Show Outcasts Outcasts' Get New Job With U S. S Colleges CHICAGO April 20 A German Ger Ger- man astronomer ousted by Hitler from the University cn because be- be cause he is a Jew has been appointed visiting professor or o of astronomy at the Yerkes observatory or of the University of Chicago the scientist Dr Hans Rosenberg will participate in the design or of instruments in in- for the new inch 80 telescope tele tele- scope of 01 McDonald observatory joint enterprise of the Universities of Texas and Chicago NEW HAVEN Conn April 20 UP Albrecht prominent European Eu Eu- semitist who was expelled by bythe bythe the nazis from the University of Warburg War War- burg has been appointed visiting pro pro- lessor of Assyriology and Babylonian literature at Yale university Dr Gotze is the second banished German professor to b be named to the Yale faculty Dr Karl Loewenstein noted authority on jurisprudence and formerly of the University of Munich came to the university several months ago ao |