Show BRIDE OF OF WEEK ENGAGEMENTS I ANNOUNCED R left Mrs John R R. R St Stelle formerly Miss Bernice Warren a bride of the month Lower left Miss Bess Shearer whose engagement is announced o n d today Upper right Miss Charlisa Ganahl whose engagement to Lieutenant E. E W. W Kiefer U. U U S. S N. N is announced today Lower right Miss Gertrude Afton Griggs' Griggs of ew York City formerLY of Salt Lake who will wed Robert Charles also a former Salt Laker in New York on Mar March h 19 s 0 ia I YI YIA x A 1 r a aJ J y tt i cI 4 5 i 1 Vi I Y S 3 s aD a.D. If a r fi R o r fr y t rr R I q n R V J S T z zV S I V a j f s 1 r d x k 1 8 ly r 4 A 4 t. t H Cs 1 i ti 4 a I r rr Yi A f 01 h i iJ J t r Ii u t z rl t r i J r h S I I I Diversions I Of So Spirit or of Liberty Liberty r DaUghters DaUgh of the m rl it will gIve a a c card rd party p at the the Mar ral Lois Ian tearoom tearoom on cin East Bast First South street on S t 1 l fa arch ch 26 The affair is spOnsored by the officers offic of- of fic rs aI and d board of of directors of the society and all members a. a nid d friends nr are cord cordially aUy invited td t at at- tend For T reservations s for cards or tea call J. J E. E E. E Oglesby Wasatch Wa- Wa satch Miss Gwendolyn Hallstrom a bride Of the month will be the honored honored hon hon- ored guest at a party to he be given on Monday by Mrs 1 John Longdon at her home on Center street Mrs Seldon Heaps and Miss Miss' Phyllis Roberts will give a 1 arty for or the bride on Saturday at the Heaps eaps home on South West Temple street The Tho bride will entertain a at her r trousseau tea on Saturday Miss Elizabeth eth Evans a bride bride- elect will be b the honored guest at ata ata a I kensington to be given or on Monday by Mrs lit l W V c Cutler Ue at her hel homo home on E street Mrs A A. Yo W. Seifert S will give a bridge luncheon on Tuesday for the bride at her hel home PP r P rP P street Wednesday the bride will wIl give her trousseau tea at her home D B street Mrs Sylvester Q Q Cannon will give a luncheon for forthe forthe the bride or on Thursday Friday y lr l Mrs L. L D. D Robinson will give a luncheon In her her honor honor In the Normandy apartments Saturday Mrs l R. R E. E Langton will twill entertain at luncheon at her hone home on Browning avenue and Monday March 21 21 Mrs r ridge idge N N. N Evans will give a party for forthe forthe the bride at her hel home on Sixth a venue avenue Mrs 1 J. J C. C Cannon gave a luncheon lunch lunch- eon on Wednesday for Mrs 1 William Leatham who leaves soon for Calf Calf- fonia The table was vas decorated In green and white carr carrying out th st. st Patric Patrick Idea and nd covers were laid I Ifor Cor the following following- guests Mrs Richlard Rich Rich- lard Mrs Kate Cannon Mrs Lou Stringfellow Mrs Elsie Esle GOldenberg Mrs J. J C. C Mrs MIs Arnold Andrews Mrs Ed Gladstone Gladstone Glad Glad- stone Mrs L. L Stockman Mrs George Robinson Mrs l it n. n V. V Rumel and Mrs J J. J G. G Cowan I Mrs George Ewing Davies and I MIss Katherine Davies will be the tho I II I 9 r honored guests at a breakfast to be giyen on Saturday at the Marian Mariun- Lois tea room on East First street by Mrs I D. D H. H Cove Gove and Miss Phyllis Gove Capt ln and Mrs 5 l Fred led B. B Rogers Roger and Lieutenant and Mrs II H. E. E Messer Mes- Mes Me ser wll vill entertain at t a dinner at at Sha Shays Shay's s on on March r. r arch 18 preceding th the hopa the post s 5 5 Lieutenant and Mrs George have issued invitations for u. u tO tl be given April 9 preceding preceding pre pre- ceding the tho tackY at Fort Douglas 5 Mrs 1 J. J C.- C. CHome Horne Home of Fort Douglas will will give t a luncheon March 16 at al alme atthe the me Marian Lots Marlan-L Marlan l tea room for Mrs O. O V. V Gralund and Mrs 1 If 11 R. R Beery who will leave soon with their husbands for new posts Mrs Bert S. S Wampler has Issued invitations for u. u bridge luncheon to be given at the Officers Officers' clUb at Fort Douglas on March 17 5 Lynds chapter No 1 O. O B E. E S S. S will given an Informal dance at the Hotel Utah ballroom March l 19 at I p. p m. m Tables will be on the mezzanine mezza- mezza nine nino floor for those who wish to play cards Excellent music has been Engaged to play for the Ing Tho rho committee includes the following Mrs F Franl lo Pinney general chairman Mrs 1 Edna Guyre Mrs Bertha Sliver Silver arrangements Mrs J. J A. A Houston chairman Mrs Ethel Ramsey Hamsey and IT H. T. T Johnson tickets ets Mrs 1 Ella and Miss 1 Elizabeth Goodman cards J. J D D. Hibbard Charles ing O. O T. T Langston Lungs Lungs- ton E. E A A. Hartenstein Mrs George King ig and ladles ladies on committee floor S Th in the series of dances s of the Saturday Night Dancing ebb club was given g on Saturday night at atthe atthe the Ladies LacHes Literary clubhouse rite rho reception room was as d decorated with blooming pink tulips the supper supper sup sup- per table was artistic with an ital- ital tan Ian cloth and green Vene glass with a vase of shell shen pink Enchantress carnations for the ce centerpiece cen- cen and the green I ks' ks held shell sheH pink princess candles I The hosts and hostesses for the ve- ve ning were Mr and Mrs 1 V. V P. P Strange Mr and Mrs MIs J J. J W V Wal Mr Ir and Mrs R. R J. J A. A L. L Fish Ish 11 1 and Mrs Milton Lipman Frank Nixon Mr and Mrs Sidney Fuld r. Mr and Mrs Maurice Keyling Key Key- ling Mr and Mrs George Tp l Hursen Hur- Hur sen and Mr r. r and amI l A. A E E. Tours Tours- gen sen lies William entertained entertained enter enter- at luncheon on Thursday fori for tor i Mrs Irs Bertha Holschuh Mrs Mary Decker er Mrs Eleanor Carter an and Mrs Louise Dunbar The guests numbered twelve and the decorations decorations decora- decora were were iri nEon n tulips i Mr and Mrs Dave Wolf and Dr and Mrs A A. A L L. L Gindrup entertained at a dinner r Saturday Saturday night at atthe the hO home or on Alta AHa street for tor Mr Ir and Mrs 1 Fred Jred Geue who l leave ave soon to tomake to make their home in Portland The table was decorated with a or of pink carnations and nd the tho place c cards and andt t vors were In 1 St S1 Patricks Patrick's design The guests were Mr Ir and Mrs Geue Mr and Mrs I. I F. F S. S Ganey Mr and Mrs H. H J. J Groendyke Mr Ill and Mrs Mrs It H. T. T Stites and Mr 11 and Mrs W. W G. G Complimenting Mrs Ashby J. J Badger formerly Miss LIUm Litka Ho Inson the members of the Gamma Sigma sorority will entertain Wednesday Wed Wed- evening at the home of Miss Millie Allen on Gilmer drive The com committee mil tee on arrangements arrangements' Include In- In elude clude Mrs A. A D. D Penrose ll l Miss s Eloise Baumberger and Miss Madelyn Mad Mad- elyn Mack s s Mr and Mrs 1 Frank hart will give a dinner Sunday at their hone home for Mr and Mrs Fred Geue Wom ns n's Committee At Ato Play Y The womans woman's legislative committee commit commit- tee will meet f for r lunche luncheon n Monday Monda March 14 at the chamber of com com- merce Luncheon will be served promptly ut at 1230 Members l may pring guests and all reservations must be made with Mrs C. C Potter Pot Pot- ter Hyland 49 W v before 7 p nt at today Following is the program which will be presented Toastmistress Mrs James Jam H. H Wol Nolte e. e I Two Music numbers by Miss Shana Houtz Mrs 1 Marilla Darow Barlow I accompanist Legislative Post Irs George M. M Bacon Taxation Without Miss tion-Miss Florence Kimball Legislative Poems and Limericks Mrs Brigham Clegg Health versus Wealth Mary Gamble The Greatest Good to the Greatest Number Annie Wells Cannon The Farm Bloc Skit Exit M Man n. n presented by 1 D. D II H. Gove E E. E Young Mrs Ben Johnson Mrs A. A L L. Beeley Mrs L. L C. C Potter Mrs W. W Hurd C.-Hurd Mrs F 1 B. B Cook Mrs Esther Husbands Husbands Hus- Hus bands Mrs J. J H. H Evans Mrs II H. W V Morgan Mrs Ills E. E R. R Van Cotto Cott Mrs George Davy and Mrs A A. L L. L Neff i i Mrs II H. H G. G Taylor entertained at ata ata a luncheon at her homo home on onVil Vil Iiams avenue avenue The table was dee dee- orated wIth pink and white spring flowers and fifteen guests were L bU- bU ii- ii den The hostess was assisted by bY her daughter aughter Miss Silvia la Taylor lor 0 z l H Iw j I r i y ya a N t 1 v Nuptial la up t t K J E Events ven t. t s. s I Ganahl Mr MI and Mrs R. R E E. E Gan Gandhi h announce announce an- an the engagement of their daughter Charlisa to Lieutenant nant E. E W Kiefer U U. S. S N. N the tho date of the marriage to be announced later The bride Is a former student of the University University of of U al Rosell Hallstrom-Rosell Hallstrom Rosell The marriage of Miss 1 Gwendolyn Hallstrom daughter of Mr 11 and Mrs 1 Carl I r. r Hallstrom Jr and Carl n. n Rosell will tal take e pla place e In the Salt Lake Temple Tuesday March 22 Following the ceremony a a. wedding breakfast will be given at the Hotel Utah for the family by Mrs C. C J. J Rosell and Mrs Frank Stewart and andIn In hr the evening a reception will be be- given for the couple at the Manor house or on East First t south street The bride will wIH be attended by Mrs l Carlyle Hallstrom as matron of honor honor- and Miss 1 Elva allstrom and Miss Phyllis Roberts bridesmaids Werner Kiepe will be the best man S. S Shearer Shearer H ard Mr and Mrs James T. T Shearer announce the tho engagement or of their thell d Bessie EdUie to Mil on O. O Hardy 5 Evans Kaiser Evans Kaiser Mrs John Alldridge Evans announces announces an- an the tho engagement of her daughter Elizabeth to Roland G. G Kaiser The wedding will take place March 23 Griggs Griggs ts have haNo been received received re- re in Salt Lake Lae of the engagement engagement engage engage- ment of Miss Gertrude Afton Griggs daughter of Mr and Mrs 1 Albert William Griggs of New York Cit City formerly of this city and Robert Robert Rob Rob- ert Charles also for for- merl city The wedding will Continued on following page J Secretaries Secretaries' Club Life I The Needle club ot of Reynolds efrIe cir cir- de Ie Ladles of the the G. G A A. R. R will meet Friday at 1 o'clock with Mrs Agnes Pr Price ce 1253 First South South Street The assisting hostesses hostesses are Mrs Mary M McNamara Namara Mrs Cora Coleman Mrs Susie Moore M Mrs Mary lary B. B and Mrs Mary Taylor Talor I Just Just-a- Mere Just Iere club will meet Tuesday Tues rues day at 1 o'clock with Mrs LucY Kelly South Seventh East Easl street S Section 2 of the Ladles Ladies Aid so- so clety of 01 the First M M. E. E church will d meet at ocl o'clock ck with wilh Mrs Irs A. A L. L Huether First aye aye- nue S r The regular monthly meeting T or of orthe the Elks Ladles Ladies club will b be held Monday evening at the covenant house East South Temple street After Arter a short business sessIon session ses- ses sIon a a. dance will be given The following following fol- fol lowing ladles ladies will wUl act as hostesses Mrs Delos C. C Boyer chairman Mrs H II T T. Mrs R. R B B. B Thurman Mrs Parley White Mrs Myrtle 1 DocIle Doelle Mrs V Y H. H RIchey Mrs Mary Woodward Mrs Ernest Bauer Mrs Herman Mrs 1 Jeannette s WASATCH LITERARY CLUB NOTES t J Wasatch Literary club will hold Its regular meeting Tuesday afternoon afternoon after after- noon at o'clocK at the Hotel Newhouse After the regular busIness business busI- busI ness program the tho meeting will be turned over to the arts and rafts crafts section ot of which Mrs J. J A. A Houston Is chairman Mrs H. H C. C lUcks Hicks rice Ice chairman and Mrs J. J n. n Ellason secretary and treasurer Mrs Ills II 11 C C. C Jacobs of Mount Pleasant chair chair- man manof of the department ot of fine ne arts in the Utah Fe Federation of Women's Clubs will give an address Tenor solos will be sung by C. C C. C Martin accompanied by Alvin Alvill Beesley Exhibits Exhibits Ex- Ex hibits showing the work accomplished pUshed by the section members will willbe willbe be on display The tea hour will follow for the hostesses are re Mrs W. W C. C A A. Vissing Mrs 1 I. I R. R Parsons Mrs lIs C. C S. S Culp Mrs J J. J II H. Holmes and Mrs J. J A A. A Halton The board of r directors ot of the Wasatch Wasatch Wa- Wa satch Literary club will hold a o'clock at the Hotel otel ouse ouse T S the section of Wasatch meet at the home llyle 43 Fourth 1 n at will wilf Intile In- In tile the wag wal a sere sele rent events events- reserve reserve c siah Industrial Ja l r tion of the Wasatch LiterarY meet at the l J 1 Beless Second avenue Thursday Thurs Thurs- day afternoon at 2 The lesson for the will include in- in elude clude Voting and Elections civic J i problems S The Caledonian Sewing club will willm meet m et Wednesday at o'clock with Mrs Claude Herbert Section B B of Lynds chapter No I 1 O. O E. E S. S will meet at the home of Mrs William BaUe Batie 1264 East Sixth South street Monday at 2 Mrs E. E and Mrs n. n I F. F Creech will be the assisting assisting as- as hostesses 1 s A meeting of the tho ladles ladies auxiliary of the Utah State Dental society Will be held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Fred Ired W. W Meakin There be bea a business session followed by cards and refreshments The of Beta Theta PI will meet at the chapter house Thursday afternoon at Mrs I F. F g. g Burrows Burro Mrs E. E L. L l Kimball U and Mrs I R. R Kletting will be hostesses The semiannual state meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution will be held on Saturday Saturday Satur- Satur day March 19 with Mrs A A. A D. D Barber state regent at her home or on Twenty fifth mth street in Ogden All local members who wish to attend attend at- at tend are requested to notify the regent Mrs Irs II H. D. D Mines Hines before Wednesday March 16 6 t I Ma Maxwell well McKean W. W R. R C. C will hold its regular meeting Wednesday Wednes- Wednes day at 2 o'clock at I. I O. O O. O J F. F han hall r rs s Sego Lily division No 1 0 L. L Ato A A. to O. O R. R C. C wIll give a silver tea on Friday at 2 o'clock at the Y W. W r C. C A. A All AIl members and friends are invited The executive board of the Service Service Ser Ser- vice Star Legion will meet Monday Continued on following follo page To Be Screen Star Go Goto Goto to Hollywood H High gh School ac Pir 4 ii JIb 4 I r Phyllis Phyllis' Avery A few film stars who graduated from Hollywood high school By DAN THOMAS N NEA EA Service Writer HOLLYWOOD Ca Cal March 1 From what school does a girl have havethe havethe the best chance of ascending to tot t tle e cinema heavens Giving due cr dit to the hun bun of dramatic academies the over I would select Hallywood Hal Hol- lywood school as the best stepping to celluloid fame My Iy choice t. t s based strictly on statistics A Je e that there art are Hollywood Hollywood Holly Holly- wood high alumnae than thai grade g ot of otan an any other institution among th feminine stars Carmel Myers and Vera Reynolds Reyn- Reyn olds top the list of local products It hasn't been long since they trod the corridors to together ether with arms full tull of at books Carmel the elder usually took the lead in in all ac- ac In those days they were just two of t a multitude Now they are known wherever there is a movie theatre Miss Myers is touted as the most perfect photographic subject subject sub sub- in the film colon colony They can shoot h her r from any angle aigle Vera Reynolds chose TIght comedy as reI meat and she has gone over with a bang TWo Qt 1927 crop ot of Wampas Warn Warn- pas baby GladYs stars McConnell l and Patricia A very Avery got their the tarts starts from Hollywood high Miss 1 McConnell is free lancing now havIng Mv- Mv Ing broken with Fox only a short time ago because ot of differences over her roles Patricia is mak- mak great strides on the Metro Metro- Mayer Goldwyn lot One ot of the most promising of t the i student ey-student group is Ha Ha- S ver Until What PrICe diary c came me along Phyllis was just at an I ordinary actress Her ler role in that though short was vas suited and she was a sensation As yet little has been heard I ot |