Show BOSTON WOOL MART MARTI I PRICES FAVOR BUYER BOSTON April Apri 20 The IP-The The I-The Commercial Com mercial mercal Bulletin will wi say tomorrow I Te The wool market marke continues slow both in the cast and the west So far faras 3 as any trend is discernible prices con to favor the buyer Best wools wool In the Roswel N. N M. M sale this thi week at 7 73 to 78 cents cent clean basis Boston compares compare with wih earlier earler purchases at t cents cent The manufacturing position is not changed materially What business is done is largely largel In fillingin in or orders which require little woo wool Yarns and tops top are barely stead steady The foreign markets market are hardly w so keen this thi week as last at the week end European markets market are waiting for developments at the opening of at atthe the London auctions MY May 1 Prices in the transatlantic markets are arc a bit bi casi r. r MohaIr continues rather slow low but sto stocks ks are arc light and prices are arc firm rm The rne Bulletin will wi publish the fol ol quotations Domestic Domstc Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces Delaine unwashed cents cent half blood hal blood combing cents cent thre three eighths combing cents cent quarter blood combing 37 cents cent h and New York fleeces feece Dlaine Delaine unwashed 30 32 cents half half- halo blood combing cents cent three thee eighth blood combing cents cent quarter blood combing cents Wisconsin Missouri and average Indiana and New England Hal half half- blood combing cents cent three three- three combing cents quarter blood combing 36 cents cent Scoured basis basi Texas Fine 12 months selected cents cent line fine short 12 months month 80 I 82 cents cent fine eight months month cen cents I California Caloria Northern Norther cents cent middle count county cents cent south sout cm ern cents Oregon Fine and F F. M. M lL staple 82 84 cents fine and F. F M. M Fr comb ing cents fine and F. F M. M 1 clothing cloth cloth- coth ing ig cents valley valey No I 76 78 cents cents Scoured basis bai Montana and si similar Fine staple 85 cents cent half blood hl-bloo hl combing comb comb- ing cents three combing cents cent quarter blood quarter quarter-blod combing cents cent Pulled Delaine 9 AA 94 97 cents line fine A SU s cents A supers 83 85 cents cent Mohair Domestic Good God original bags Texas Tex as spring cents cent Texas Texa kid 55 cents cent ArIzona and New can cents cent Oregon cent cents Domestic graded First combing GO CO 62 cents cent second combing 50 55 third thid combing cents cent fourth combing cents good carding cents first kid 78 cents second kid kid cents cent Cape wInter firsts first nominal 17 cents cent summer sumer firsts cents cent Cape summer kids kid cents Tur Tr- Tr key bests bt cents cent Turkey good cents cent Turkey fair Ir cents cent nominaL Foreign prices in i bond |