Show When Jait ke NES L. L FLIVVERS l ls T sr r s- s I r I I 1 i r Air Private It Liners i c i Planes T ain and Replace e t I I s s 's i I Auto Transportation in in 2001 1 n J jj By FRANK A. A HUNT 11 moranda and notes d among the effects of Jones who died at the theT thes s T age of in the year yin Lin Salt Lake City Mr tes' tes was a rather rath r quaint and f fashioned character a of history and alector a alector lector of antiques Among choicest possessions was arage a al l rage ge contraption he called a ever which traveled ng the he ground ALT LAKE CITY March 13 I 1 Wen Salt Lake Is still study study- ts' ts smoke problem I must e hat at clipping from a Utah ot of 1927 and read It to tol smart l art ales alec grandson Jay HE rs ho boasting about how tar far Lake ake has advanced u then I guess he would soon soone e 9 e badly whipped nt at that same paper carries the o a bright brI ht young man named lard hard Byrd who had just flown r the north pole to the eff effect Ct t alt Lake would eventually ime the avIation center or of the he het t Nell he was right All AIl I 1 Ido e o do Is to look up to see the d with pIa planes nes There Is no noea ea ems wonderful Invention rId us the that threatened to toce ce fus us all deaf deat as the number ot of oth h h ri s increased he h same clipping tells of a comy com com- y called aIled Pullman which Is ret re- re t ted to be preparing to airie aIr aIr- ie sleepers pers to connect the prin- prin nl 11 cities of the country as et- et sly Iy at as the air mall mail nether nother paper ot of that date ate corn com ins that the old world Is still us UI In air transport t rt t says lays that airplane was opened h heep he- he ep n England and India on which c planes are being used such as are building w S FIFTY PERSONS In ne ot of the British planes persons In its dining room says ays There Is also allo a dance r. r promenade a and d eking room p well how remarkable I ider how Salt Lakers of that tha t have gasped It if they could e seen some rome of the decks ot of our hers ners now with their golf ties tennis fields and skating s I I wonder what they would woul e said it if they could have seen I enabling planes planel to Into the air from where Y Instead ot of running along alonA ground before taking flight I Ider 1 der er It if they ever the day every business house ild have a landing field on n its guess uess a young chap got a great it n 1927 when hp he could take g rl up for an airplane ride bough the machine was ply pl- pl y another Yh Vh I I will never forget torget even ven In Iny inday day y how pOT ular I suddenly rime aloe In Salt Lake when I reed re- re ned ed from Detroit with one of Popular make ot of planes that had put on to te market j me e there was many a romance In those days when young young- Into the face tace ot of the gyn n. n Women and girls still wore I Another was a complicated set of instruments a television telephone a mess of wires batteries and whatnot whereby two people were enabled to see and talk to each other at a limited distance It was perfected perfected per per- in 1929 His observations I date back to the year 1927 when the period of pioneering pio- pio I in aviation was nearing near near- i ing its close though thousands of persons per os had h d never er enjoyed the pleasure now so common I of riding in an airplane In InI I that day too scientists possessing possessing pos pos- only limited telescopes only suspected that other planets might be inhabited HAD OWN SYSTEM Jones Jones' writings were in a sort of shorthand system invented invented in- in vented by himself and only diligent search revealed the key However as it is evident I that he wrote only to please d 1 14 J I dresses Aviation soon changed all that A gIrl couldn't climb aboUt plane In a dress SALT SAIT LAKE CITY MAR 17 2000 i iGuess Guess Im I'm not so 80 old at that Jay and I just ret returned from cIrcumnavigating circumnavigating cIrcum- cIrcum navigating the globe Guess sev- sev two enty-two hours Is not so bad b but t I Jay says he could have done It In much less Going back to 1927 I notice that an American naval aviation aviation avia- avia tion expert flew over a one eter course at a speed slightly In excess ot of miles an hour The paper says Vere It possible t to i maintain that speed for a sufficIent sufficient perIod of time one might easIly easily Ily go around the globe in eighty eIght hours Instead of eighty days day as Jules Verne predicted tour four years years ago It seems strange In the year of 2000 to look back to the time when an airway was just beIng contemplated contemplated plated across the arctic a thoroughfare thoroughfare thor thor- to Asia As lit In those days trade barriers were very real things s But It soon became became be- be came apparent that catchIng smugglers using planes cost more than the duties which could b be Collected col- col A smuggling soon brought tree free trade With the breakdown of tariff walls waIls and the lessening ot of distance between en large centers of or population population tion It was as though universal brotherhood came at last to civIlized civilized civIl civIl- countrIes SALT LAKE CITY Mar 18 2 2000 OO alt Lake today Is rapIdly assumIng assum- assum Ing the size ot of which New Nev York boasted In 1927 It is 19 not hard to understand that There are people In the United States today Every bIt ot of land In Utah tr J i. i w 1 i 1 t r t. t Including that which which formerly desert is how highly productive The great population Uon of oC the nation had to be fed The Th waters ot of the Colorado and other rivers now flow freely treely to every needed spot The dispute between tho states over the division ot of the tho water was settled In 1928 The building of a 1 dam proved n a much greater engineerIng teat feat than anyone e expected and himself h with never a suspicion that what he would write might some day be published the documents are an interesting inter inter- esting revelation of human nature nature na- na ture and also valuable for the light they shed on developments developments develop develop- ments since his early youth They follow in a wholly unexpurgated un- un expurgated expurgate state Y twice the waters washed the early attempts away FARMERS AIDED The development or of power lower aided the farmers greatly TOday most ot of the farm tarm work Is done by electricity brought in transmission lines from great dIstances This combined with quick transportation has enabled enabled en- en many Salt Lake business and professional men to maintain farms In the Uintah valley and other othar garden gar gar- den spots end Week VIsits are arc about all that are necessary to keep leep things In operation SALT LAKE CITY March 18 2000 It was on this date In 1928 that the first transatlantic seaplane line was vas established The Tho first plane carrIed only tour four passengers It was the largest seaplane ever built bul t In Germany t It had two bodIes each ov nty- nty eight feet teet long with wings s which spread feet from tip to tip The carrying surface amounted to about an acre and II a halt half It had tour four horsepower 1000 motors There were sIx cabIns with leeping ln accommodations accommodations ac- ac for fOI twelve persons each and fourteen cabIns wIth like accommodations for tor two persons each The plane carried 00 passengers pas pas- across the ocean on each thirty hour trIp a crew ot of twelve men and two or more cap cap- FOOT WING SPREAD The second plane hall had a wingspread wing wingspread spread of feet It when loaded tons It accommodated passengers It maintained main main- a safe Elate speed of miles an hour with its ten motors or of 1000 horsepower each tach SALT LAKE CITY March 19 2000 It Is certainly amusing to took look back and see Ree how vain the efforts ot of the railroads were to keep up the race wIth Passengers going great distances In 1928 1923 could only bo be amused whoa when they would pass Y i Tsiu Tsi i I u rA t tS S y M 4 fi 1 7 I r a H I I I t II 1 I F Y I I I n 4 S C- C J I P PI r I I I LJ I t ff 1 1 L i Q r rS S i i S. S obese Is Circled in i fr ry Ik I rs and Trade Bar Bar- f p f u ers No Longer Exist n i I G j I I y t South Temple Street r W 1 I r r Paved No One I I I d as IIIi f III ravels Along Ground i I 1 I over n a crawling traIn and then Ulen meet It on the way way- wa back still chugging patiently along The railroads cut down their running run run- ning time between New York and the coast time and time agaIn but It was of no avail They fought the competition ot of the airships airships air air- ships with all theIr financial might but they were soon worsted The airplane could delIver freight with much greater speed than the traIns and thus release I a lot ot of money that had hitherto been tied up In goods FOOLPROOF PLANE It was not untIl 1935 however that Edsel Ford began to turn out outa a plane that was almost foolproof It had Interchangeable parts and motors Any pilot could run any plane It had a horsepower engine engine en- en gine which was produced at a cost of OO It ran on fuel tuel oil Instead of gasoline and thus elIminated all tIre fire hazard though there were few fIres as far as asI I can find out In 1927 the cry ery of oC III aviation pilots was Give us eyes It seems that when dense tOgS fogs arose schedules schedules sched- sched ules were liable to Interruption though even even then planes were wele covering covering cov- cov ering a total or of miles n a day and within a a. year this mileage was more than doubled Mall Mail routes loutes covered miles Snowstorms rain and hall hail could be safely ignored but tog fog was the theone theone one great enemy VIsibility WaS WaSn n needed eded There was ps no instrument that would give an aviator an nc- nc rt on tho hel ht he hc was lying flying within feet When there was a tail talI wind the aviator could not tell how fast he was traveling There was no light that could penetrate the fog The metal In Inthe inthe the plane threw the compass needle way off and rendered It almost useless use use- less at times to steer by Much dep ded on the pilots and many seemed to possess a 1 sIxth sense But In 1929 a radIo device was waR perfected so RO that the aviator could be In constant touch with Instruments instruments ments the route This Thill device also gave him warning ot of the close approach of oC another plane and thus prevented all danger dang of a colli ionin lon ion lonIn In the air A gyroscope device also lightened d the responsibility or of the pilot very much SALT LAKE CITY March 20 2000 In In looking over my old clippings clippings clip clip- pings I derived a good deal ot of amusement today from the fun tun one ot of the papers poked at the now new air Pullmans It seems that for some reason which no one seems to have ever been able to explain Pullman cars on the trains derIved the weirdest weirdest weird weird- est names and every cognomen ev ever r envisaged In the wildest delirium of a confirmed mania had been I J u 1 I II pu II I. I I l I s I f I VIII ft II III I I c o of f. painted In gold letters on the theIn sin sin- Inoffensive offensive sides aides of the cars PULLMAN HOMES But the idea of traveling through the air opened up an entirely new horizon The possibilities seemed almost unlimited In addition to such obvious designations as ThunderIng Dodo and Hurtling Thistledown It was also suggested that such names as and ana Papa Witches Broom might be Jazzy Pegasus There 55 also a subtle subtle hint that some consideration should be given en to the tan tall men It seems that for tor years and years rearS the lad of siX feet teet or more had a tough time of It The agonies of soul destroying Intensity undergone In the of a Pullman berth by men whO wanted to stretch out and couldn't were enough to melt the h heart art ot of an Iron statue It was suggested that I the comp company ny was dIscerning enough to make berths over six feet long on every airplane sleeper success be assured SALT LAKE CITY Juno 25 25 2000 It was on this date In 1927 that twenty five planes equipped to to carry baggage and passengers between between be- be tween ChIcago and San FranciscO took the air The running time between between be- be tween ChIcago and San Francisco was twenty hours or three forty hours less loos than the time of the fastest passenger trains The planes carried four passengers inan In Inan an enclosed cabin room However the theair air line Une between Salt Lake and Los Angeles had become become be- be come highly popular as a means of travel Hundreds ot of Utah taah residents residents resi- resi dents suddenly became aware that they had missed a great treat and seeing the Inevitable approach of the air age they desired a first experience experience ex- ex in the air SALT SALI LAKE CITY June 26 2000 The police have just made a a. raid on a giant dirigible which has not touched the earth for two years Gambling and I dont don't what all were being carrIed on It has awakened new theorIes regarding the law ot of the air ThIs dirigible never approached approached ap- ap the earth nearer than 1000 feet The passengers were lowered and raIsed by means o. o an elevator It was equIpped with steam turbine turbine tur- tur bine motors instead ad of gas motors Instead of propellers revolvIng at 2000 resolutions re per mInute a large arge blower on the front propelled the ship on a displacement and replacement re re- placement prIncIple By dIsplacIng the all air pressure on the nose and transposIng through the tall talI the shIp was hurtled through space at miles per hour Ot Of courSe thIs Js is an old device tOda today SALT L LAKE i CITY CITY June 27 2000 East South Temple street has not yet been paved they were discussIng discussing dis- dis cussIng It ItIn In 1927 but I guess it Is too late now No one is travelIng along the ground these days Cotman Had No The Tho frankness whIch S. S c I- I Smith Baines-Smith dIscusses Cotman the artist adds pIquancy to the BrItIsh Artists SerIes which he has lufa e edited Stokes has hag just brought out two new books In the s series rIes Cotman and Prouts and Roberts Each book tells the story ot of one or more outstandIng BrItish artists with several examples ot of the artists artist's artists artist's ar- ar best work Cotman had no reticence either as an artist or as a man sa says s 's Mr rr Smith Kalnes Ile He was yas not m merely r lY temperamental he was unstable His art was truer to him than he was to hIs art None but a very pure inspiration could cO have wIthstood withstood wIth wIth- stood the blows that he dealt to the genius God had gIven hIm How some some ot of hIs more blatant bids for for popularity escaped sheer vulgarIty vulgar vulgar- Ity heaven alone knows that they so was due to no conscIous restraint restraint re- re on Cotman's part |