Show DAILY WASHINGTON Go Round Merry Merry Merry-Go w Trade Mark Marie 81 DREW PEARSON rand and ROBERT ALLEN WASHINGTON General General Johnsons Johnson's new newN newN N R It A reorganization is provoking loud cabinet explosions behind the scenes The liberals liberals' in the official family dont don't like the looks looks of of the new machinery Particularly they object t to two things 1 Installing an army officer in the person of Colonel G George orge A A. A Lynch one of General MacArthurs MacArthur's MacArthurs MacArthur's Mac Mac- Arthurs Arthur's henchmen as a sort of top sergeant over the Blue E Eagle gle roost 2 Establishing industrial relations relations' boards on aU all code authorities to handle labor disputes The effect ot of this action is completely to junk funk the long established and experienced c conciliation concilia- concilia tion service of the labor department Secretary pf of Labor Perkins has been frown frowning frowning ing on this l last st move She and Johnson have been on the best of terms but now they they- may not be Johnson did not consult Miss P Perkins when he set up the new labor boards also his move tends to put labor more under the dorni- dorni nation of industry Miss Perkins is doing some quiet investigating at- at ing preparatory to raising the issue at an an early cabinet session Advanced Thinker Johns Johnson n justified Lynchs Lynch's appointment as N R A administrative officer because he was the most advanced thinker in the army Possibly Possibly Pos Pos- sibly more important the two men were West WestPoint WestPoint Point classmates But this effusive laudation failed to impress impress im- im press critical c cabinet members who most emphatically emphatically em- em challenge Johnsons Johnson's judgment in putting putting put put- ting ananny officer in such an civilIan civil civil- ian post they point out knows n nothing thing about N R A has had neither labor nor industrial indus indus- trial experience e. e They view his appointment as setting an unwarranted precedent certain to give foes of the administration fodder for their charges o of dictators and military rule Old Story To Ferdinand Pecora fighting general counsel coun- coun sd sel ot of the senate bank investigating committee the tactics and specious arguments of the Wall Vall Wallstreet street lobby against the administrations administration's stock exchange bill are an anold old story He compares them to the following situation A young lawyer fresh out of college solicited solicited advice from a veteran of the bar What rule he asked would a successful lawyer lay down for the guidance of one just starting his legal career My boy the timer old replied the rule to is very simple When your our opponent has you licked on the facts go into court and talk Jaw aw When he has you licked on the law go into court and talk facts But if he has you licked on both bolh the facts and the law then go into court and raise raise hell heU generally Battle Scent scarred Battle Jim Reed is sniffing the pungent pungent pun pun- gent scent the of-the political arena again Hale and virile despite his 73 years ears the caus- caus tongued tic Missourian is manifesting all the yearning t togo go back to the senate It happens that dry Republican Ro Roscoe coe Patterson Patterson Pat Pat- terson is up p for reelection this year and Reeds Reed's friends are urging him to enter the ra race e. e Most eager of all is his new wile wife the former Nell Donnelly wealthy Kansas City dress manufacturer manufacturer whom Reed rescued from kidnapers last year To this budding ambition is attributed Reeds Reed's sudden appearance as counsel for good Doctor Wirt A m master ster publicist and Reed saw saw- possibilities f for for- r breaking into the headlines and he never has been known to pass up such an opportunity Whether Reed tosses his hat back into the ring remains to be seen Meanwhile his presence presence pres- pres ence i in Washington has revived all the anecdotes anecdotes dotes which surround his many years on Capitol Capitol Capi- Capi tol Hill One con concerns erns Reeds Reed's att attempt to entertain enter enter- tam tain b bald ld Atlee Pomerene of Ohio when the latt latter r first came to the senate St St ering the new solon to a near by near bar bar Reed suggested Have a drink Never drink Have a cigar persisted Reed Never smoke said Pomerene Amazed and disgusted Reed blurted out Senator what do you do to smell like a man S C The federal food and drug administration i is investigating a number of pu- pu bushy trying tp to capitalize on the presidents president's nt's connection n w with th the Warm Springs waters by at t name O e product advertised as a compound derived from the V Warm rm Spring waters wa- wa ers was found on examination to consist chiefly of salts a common laxative C 0 S Acceptance by the Philippine legislature ol of the McDuffie Tydings-McDuffie independence aCt will automatically fix lix a limit of 50 for the number of I Filipinos who can Immigrate y arly to the U. 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