Show WOMAN FilES ACTION AGAINST S S. S L. L POLICE Charges Was Taken Out of Impounded Auto Charges that police removed cash a flashlight and an ignition igni igni- tion key valued at 50 cents from her automobile April 8 me are contained in ina a suit filed Friday in city court by Mrs Clara B. B Denn Denny mine operator o of Boulder Cob Colo and Tonopah Nev The complaint is dIrected against Police Chief W V. L L. L Payne his sureties and Detective David H H. Clayton and A. A A. A Reese Mrs Denny alleges the they im impounded the automobile and when she recovered it the cash and articles mentioned were missing The car was seized in with the arrest of Joe L. L Harris Mrs Dennys Denny's negro chauffeur on a charge of assaulting Helen Holland waitress with a revolver April 8 in a cafe at 15 South Third West street Harris was acquitted at the thc preliminary pre pre- hearing when he testified the Holland woman took a roll roU of currency from his pocket packet and he drew the gun in an effort to force return of the money |