Show irk ry y W or a 1 r WASHINGTON March 12 Off I- I cial dry forces s throughout the country countrY coun- coun trY will be grievously disappointed It Mator Roy Hoy A. A Haynes A Haynes failes alles to int Inh In- In h herit t the ot of prot pro pro- t g created by the new enforcement enforcement enforce enforce- ment law law- Secretary Mellon l Is exp ex- ex expected p to name the head of the treasury bureau henceforward to I administer enforcement almost any I day now Ha Haynes Haynes' nes friends declare i j that the best argument for his appo ap- ap po to the job is is' is that th t the known enemies ot of prohibition somebody else to have it t. t The forni fornier for for- ni nier r Ohio editor has held the thankless thank thank- l less ss post ot of principal longer than any other man s ted with the service since Uncle S Sam m ascended the 1 Harding made marle Haynes federal prohibition commissioner nea nearly ly six years rears ago No one knows the ins and outs ot of the tortuous enforcement en- en enforcement game a tithe as thor thor- Haynes Hancs has Ii a c ency that believes in him wherever ever ardent drys do congregate ll HA has stuck to his work as all the thew w world knows under a myriad of disheartening disheartening dis- dis heartening conditions including the meddling of His retirement retirement retire retire- ment at this juncture would not Le be hailed by drys as an omen ot of good for the cause they espouse Two names are prominent among those Ins Iii the running for tor the new commis- commis sl In addition to that of Haynes Haynes-E. C C. prohibition director at Chicago and Commander Command Command- er J. J D. D Pennington director at r Pittsburg a former naval officer e Albert Johnson Republican of of W Washington on vete veteran an chairman of the house Immigration committee is is going to do a Haroun Har- Har oun al stunt at Ellis js- js Island land later in the month He wants to give the new Inspection s system stem In vogue ogue for the past year or two the at close range Since It went ent into effect I e. e the scheme whereby emigrants are examined at atthe atthe the point ot of embarkation for the United the States whole character r ot of I island has undergone a change The The heartbreak and the heartache have practically been takEn tak- tak c En n out ot of It In the old days about 10 per cent of alien arrivas were vere rejected reL re- re L on groans of inadmissibility Nowadays but butt two tenths tenths o-tenths are turned turne d back The result is that harrow harrow- ing disappointments beneath the shadow of the Goddess of Liberty are rare Ellis island in fact has been converted from an inspection institution into a mere detention station Representative Johnson for three or four days and nights is is going to see things there for him him- self observe food and lodging conditions conditions con con- sit in at actual conferences with would would-be immigrants and generally generally gen gen- study each and every phase ot of Ellis Island in minute detail The country since time immemorIal rIal has come to the national capital capital cap cap- ital and pilfered the federal service e t 4 whenever private needed d men trained by government expert ence Now the colleges and universities have followed suit bY invading Invading ing he he District ot of Columbia i in n search of executives Dr William Mather Lewis president of George Georg e Washington university since 1923 has been commandeered by Lafayette Lafay Lafay- ette eHe college in consequence of his brilliant year four record here Th The e trustees of the ilie old Penns Pennsylvania in- in 5 has just celebrated its centenary felt that a man I like ke Dr Lewis Is ideally equipped fo for r Lafayette's purpoSes because of the national ro nd he possesses Apparently it it isn't only in the corn corn belt that the Lowden boom is being planted Its seeds have just been sown in wha what is obviously presumed presume to be the fertile east The Lowden Low den for President association ot of New r York was incorporated at Albany on March a 4 suggestive date date-by James R. R Garrett ah h Insurance man with offices adjacent to that region which western farmers consider the well ot of all ali inIquity viz Wall Vall street The New York Lowden boosters now number organized souls They will proceed forthwith to multiply themselves Describing the movement move move- ment m nt as al a wholly spontaneous one launched by personal friends these aver an avow and o avow that they have hoisted hoist hoist- ed Ithe Lowden banner over the of Manhattan without the former governors governor's knowledge Chief Booster Garrett says his enthusiasm for the westerner dates from the time when the former was a student in Lowden's law classes at Northwestern university S A sidelight on the high strategy of those Republicans who are not enthusiastically for Calvin Coolidge's Coolidge's Cool Cool- idge's drifts this observers observer's observers observer's ob- ob servers server's wa way The presidents aspiration as- as s- s it if such there is to be is is not to on third term I grounds Its It's recognized that an unanswerable case exIsts for tor contending contending con con- tending that Mr Coolidge is now inthe in inthe the midst of only his first term So the has decided upon a slogan more strictly in accord with mathematical truth It will read No o year ten pr president sl ent in the White House The Democrats in the event they have to beat Coolidge in 1928 probably will fight it out on the same line Big Sam Winslow ot of Massachusetts etts chairman of the the new United United Unit Unit- ed States board ot of mediation is addressing add ad- ad d dressing the American Alle ican Railway En- En aSsociation at Chicago go this this week purpose Is to 10 explain the workings of the railway labor act which went into force In May 1926 Cordially supported by both railway magnates and the railroad brotherhoods brotherhoods brother brother- hoods the law Is generally regarded regard regard- ed as the step In inthe the realm of transPortation peace ever er worked out in this country It has been called the Locarno of the tail rail industry Authorities expect It to prevent strikes as much as the federal reserve board prevents pan pan- has yet to evolve anything as effective us its the railway railWay rail rail- way scheme for preserving peace in inthe the coal trade In less than ten months month's of exIstence the her bor board has settled twenty eight cases by mediation and nineteen cases by agreement to arbitrate Dr John J. J UnIted States of educatIon has been digging Into the question ot of cabinet officers officers' tenure of lof life He finds that during the sixty years between 1861 and 1921 the average tenure was two eras yeras and eight months Since 1921 at least three members of th the present cabinet have far outstripped outstripped out out- stripped that Mellon average Hoover Hoover Hoo- Hoo ver ver and Davis James J Dr Hu- Hu befit secretary of the inter inter- or who completed four years in that post on March larch 4 1927 has filled it longer than all but thre Columbus Delano of the Grant administration Ethan Allen Hitchcock of the McKinley administration admin admin- and Franklin I K Lane of the Wilson administration Sir Austin Chamberlains Chamberlain's complaint com com- plaint that the league ot of nations Isn't giving women a square deal dealin in In the makeup of its executive recalls recalls re- re calls that although the United States isn't In the league American America women have held and hold a number number num- num ber ot of key positions In the organization Until recently Miss Florence Flor- Flor Florence ence Wilson Vilson ot of New York was chief chie f lIbrarian at Geneva having ing occupied d the post from the beginning Miss Grace Abbott chief ot of the children s bureau at the department ot of labor labo laborin r in Washington Is a member of th the advisory commission on the traffic In women and children Miss Julia G. G Miss Abbotts Abbott's predecessor sor has served as s an assessor of the above mentioned commission Dr Alice Allee Hamilton of the Harvard medical school IS a member of the leagues leagus labor bureau medical staff Mrs l ton Hamilton Wright of Washington Washing Washing- ton has been prominent in the leagues league's activities Miss l Sarah of Cambridge Mass has functioned In the minorities minor minor- section Qt pf the league Copyright 1927 |