deth WU was dUe to natural causes causs The body was Wi taken to the Kirkendall-Darlina Kirkendall mortuary following investigation by po 50 lice Lew Griffin Griffn Andrews The LOGAN The LAN bod body of Uw Law Griffin An An- drew drews- who wag wa found dead In a Salt Lake hotel hote wu was brought here Thurl- Thurl day The funeral service probably will be conducted Sunday In th the L. L D. D B. B Third ia ward chapeL |