Show YM TEAM SETS RECORD AS SWIMMERS COMPETE COMPETES S IN A. A A. A U. U TOURNAMENT Yard Yara Relay Mark lark Lowered by Local Youths Weber Gym Feminine Di Diver r Wins Honors r E Events Continue Friday Night NightS 1 V S i Cutting V through the water in splendid fashion the Deseret team of Don Howard Hewett Charles Welch Jr and Orson neer hunger up a new mark or of for the y yard rd relay in the In- In mountain A. A A. A U. U swImming meet Thursday evening at the D Deseret t gave his team a good irgin In the first lap and the other arks gradually pulled away to win more than halt half the tho length ot of the oJ el The former mark was ng Lag up by the team of Miln Mil Mu- n Dorius Alkire Welch Velch and Spen Spenor r in 1930 li l Miss s Manning ins The he meet will be concluded FrI Friy Fri Fri- y I evening when the following eats are slated The Tho yard freele tree free le Ie for men the tho yard ard breast oke for women yard back roke for men fancy diving for foren en cn yard medley swim for men menyard yard 0 free style for lor women rd free style for men and an ex- ex ot of life s saving ving and floating by the Deseret gym gm Fridays Friday's program start at 8 p. p xii m. Donna Manning swim ace from frome Lb e Weber gymnasium in Ogden ho was a member of the chain cham- yard rela relay team from at club in 1928 carried off first nors In fancy diving for lor women evening Her total was points while sc to was vas second with 1 i M Maurine urine Hin kley was third Ith and Zilla Layton fourth r ith th Excellent performance l voluntary dives gave Miss Manring Man Man- ring ng the title since there was wan little oice between the contestants on regular dives i Miss Manning also captured the yard 00 back stroke for tor women lter ter a close race with Lois Smalley In Close FInish Stanley Stanley Plummer ot of the Deseret Im won the yard breast stroke a 11 reaching the finish line Laif the length of the pool ahead If f Theron Nielson A brilliant battle battlo was staged In lie he yard free style event Ken amont of Granite forged into the thead Bad ad after two hard fought laps and pulled away to hold an of several sc yards as the hal inal lap began Orson Spencer then closing the gap with a rush and edging ahead to toj j In byan inch or two Deseret gym team No 1 composed t f Mervin Emery Plummer and ewett swAm to a fairly easy vie vie- iry in the medley race rith Deseret team No 3 second and team No 2 third Women omen to Compete In the yard free style for tor men opens Fridays Friday's program a alose alose lose battle Is expected between Ken lamont Howard Hewett Arthur n k Don nd nd Toni Tom Kurmada Orson Spencer GU Gil Sharp Louis rash ash and Mervin Emery will be been belea lea en in the tho back stroke while Spencer Lamont Nash Nielson Nielson Niel- Niel I son and Van wm will compete corn com pete in the yard individual med med- l ly y swim Leach Lois Smalley and Virginia Asal are entered entered en- en in the women's yard ard breast stroke Summary of Thursdays Thursday's events een e ard o. o Howard relay relay-Deseret nr Charles h gym S Don There There- Orson Spencer University o oZ utah Time new for tor women Donna Rose Ros Maurine Layton i let frok yard 0 breast for men Stanley Plummer De Theron n. n Deseret Des Dee eret nm gyrn Art Van U. U o of U. U Time yard free for men Orson Spen nm Ken L Lamont mont Howard Hewett Deseret Jym cym Time 2 2324 y yard rd back stroke for br women Donna Manning Weber gym Lois Smaller Smalley Weber Webern n gym Time 1304 rard y lr em medley Jt relay relay-Deseret gym tYm no 1 Mervin Stan Sten Plummer Howard Hewett gym im team o. o 3 Deseret ym No 2 |