Show jI J. A. A 1 HO HOGLE lf CIL CD AMED ESTER ESTERr r AIR A NI Jo al Firm Will Arrange Reservations I s for for Flight I fV Trips Trip trips s A of J J. A A. Hogle Co ns as general passenger agent fOr Ves Western rn Air Express Inc was vas jointly l announced yesterday by 11 and James G. G Wooley traffic man manger er or of the air airline line TIe arrangement s said ld to be the first of its kind ever made In an American city makes the office of T J. A Au Hogle Co ground floor of the Kearns earps buIlding Main street Salt Lake headquarters for aerial passenger travel to and from the Coast Reservations may be madE and flight tickets ets secured either at the office or through an any representative of the agency com com- ny ny So In addition to flight tickets over the Salt Lake to Los Angeles airway air air- way lay in the daily passenger mail mall p J planes lanes of Western All Air Express J.l. J J. A l. l Hogle Co Is authorized to arrange specIal flights in chartered lanes of the air airline line from Salt Ianes Lake City to any any point in the th United States Hogle said It Is evIdent Mr from the records of Western Vestern Air Ail Express that all air travel travelis is here to stay and that It may be expected to rapidly develop Into an accepted accept d practice of any business requiring safe and rapid transit Of course the Immediate demand for such accommodations accommodations ac- ac Ill be moderate until un un- til business men generally become conversant with the really valuable saving In time and money to be effected ef- ef by airplane gavel tavel We Ve feel however that such demand as has already alread developed among Salt Lake Lalee business men warrants our taking the initiative In making pr present sent accommodations ac- ac more readily avail avaU- able |