Show here Will Be N No Mexican War i fly By ARTHUR CAt PER S Senator From Kansas Karias The of the controversy between th United States and Mexico while the tho oil company's cases make their way through the Mexican n courts court has ena enabled led the d States to make clear Its real aim That aim Is confirmed by y Senator Capper who Speaks with authority as a member of the tle se senate ate foreign relations pea Peace e not war wor is the and im ot the UrI d States S Peace n not t war Is s the policy ot of this government Peace not war Is the policy ot of President as shown In his message to congress S not war Is Is' Is the poliCY the branch ot of the gov government and Inspired the tion resolution unanimously adopted by the United states t senate Peace not war Is the he urgent desire ot of the theof pw of the United States as shown b by the nation wide reSponse to the false alarm ot War With re recently sprung upon the thc countr country There be no war ar with Mexico or or Ith The rhe sentiment o ot thIt war and favoring arbitration as the means r et g any es we may have with was matte 1 pl plain ln by the arbitration It It T by the tho senate It It has behind It th the unanimous approval of the nations nation's public sentiment This Is a Christian nation n something more ore thary than name The fhe senat senates s 's arbitration r s ot value in expressing In concrete form e 11 sentiment of the th United States Above and beyond this It rI sur d a 1 somewhat doubtful world that this country Is not oJ on the road to imperIalism bUt that it will go o to ny reasonable length to avoid that dangerous highway In my mi judgment we were slot on the road to war even without the arbit No sane man Uan i would plunge this country nto a a. war nor allow It to drift into such n. n position Ar An dent clent Is eminently sane S personally I am and forever forever for for- ever opposed all I that the people of at the United States are as firmly nd unalterably opposed to our ov being used ed by the oU oil Int 1 ts or by any other big business groups to 0 exploit the p I ople of Po t weaker for selfish and mero mera ry ends Ot Of course American citizens are entitled to have lives Jives and ad legitimate tec d at home and ab abroad oad They will get that protection There Js nothing ip in the Mexican situation this thia countr country cannot submit to an impartial bo bod d of arbi And I am hoping there Is nothing In the Mexican situation which the Mexican government does not feel It can submit to a boa board Id I'd f t arbitration I do not believe belleve our is s going t t S nor can be e d Into arned I I say sayI this after carefully reading President o I atron t and 1 able statement to congress ot of mr Jur no tion L in L Latin American affairs and and after h angs ang s Secretary Secre- Secre cre tary K Kelloggs Kellogg's full and detailed statement to the senate ot foreIgn relations ot of which I alp alpa aipa a member mb r. r a We Ve have extremists among us us ot of course who vho shiver and shake at the word bolsheviK These confusE confuse con con- fusE desire and performance which are not the same thing at at atall all On tIe hand we must not tor forget et that there are aie t tho o Who work upon the tears fears of the people crying war when there is no war nor prospect or of war var ip in attract attention and in s some me instances to attempt to discredit the national on tor 1 advantage S The good sense of th the great mass 0 o. o the Amen Ameri can people I am convinced d will not be either by the cr cry of bolshevism or by the false alarm ot of war but wilt vm to o hav have in the good judgment and peaceful alme of the country copyright cosmos osmos t er Inc |