Show i T I. I About Policemen 7 I 0 5 S IT i WAS just a little paragraph one story in inS S the paper the other d day y Perhaps you missed it entirety entirely It told about a policeman policeman police police- man ill in an eastern city who roused the inmates inmates in- in mates of a burning bunting tenement called the fire department and then sacrifiCed his own life trying to rescue a cripple who could not save himself S.- S. Little items like Jike that arent aren't unusual Such thi thins happen in every city 0 We Ve all have our grievances at policemen 5 now and then But it doesn't hurt to remember remember ber that the policeman must always ahva's be ready to jo his life in our service Every now i and nd then he takes one risk too many and Keep that in mind the next time you 2 start expressing yourself about the bluecoats |