Show Unique Philosophy Found in by By DON HOWARD Most anything it seems can h happen hap hap- p- p pen In Shanghai At least to a woman such as Tawny Eyes the wIfe of an American who is the heroine of by Gervea BarontI Besides Besides' perpetrating a holy fraud on many natives ana foreignErS alike by becoming a healer heal heal- er Tawny Eyes becomes the medium medium me- me for a rollicking adventurer and brings messages of a new religion from a hIgher plane of life Even though she meets a young SpanIard an arIstocrat of love she remaIns true t to her husband because as she tells the arIstocrat she Is cursed with the inability to live fully tO love From Irom the guide in another world through thIs woman in which the orIent and the occIdent are sublimely sublime sublime- ly blended comes the negative trInIty trinity trIn- trIn Ity of There Is no reality There Is no Individual There is n no imagination And also the following six laws Put reason and wIll before love and sentiment Meditate dally daily upon your de- de sIres Never visit the sick unless to bring relief DIsease and health are equally contagious Partake only of origInal dIet Study chemistry and bIology They contain th the s secrets crets or r higher energy Struggle to abolish dIrt In any form and allow the hIgher waves to 0 reach you These hIgher waves It Is explaIned explained ex- ex are vibrations which as the ego soul becomes attuned to 10 them will advance the race on the evolutionary road The orIginal dIet of whIch is declared wIll purity purify the body is a vegetable dIet ThIs should be taken in Its first form and not after it has beer I used in building up the bodIes of certaIn animals whIch are eaten I tOday rhe fhe guIde sends a last message I through the medium and In the theauthor's theauthor's authors author's own words stress stresses s the fact that the greatest law of is Knowledge must be begot begot I got may stir the tion of some who have nothIng better bet bet- ter to thInk about and little with whIch to think but there is not a sIngle reason to believe belleve that such sucha a. a a prophecy as set forth in Baronti's book will ever come true as lon long as as- brought forth thIs thi's inexpensive set Is the current prIze essay contest Which the WIlson foundation of New York City Is conducting on What Woodrow Wilson Means to Me This contest includes both sexes between th ages age a of 20 and 35 and Is for the best essay pt 2500 words wrItten by byone byone one man and one woman The publishers pub pub- Ushers lishers have brought out this set I so that Wilsons Wilson's wrItings may be readIly and Inexpensively accessIble Grosset Dunlap the world continues at its present tate of advancement It If the author Is really In earnest a bout about thIs then he or r she be pitIed but if t the e novel was wa written merely as a passing prank It can I be excused of It It howare how how- ever are cleverly done and make entertaining readIng Dorrance Co PhIl Philadelphia delphIa |