Show I f Livestock 1 OGDEN March 12 U. U S. S D Department of Hogs R 25 Including In- In eluding 72 head hend fUr the local 08 In iii transit to San FranciSco packers and 94 to San FranciSco co market few ins Ina 17 or tad Recel Catte-Recel 65 GI Including 17 1 bead hean for tile the local I t und and 48 40 In transit to the Omaha Omaha iio Weekly receipts Cutai total to- to tai tal 2313 MarJe LIr I week Beet Beef steers steer 10 to 16 15 cents higher she tock anu am bulls bulA steady feeder Ite r and unevenly higher good to 1 pound beet beef steers me medium luD steers helfen heiters medium to good cows cowa cutter cut cut- ter tera and common cOws bulls buls con cen- mon calves calves' down to 60 total cars car shipped out this week weak 52 5 2 25 west west 33 13 southwest and 14 1 east east Sheep Receipts Including 10 head to local feeders eeden and In tran lt to tile the ChIcagO market No sales sale NORTH 8 S. J JIn In NORTH SALT LAKE March 12 U. U S. S Department ot of Agriculture Rt 1536 Including lied hed In transit transit tran- tran sit to San Diego packers to San Francisco CO market e and 2 to Angeles s O market 4 Am few drive in 1 lights li at 1165 i Receipts Cattle Catte 34 Including 33 head for the l lOcal cal market Gi direct to l ical cal packers 63 53 In transit to the Denver market 11 to Los Ls Angeles Angele packers packer and 74 7 to So California breeder breder A bail oad of at T. T D. D reactor cows at with the bulk at She 24 all aU tor Eor the local market A t faw w pound 9 pound 95 limbs a at 1223 SIOUX CITY CI SIOUX CITY ta Ia 12 1 AP- AP Receipts Cattle Catte market compared with wih a week ago Fat Fa ste-OCA ste and year year- hogs higher 1058 toP tol Inge blk 1160 fat cows and higher canners an and cutters strong veala steady buls feeders feeder and steady and Ind strong stock yearlings and calves strong i t feeding cows COWl and strong strone Receipts market at steady adY top 1150 bulk ot of lights butchers 1125 packers packer 00 1060 1050 pigs 11 Sheep market maket compared cons com pared with week ago aKO Lambs 2 c to SOC higher steady CITY CT KANSAS CITY March 12 1 USDA Iloga Hos 1600 1500 all al direct ct market nominally ly ate d onlY one load on saje tle averaging 00 I 15 1 1 II Cattle calves 26 choice medium weight and heavy steers Iler steady tedy other grades t fed d steers year year- hogs and fat he stock Sic He to 50 higher all al cutera strong stron bula to He higher vealer and calves steady to SOc higher stockers and nd teeth lIe Hc to C hIgher spots up more on feeders feder weeks week's weeks week's top Choice pound 1592 steers 1200 but best medium weight 1225 bulk fed 22 tens steers Sheep none non for week Lambs higher top ted fed offerings sheep strong California for tor odd lots fat ewes 50 tsp top feeding lambs 1460 others O 0 L OMAHA OMAHA Neb March Sach 32 1 Receipts hogs ReceiPt 2100 1500 hogs hogl mostly study steady steady to strong IGO to pound lights top 1150 1160 to 20 pound butchers butcher 1120 bulk to poUnd butchers butcher weighty butchers butcher down to 1055 08 packing SOV as' as 1 erae cost Friday ay 1107 weight 26 Receipts Cattle Catle compared with wih a a. week ek ago I Fed ed steers steer and yearlings mostly 1 W higher ebe stock and u 6 higher rU for the week I ed steers ateer and yearlings weighty steers I slaughter hUer Ites Ite's top P ils beef ell o S. S s medium iu bulls b good o and choice v als toP 1200 O heavy calve e O stocker and e steers oS wyoming v feeders feeder 35 Sheep bIlled bied through compared with week Fat Fa lambs and alo sheep shep hIgher feeder feeder higher closing bullis Fed lambs closing top 6 weeks week's top 1 1550 fed clipped lambs 1350 O yearlings upward to 1300 wells wells- 1 era i 1075 fat eu ewes rU 1505 J i C doling top 90 week s weel's toP 1000 feeding and shearin lambs weeks week's top 1525 12 OO sUO CHiCAGO MarCh 12 1 Sia Stales te Department ot of l e-l s-Re- s steady teady to strong trong supply up ly In Insufficient to fairly test market values practical top 1231 logs hogl aal aai- ing around 10 pounds upward to 1235 quality generally below belo Saturdays Saturday's lal showing shoving built bule desirable 10 to ZOO 00 O 1 so rounds 1 to 1001 1159 practically no market maket oh bh pigs and packing cows S O took 00 e esti- esti t- t holdover 2000 heavy hevy hOIR hogs medIum 1145 11 1200 11 packIng eveC t sos slaughter tr pigs 00 with witha a week eek ato aO Fed to higher trade uneven all al good and handy weights weighs sharIng ance a fat sIze she stock iSo 20 hIgher cutters cuter and and feeders steady bulls bula 25 to SOc e up ules 00 lower starvatIon run principal stimulus heavy steer very scarce premIum for tor weight emphatic scarcity In number and K ton ton- rage help d all al go good top heavy fed fe steers steer 1350 1150 bulk heavies 7 best beet 1300 1100 yearling helft 1100 Weeks Week's bulk prICes Fed Fel steers stockers and 7 best beat 25 fat co coss 2 halters r helf o 60 cutler cows l 1 0 75 5 1208 Sheep i 2505 I 1 One on mi I today tOt for the week 52 5 dOubles from tron stations and tat fat lambs and yearling dOling closIng |